Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This Is Not Your Independence Day ?

I did a search for "What does independence and Freedom really mean and for who ?" and came across this post by Carina Kolodny

and, well you give your opinions on it, Then look around you and shut your eyes and vision a real society that is free from hate, police brutality, droan attacks in other countries, and a govt that stands for the people and the People that so called vote for these people actually work for the people and Not there Own agendas like lining there pockets or the continual taxation without representation, As far as I remember People Always had a say so...  you know what I mean....


This Is Not Your Independence Day

Posted: 07/03/2014 9:20 am EDT Updated: 07/03/2014 9:59 am EDT
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Every year, proud U.S. citizens across the country take a break from daily life to commemorate the birth of America. Dusting off the grill, buying frozen meat en masse, attempting to retreat to the nearest body of water, and putting sparklers in the hands of small children might not be exactly what our founding fathers envisioned, but who am I to argue with a long weekend? I enjoy a good fireworks show as much as the next girl. And beachside BBQs? I'm in. Red, white, and blue happens to be the color scheme of my most flattering bikini, so by all means, pass the veggie dogs and pump up the revelry.

But amidst the pomp and circumstance, please don't wish me a "Happy Independence Day!"

The 4th of July might commemorate the independence of our country -- but it also serves as a bitter reminder that in 1776, the country that I love had no place for me in it.

When our founding fathers penned, "All men are created equal," they meant it. Not all people. Not all humans. Just all men -- the only reason they didn't feel obliged to specify "white" men is because, at the time, men of color were considered less than men, less than human.

The 4th is not my Independence Day -- and if you're a Caucasian woman, it isn't yours either. Our "independence" didn't come for another 143 years, with the passage of The Woman's Suffrage Amendment in 1919. The 4th of July is also not Independence Day for people of color. It wasn't until the 15th Amendment was ratified in 1870 that all men had the right to vote regardless of race -- on paper, that is, not in practice. People of color were systematically, and all too successfully, disenfranchised for another century. July 4th of 1776 was certainly not a day of Independence or reverence for Native Americans. It wasn't until 1924 that Native Americans could unilaterally become citizens of th....

Now, before anyone argues that Independence is about more than voting rights, I'd like to point out that our Founding Fathers would fundamentally disagree with you. The Revolutionary War was fought, in large part, because of "taxation without representation" -- the then English colonists believed they were not free because their voices were not represented. The right to vote, the right to have your say is the delineating characteristic of a democracy.

There is nothing finite about freedom. July 4, 1776 was a definitive step forward in the struggle toward freedom and democracy but we were a long way off from achieving it. And while we have advanced in leaps and bounds -- my patriotic swimwear goes over way better in Williamsburg, Brooklyn than it would have in Colonial Williamsburg -- we are still a far way off from the freedom and independence we're celebrating.

A resurgence in voter ID laws put in place to once again disenfranchise minorities challenges our collective independence.

This week's Hobby Lobby ruling -- deciding that a woman's employer has any say in her health care -- is a challenge to the ideology of freedom and autonomy our country was founded upon.

The on-going fight for marriage equality prevents same-sex couples in many states from the pursuit of happiness that they are constitutionally guaranteed.

So by all means, enjoy your long weekend. Raise a beer to the ideals of progress and democracy that the 4th of July represents.

But remember that you are celebrating the birth of an imperfect union, remember that the fight for 'freedom' has yet to be won -- and if you must wish someone a "Happy Independence Day!", make sure you're doing something to maintain and advance the Independence you have come to appreciate.

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                    Tags: Freedom, Real, independence, oppression, representation, taxation, without               

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Comment by Besimi on July 6, 2014 at 2:14pm

