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Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Operations for American Soldiers

Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Operations for American Soldiers

By Preston James, Ph.D on July 10, 2016

You were never supposed to find out about this, ever

by  Preston James

Depleted uranium effects

[ Note: This is another VT exclusive. It’s disclosures like these that have made Veterans Today so popular among Special Forces and Intel Officers, and so hated by Khazarian Mafia Kingpins and their Doofus Cutouts, who have been placed at the top levels of the USG to do their unimaginably evil, illegal and unconstitutional dirty work. ]


Those who hijacked the USG are running a long-term secret war against the American Soldier and this Disposal Operation is unimaginably evil, being run by soulless scum who are empowered by a foreign enemy within the Gates of America.

This high level KM program to systematically dispose of American Soldiers by a multiplicity of means includes:

Agent Orange; poison gas; and “clean team” operations against Vietnam POWs and MIAs; depleted uranium; toxic vaccines; “burn pits”; Stop-Loss clauses; deficient or non-existent medical care at a notably corrupt, criminal VA; high level VA policies to wrongly disarm Vets; and the continued use of some of the most sophisticated mind-kontrol used to generate continuing mass suicides in returning vets.

These are all Khazarian Mafia operations designed to weaken, disable, kill-off and reduce the power and effectiveness of the American Military.

OKObviously when good American Soldiers are lied to and mind-kontrolled into serving themselves up as KM cannon-fodder and then later finding out the truth, this often creates massive cognitive dissonance, PTSD, and suicidal depression.

And we now know for certain that sending American Soldiers to fight in these KM illegal wars of aggression often places them in daily, minute-by-minute “kill or be killed” situations. Once they start to figure this out, many crack at the seams and develop PTSD.

And when vets, many of whom served in combat and were wounded or disabled, seek care at the VA as is their right, many have their files sand-bagged and die before they get needed care.

The crooked scum running the VA continue in their indecently large salaries and lavish benefits, while enforcing twisted, evil policies designed to degrade vets, take away their freedom and rights and disarm them too.

What exactly is going on here?

WW1These massive and continuing misuses, and lethal and disabling abuses of the American Soldier is nothing new.

In WW1, they were knowingly deployed in another senseless war for the Khazarian Mafia, because of a special deal negotiated between the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia City of London Bankers and the current US Administration to extend the Balfour declaration into an agreement to establish a new nation of Israel for the Khazarian Mafia’s personal sanctuary and base for its secret operations all over the world.

And we now know for certain that this long-term, ongoing policy of using up, disabling and generally weakening any American Soldiers returning from the KM wars is part of an evil Globalist NWO Secret Agenda. This program is run by the “Select Few”, several unimaginably evil, wrinkled up old KM crime Kingpins, who sit at the top of the Establishment Hierarchy, a RICO-pyramid, organized-crime structure that has infested America since 1913.

These days, jobs are uncertain, the weather’s uncertain, relationships and marriage have become uncertain, but one thing never changes — this pattern of using American Soldiers as KM cannon-fodder and then disabling and disposing of the rest — and you can be certain this will continue.

It will also likely become even become more salient unless the American Masses wake up, rise up at every single level inside and outside the USG, and put an absolute stop to it.

CANNONFODDER1And what exactly is this ongoing certainty American Soldiers can expect from the USG and their Cutouts in the High US Military Command?

It’s the KM’s use of American Soldiers as cannon-fodder for their completely evil, inhuman, illegal, unConstitutional, undeclared, unprovoked, unwinnable, perpetual foreign wars of aggression.

And these wars are ALWAYS fought to line the coffers of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Kingpins and their Cutouts, their banks and their associated “no bid” defense contractors.

But there is more, oh so much more that Americans and American Soldiers can be certain of about these KM Disposal Operations. And all this is document-able if anyone takes the time to do some detailed Internet research from good sources.

If you think that all this needless death and disability of American Soldiers during and after deployment is all just a coincidence, then you are naive and have not examined all the available evidence which is legion.

I have listened to the stories of several important, very well-trained secret agents who worked in deep cover roles during the Cold War and served America valiantly and heroically, only to return to continuing surveillance, harassment through compromised employers, and very nasty Cointelpro-type ops done against them. This mystified them, because none of them had been disloyal in any way.

It turns out the problem was that they learned too much trade-craft, and if they ever connected the dots and decided to become activists (or more), then they could have exposed a lot and brought certain criminal operations to a standstill.

When you work in Intel as a field agent or NOC (No Official Cover), more often than not, things will be done to you occupationally, emotionally or socially to keep you in a weakened state, living hand to mouth. Quite often your pension will be jerked, as a part of this process.

And for these Intel who take their Oaths too seriously, or do their job too effectively, a preemptive strike will be usually brought against them, like what has been done with Susan Lindauer, Sibel Edmonds, Scott Bennett, and hundreds more.

The folks in high USG positions that keep accusing Snowden of harming American National Security are themselves the biggest criminal abusers of the system, as they falsely impose “national security” as a shield to cover up their own RICO crimes and other capital crimes.

It is a serious, and usually, a capital crime to falsely impose “national security”. These are the most dangerous criminals in America right now, and they need to be brought to justice and final judgment for their Treason, for serving a foreign-based enemy the KM who attacked America on 9-11-01.


Agent Orange use in Vietnam

AGENTORANGESPRAYING1Agent Orange was knowingly used as a defoliant with multiple purposes. One was to poison and weaken the enemy in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, as well as destroy their foliage.

Another purpose was to experiment with the effects on the genetics of American Soldiers planning to deploy the part of the defoliant against the American public and the whole world, if the effects were subtle but deadly enough.

Another purpose was to cause latent cancers in American Soldiers that would disable them as they became old, so they could never in any way rise up against the KM and its Establishment Hierarchy (EH).


Disposal Operations

Assassination of Special Ops Teams to protect criminal secrets of the Khazarian mafia string-pullers and top policy-makers that direct the American Military.

Doubt that these “Disposal Ops” exist as official secret USG policy? Well, do some basic research, and find out about how 11 of the 12 special Ops “Spooky Teams” were disposed of in South America after they completed operations to dispose of Cartel kingpins who had been challenging the CIA’s control.



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