Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is Personal By Divine Mother trough Jennifer Crokaert

This is Personal
By Divine Mother
trough Jennifer Crokaert

My beloved Children, consider this: there is a storm raging on your planet. There are many people saying they know this or that. They have the truth. At best, they have a partial insight. Don’t get caught up in the drama, in being ‘right,’ because ultimately that is about ‘power over,’ and that model of human relations is what you came here to dissolve.

Come from inside. Come from your heart, your compassion, your love and your willingness to assist, to share your journey if it helps someone else. This is personal. All that you see play out on the global stage reflects the personal constrictions you came here to heal.

Where you are caught in the external drama is where you are caught internally.

Welcome it. Embrace it. Love it.

Love yourself even more for discovering more healing, compassion and forgiveness you can offer yourself and the collective. You are in this together: a team. Each member of the team has their own strengths and their own challenges to embrace, in order to create internal spaciousness and healing within the collective....+@

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