Flying more into the New by Kara of Solstice Rising

Flying More into the New - 7/2/2014 As I was standing outside I was watching some fledgling birds furiously flapping their wings in preparation for flight. This is how many are experiencing the New. Yes, the New is here and yet we must know and feel it to be a part of it. We have received many downloads of Love/Light and unless we use this Light to take flight, it remains dormant within us until we are ready to truly fly. What is it that holds us back? Mostly it is our attachment to old life, so we continue to act as if the New really isn’t here. I am here to tell you that it is time to take flight. Our cells have transmuted to higher states of being, our 12-strand DNA is activated, we have let go of much density and yet many hesitate; not quite believing that the New is here supporting us to fly untethered beyond the constrictions of the 3D paradigm. We are ready! What it takes is to know it within; not just believe it, for knowing is of the Heart and believing is of the limited mind. It takes each one of us to expand beyond our histories and expand into the Light that we now are. Many still cling to the old and familiar, afraid to leave unfulfilling jobs or relationships…afraid that the New isn’t really here or isn’t real. When you know and when you trust, let go of clinging to your branch, flapping your wings as you cling, and fly, freeing yourself to be more. In the New, you do not need proof, for all is based on Trust. So let go of what the old tells you about your limitations, let go of your attachment to the outer world illusion, let go of what holds you back and set yourself free. All of us have experienced what is called “ascension symptoms,” and many attach themselves to these symptoms, paying no attention to what created them in the first place. It is the same with attaching to the surface of any situation and then choosing to blame others, circumstance, the economy, politicians, childhood and what have you in order to stay right where they are. All that is required is to take just one small step in the direction that your Heart is gently telling you to go. Don’t ignore that voice; it is of your Soul. At the same time, however, we are moving along. None of us are the same persons we were even a month ago. It is like we are living in the New and the old all at once. Some things are easy to let go of; others not so easy. Be patient as you move with intention forward into the New. Choose to be in the New. Choose to let go of the old. Take full Responsibility for all in your life, for it is truly a choice as no-one is a victim (unless you choose to view life as a victim…that life happens to you and not created by you). Truly know that you have enough Light now to fly and be supported by the Grace Wind beneath your wings. We have been honored by the high dimensional frequencies that have flowed into our bodies…truly a gift that we have asked for (consciously or unconsciously). And yes, we certainly have felt this as we have experienced our bodies shifting, adjusting and changing. This Light is Who we are; so be that which you are. We have not had many breaks from the downloads of Light that we have willingly and purposefully received; and we’re in another period of receiving more. What especially is amplified is the Heart of Humanity. As we receive upgrades to our own Hearts, because we are connected to all, the Heart of Humanity is also amplified and upgraded. It is why there appears to be much upheaval throughout the world. As Gaia’s Heart is expanded, the old must leave; as it has with us individually. The real difference is that we are aware of what is occurring, while many in the world are not and so fervently create much resistance to change and thus more pain for themselves. We are receiving wave after wave of Light…much like a tsunami. You can use these waves to dissolve anything that stands in your way of leaving your branch. Like a fledgling, you may circle your old life, touching in from time to and as you become stronger, you will leave the old altogether, creating your own New Life. Something that is occurring now with the Heart expansion is that the Solar Plexus and the Heart Chakra are being upgraded and merging into the High Heart. If this is happening with you, you may have some Solar Plexus discomfort along with some Heart activity (perhaps in the form of palpitations or short-lived pains). What this does is transform your ego-emotions into Heart-feelings and expands your perception of love to Agape Love/Unconditional Love/Compassion as your High Heart becomes stronger. You can facilitate this by placing your hand on your High Heart (between your Heart and Throat Chakras) and breathe into your High Heart. This makes a beautiful connection between your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This month brings more expansion into the New. It brings a strengthening of your New foundation, from which all is built upon. The foundation is made of those essences you choose to experience; especially essences of Joy, Freedom and Passion. Of course, you know all essences emanate from Source; Mother Love. When you bring forth whatever essence you choose to experience, much happens. Your perceptions shift, you see the world through the eyes of Love; much as Source sees all; with no judgment of what is good or what is bad, but from the higher perspective of Divine Order. You more easily see the perfection of everyone’s chosen path, albeit different from your own. You cease to lump everything into a category and instead view everything and everyone without separation. Instead of competition, there is cooperation. Instead of different countries and cultures, there is One Earth and One People. Of course, this takes staying awake and monitoring your own and others’ thoughts and words. From this Awareness, you choose to empower the New or empower the old. Being Compassion is to see everyone’s point of view and accepting it (even if yours is different). And this helps you be clear about what you choose for yourself. You no longer see what benefits only you, but what benefits the Whole. As you take into consideration the Whole, you make choices based on a higher perspective. You let go of your attachment to how others will react or respond and simply follow your own Guidance based on feeling and essence. How do you want to feel? Be that. Do know that attachment to anything is a great gift, for it will show you where you hold yourself back. This attachment energy shows up in areas in which you don’t want to see change. You might see it if you begin a sentence with “I wish that…” Instead, accept what is in the here and now and know that no matter how things appear, all is in Divine Order. The main purpose of Ascension is to express the Divine in all you do…every thought, feeling and action. Each person is somewhere on this continuum between ego and Soul. Now, you will see even more clearly where you need to expand and where you need to let go. Remember that the Divine is not attached to a certain outcome or wishes things were different or a particular way. The Divine knows that all is not as it appears and that things continue to shift. “As Above, So Below.” The more you come from this heightened state of being, the more you bring the New not only into your own life, but with all of humanity and Gaia. Know that the concept of “timeline” is limited and so you can let that go (if it resonates), for we are not stuck in any timeline; we can go as fast as we choose or as slow. As a part of this dissolution, ancestral karma is dissolved as are contracts and old beliefs. We truly are free to choose our experience; not in form, but in essence and feeling. We can see a situation in judgment and separation or see the bigger picture and the gift of expansion below the surface. Do you see the higher purpose of the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras being merged and upgraded to the High Heart? There are some glimpses of the New. And in fact, as you observe the antics of the old world, you can clearly see behind the scenes and into the New. For instance, relationships. Many have become so attached to the term Twin Flame and are quite confused and question the validity of Twins if it doesn’t live up to one’s expectations. First, Twin Flames begin in one’s own Heart; it is not something or someone “out there” that will rescue or lead you. Remember also that whenever you coin a term, you put the energy in a box, so that it cannot be fully expressed. So when a person “finds” their Twin they place the entire relationship in the box called “Twin Flame” and have certain expectations like “happy ever after, etc.” Many Twins come together briefly, for it may not be in each person’s highest unfolding to be “happy ever after.” Many Twins are not in the physical, and some Twins do come together for a higher synchronistic purpose. However long a partnership lasts, True Love is infinite and continues on while the form may change. Whether a relationship is a Twin Flame relationship or not is not the issue; what is important is to know that relationships are quite different in the New. They are based on Freedom and Support, rather than on any rules old society may dictate. If it is for each person’s highest evolution to be in relationship, whether for a minute or a lifetime, all is in Divine Order. Each relationship in the New is based on the inner Wholeness of each person. There is no need, no rescuing, no demands, no rules…for the New is lived moment to moment in Joy, Passion and Freedom. There is much more that we are seeing as we step more firmly into the New. The most important thing is to honor yourself, be yourself and keep your vibration high. Take care of you by following your body’s guidance and know that all is in Divine Order.

