Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Times You Have Been Wishing For

One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James McConnell 

Posted on March 18, 2023


One Who Serves: Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. And no Shoshanna this time, but we will do what we can to muddle through here, and hopefully answer your questions as best as we can if you have questions.
But first, we wish to say that that was quite a message from the one, Ashtar! And there are messages that are going to come through from many different sources as we find it now more and...
...We are ready for your questions if you have them. You can, yes, unmute your phones now and we will do what we can to continue to be of service as we can here.
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: We have the first of the banks here in the United States have defaulted. I have heard that all the banking is mirrored with the Quantum Financial System. I am just wondering how we access this Quantum Financial System, if you know?
OWS: You are correct in the term of ‘mirroring.’ That is a wonderful way to put it. And we will say here that that was not the first bank to default. It is the first one to be known to do so. But there are others that are in that process now as we speak. And you are indeed going to experience the falling of the dominos here as they go, one by one. We are not only speaking of the Central Banks, as you understand them, but the entire system is coming down.
And as it comes down, there is another system ready to move in to replace it, that which you call the QFS, the Quantum Financial System is indeed ready to replace this. But there must first be those things that have to occur first to allow for the general population to be acquainted with this new system that you already know about....+


Tags: dreaming, james mcconnell, joanna mcconnell, one who serves, ows, qfs, quantum financial system, shanti, shoshanna, times, wishing

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