Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Those Ties that Bind By Catherine Viel

Those Ties that Bind
By Catherine Viel

The ties that bind
Now you can’t break the ties that bind
You can’t forsake the ties that bind
~Bruce Springsteen, The Ties that Bind

We hosted a lifelong friend for a couple of days last week. I’ve known her for more than six decades and we consider ourselves honorary sisters. She’s a considerate and appreciative houseguest, frequently asking how she can help, and as always, she left a sweet thank-you gift.

We had a delightful visit in many ways, chatting about mundane pleasures like the garden or new recipes to try. There’s no one you can talk as freely with—on most topics—as someone you’ve known since babyhood and who’s familiar with every reel of the movie of your life.

However, the reel that is now playing from my life movie is unfamiliar to her. I’ve been embedded in esoteric and alternative topics for many years. She’s a staunch Catholic and a believer in “science” and whatever the mainstream media says. ...+

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