The Beloved One
Is The Teacher
Message received by Lytske
The Beloved: “The expression from your Master Jesus when He said, “Take up your cross daily and follow Me”, states a simple truth. It means for you to daily crucify any negative thoughts and emotions, as well as anything else that hinders your progress on the way to Paradise.
This is also the manner in which you lighten your burden of guilt and shame when you hand them all over to the Creator. In spirit reality guilt and shame do not exist, except as a speck of dust blown away by the wind.
Can you now see your earth-life much like a beginning kindergarten student, being prepared for all further schooling which is to follow, even before you become a junior spirit?
The time intervening between mortal life and spirit life is spent in training on the morontia worlds, to which Jesus alluded when He said, “In the house of My Father are many mansions.” These are the many abodes on worlds where you will be companioned and taught which are best suited to train you for your innate potential towards eternal actualization...+
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