This Is Your Moment; Pay Attention
By Patricia Cota-Robles Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are asking you personally to go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame and to listen to this sharing through the Flame of Illumined Truth in the very depths of your Inner Knowing. This information is being addressed to you specifically. We have never had a request like this before from On High, which indicates the importance of this message regarding your Presence on Earth during this Cosmic Moment.
This sharing has been magnetized into your sphere of awareness by your I AM Presence because of who you are and the Divine Mission you willingly volunteered to participate in many lifetimes ago. The events that have taken place since the birth of this decade in 2020 have successfully prepared Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her for the Divine Mission YOU have personally been in training to accomplish for lifetimes.
For greater clarity, the Company of Heaven has asked me to share a little about the background of our organization Era of Peace, as well as the information we were given about the Sons and Daughters of God who would be drawn to the information being revealed through Era of Peace by the Company of Heaven.
In the 1960’s, in the midst of the various upheavals taking place around the World, the Company of Heaven said it was time to expand the information to the rest of the World that they had been revealing esoterically to a relatively small portion of Humanity through the various Mystery Schools+++
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