Views: 12

                    Tags: ascension, symptoms               

Comment by Besimi on July 6, 2014 at 2:14pm

Flying more into the New by Kara of Solstice Rising

Flying More into the New - 7/2/2014 As I was standing outside I was watching some fledgling birds furiously flapping their wings in preparation for flight. This is how many are experiencing the New. Yes, the New is here and yet we must know and feel it to be a part of it. We have received many downloads of Love/Light and unless we use this Light to take flight, it remains dormant within us until we are ready to truly fly. What is it that holds us back? Mostly it is our attachment to old life, so we continue to act as if the New really isn’t here. I am here to tell you that it is time to take flight. Our cells have transmuted to higher states of being, our 12-strand DNA is activated, we have let go of much density and yet many hesitate; not quite believing that the New is here supporting us to fly untethered beyond the constrictions of the 3D paradigm. We are ready! What it takes is to know it within; not just believe it, for knowing is of the Heart and believing is of the limited mind. It takes each one of us to expand beyond our histories and expand into the Light that we now are. Many still cling to the old and familiar, afraid to leave unfulfilling jobs or relationships…afraid that the New isn’t really here or isn’t real. When you know and when you trust, let go of clinging to your branch, flapping your wings as you cling, and fly, freeing yourself to be more. In the New, you do not need proof, for all is based on Trust. So let go of what the old tells you about your limitations, let go of your attachment to the outer world illusion, let go of what holds you back and set yourself free. All of us have experienced what is called “ascension symptoms,” and many attach themselves to these symptoms, paying no attention to what created them in the first place. It is the same with attaching to the surface of any situation and then choosing to blame others, circumstance, the economy, politicians, childhood and what have you in order to stay right where they are. All that is required is to take just one small step in the direction that your Heart is gently telling you to go. Don’t ignore that voice; it is of your Soul. At the same time, however, we are moving along. None of us are the same persons we were even a month ago. It is like we are living in the New and the old all at once. Some things are easy to let go of; others not so easy. Be patient as you move with intention forward into the New. Choose to be in the New. Choose to let go of the old. Take full Responsibility for all in your life, for it is truly a choice as no-one is a victim (unless you choose to view life as a victim…that life happens to you and not created by you). Truly know that you have enough Light now to fly and be supported by the Grace Wind beneath your wings. We have been honored by the high dimensional frequencies that have flowed into our bodies…truly a gift that we have asked for (consciously or unconsciously). And yes, we certainly have felt this as we have experienced our bodies shifting, adjusting and changing. This Light is Who we are; so be that which you are. We have not had many breaks from the downloads of Light that we have willingly and purposefully received; and we’re in another period of receiving more. What especially is amplified is the Heart of Humanity. As we receive upgrades to our own Hearts, because we are connected to all, the Heart of Humanity is also amplified and upgraded. It is why there appears to be much upheaval throughout the world. As Gaia’s Heart is expanded, the old must leave; as it has with us individually. The real difference is that we are aware of what is occurring, while many in the world are not and so fervently create much resistance to change and thus more pain for themselves. We are receiving wave after wave of Light…much like a tsunami. You can use these waves to dissolve anything that stands in your way of leaving your branch. Like a fledgling, you may circle your old life, touching in from time to and as you become stronger, you will leave the old altogether, creating your own New Life. Something that is occurring now with the Heart expansion is that the Solar Plexus and the Heart Chakra are being upgraded and merging into the High Heart. If this is happening with you, you may have some Solar Plexus discomfort along with some Heart activity (perhaps in the form of palpitations or short-lived pains). What this does is transform your ego-emotions into Heart-feelings and expands your perception of love to Agape Love/Unconditional Love/Compassion as your High Heart becomes stronger. You can facilitate this by placing your hand on your High Heart (between your Heart and Throat Chakras) and breathe into your High Heart. This makes a beautiful connection between your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. This month