Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is Your Moment - The Wisdom of The Council - Through Sara Landon

This is Your Moment
The Wisdom of The Council
Through Sara Landon

You could spend the rest of your life celebrating all that you are in every moment, and it would never quite be enough to fully, fully, fully understand how important you are, how much you matter, how cared for, how loved, how guided you are, and how important this realization is for you, for humankind, for all of this incredible universe that you are a part of.

We emphasize play, create, have fun through innocence and joy, focused on freedom and love, and we emphasize focus. Focus this power that is you, this Source energy that is you, this consciousness, this force field of consciousness that is you. Focus it, expand it, reach from this moment into every corner of all of the universe. From this moment you become the center of the universe, and everything is here for you and available to you in the moment you slow down. In the moment you expand this force field that is you, in this moment that you choose self-realization, in this moment as you feel into the Isness of All That Is and the oneness of it all, you come into the realization that you are Creator, Source, God, the Divine. You can access anything from this multidimensional state of awareness in every timeline of potential and possibility. And you bring all of that back into this moment, into your body. Bring all of that back into this moment, into your body, and you will realize miracles, healing, manifestations like never before. So magical, so magical, dear master.

This is just truly the beginning of you exploring your mastery. We have said this is the DECADE OF THE MASTER, the JOURNEY OF THE MASTER, and it just continues to expand as you expand, as your consciousness and awareness expands.+++

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