brings more expansion into the New. It brings a strengthening of your New foundation, from which all is built upon. The foundation is made of those essences you choose to experience; especially essences of Joy, Freedom and Passion. Of course, you know all essences emanate from Source; Mother Love. When you bring forth whatever essence you choose to experience, much happens. Your perceptions shift, you see the world through the eyes of Love; much as Source sees all; with no judgment of what is good or what is bad, but from the higher perspective of Divine Order. You more easily see the perfection of everyone’s chosen path, albeit different from your own. You cease to lump everything into a category and instead view everything and everyone without separation. Instead of competition, there is cooperation. Instead of different countries and cultures, there is One Earth and One People. Of course, this takes staying awake and monitoring your own and others’ thoughts and words. From this Awareness, you choose to empower the New or empower the old. Being Compassion is to see everyone’s point of view and accepting it (even if yours is different). And this helps you be clear about what you choose for yourself. You no longer see what benefits only you, but what benefits the Whole. As you take into consideration the Whole, you make choices based on a higher perspective. You let go of your attachment to how others will react or respond and simply follow your own Guidance based on feeling and essence. How do you want to feel? Be that. Do know that attachment to anything is a great gift, for it will show you where you hold yourself back. This attachment energy shows up in areas in which you don’t want to see change. You might see it if you begin a sentence with “I wish that…” Instead, accept what is in the here and now and know that no matter how things appear, all is in Divine Order. The main purpose of Ascension is to express the Divine in all you do…every thought, feeling and action. Each person is somewhere on this continuum between ego and Soul. Now, you will see even more clearly where you need to expand and where you need to let go. Remember that the Divine is not attached to a certain outcome or wishes things were different or a particular way. The Divine knows that all is not as it appears and that things continue to shift. “As Above, So Below.” The more you come from this heightened state of being, the more you bring the New not only into your own life, but with all of humanity and Gaia. Know that the concept of “timeline” is limited and so you can let that go (if it resonates), for we are not stuck in any timeline; we can go as fast as we choose or as slow. As a part of this dissolution, ancestral karma is dissolved as are contracts and old beliefs. We truly are free to choose our experience; not in form, but in essence and feeling. We can see a situation in judgment and separation or see the bigger picture and the gift of expansion below the surface. Do you see the higher purpose of the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras being merged and upgraded to the High Heart? There are some glimpses of the New. And in fact, as you observe the antics of the old world, you can clearly see behind the scenes and into the New. For instance, relationships. Many have become so attached to the term Twin Flame and are quite confused and question the validity of Twins if it doesn’t live up to one’s expectations. First, Twin Flames begin in one’s own Heart; it is not something or someone “out there” that will rescue or lead you. Remember also that whenever you coin a term, you put the energy in a box, so that it cannot be fully expressed. So when a person “finds” their Twin they place the entire relationship in the box called “Twin Flame” and have certain expectations like “happy ever after, etc.” Many Twins come together briefly, for it may not be in each person’s highest unfolding to be “happy ever after.” Many Twins are not in the physical, and some Twins do come together for a higher synchronistic purpose. However long a partnership lasts, True Love is infinite and continues on while the form may change. Whether a relationship is a Twin Flame relationship or not is not the issue; what is important is to know that relationships are quite different in the New. They are based on Freedom and Support, rather than on any rules old society may dictate. If it is for each person’s highest evolution to be in relationship, whether for a minute or a lifetime, all is in Divine Order. Each relationship in the New is based on the inner Wholeness of each person. There is no need, no rescuing, no demands, no rules…for the New is lived moment to moment in Joy, Passion and Freedom. There is much more that we are seeing as we step more firmly into the New. The most important thing is to honor yourself, be yourself and keep your vibration high. Take care of you by following your body’s guidance and know that all is in Divine Order.

Views: 12

                    Tags: ascension, symptoms               

Comment by Besimi on July 5, 2014 at 1:34am

A Vision for the Lion and the Lamb

The Vision Alignment Project

Today's Vision comes from Beverley Tisdell and it speaks, so eloquently, for so many of us. Thank you, Beverley! She says, "Since I was a child I always hoped for the day when the lion would lie down next to the lamb so naturally that's the first thing that comes to mind when I visualize our new world:"
We see a world where: The lion lies down with the lamb; There are no parasites or predators of any kind; We communicate easily with all creatures and creation; The varying climates are always comfortable for all, The homeless and others may have whatever kind of home, wherever they choose; There are no debts or creditors; Land is not owned but shared cooperatively; Talent is recognized, nurtured and flourishes; We follow our natural curiosity to learn and accomplish whatever interests us; All families, on and off planet, are reunited; We travel wherever we want without tickets, baggage or passports; Political boundaries disappear and regions are defined by their culture.
Thanks for all you do, Beverley Tisdell


 Please respect all credits.
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                    Tags: Alignment               

Comment by Besimi on July 5, 2014 at 1:32am

America A movie you must see to believe

WHAT HAPPENED TO LIBERTY ? WHAT HAPPENED TO FREE SPEECH ? WHAT HAPPENED EVER SINCE THE INSANE TOOK OFFICE ?  People use to visit NY and felt so good to see the Statue of Liberty, when It Meant something, Then came all the false flags and inside jobs and cover-ups to make a stage show of  actors hide what they have done to destroy America.

I use to Love what America stood for , I was Proud to be an American and everything we stood for. We were the bread basket of the world, millions of tons of resources that were sent to other countries to help feed the world and never questioned about it. Then it became clear what was happening within the Govt, It became an entity of total corruption, Greed posed a huge threat on America, But then they used the mainstream Media to spread Propaganda and fear to start a false war on Terror, But when you really study and research the truth, You will discover who the real Terrorist are !!!

So many Gosh Damn Lies have been told to the public, If when you look and study when they speak, you can see through them, the evil that lays within there souls.  The one video where Bush jokes about Sadam saying " well where are the WMD, over here, no maybe over there. What a F'n joke  and these jokers run the govt ???

End of America A movie you must see to believe


Naomi Wolf - The End of America revisited - New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2014


Naomi Wolf: Citizen Empowerment 101

I add this clip also, because she is an amazing speaker ! and the things she says is our right to FREE SPEECH which is in the 1st amendment, It Is OUR RIGHT !   Permits ? BS

Views: 40

                    Tags: Bush, american, end, movie, must, obama, see, up, update, wake               


                                 Comment by Debby Many Nations yesterday           

                                 Comment by Whitewolf yesterday           


                                 Comment by Whitewolf yesterday           

What I see wrong in this movie is pretty much the whole thing that the wrong people are being Prosecuted, People that have the right to free speech, and a real Journalist they want to put treason on them. What about the people in office and you know who they are, The treason continues day after day yet they still walk the planet, But can't travel to other countries because in fear of being imprisoned. So what is the problem here ?????

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