Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


I was serious, Disclosure is finally happening! The rest of the world has finally lost patience with the U.S. and are moving forward with Disclosure whether America likes it or not. As I stated in my previous blog the other nations have decided to resist the U.S.'s pressure to wait and have decided to finally end the truth embargo once and for all. Basically, as I stated before, "On the 25th & 26th of July, 2009, the European Exopolitics Summit will set an important milestone in the Old Continent(Europe-specificaly Barcelona). This event hopes to present a new social approach to a vital principle of society that, for many years, has been left out, ridiculed and denied. We are not alone in the Universe and we have never been...

With this premise as a starting point, Dr. Michael Salla, founder of the Exopolitics Institute, defines “The Science of Exopolitics” as the science that studies the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. According to Alfred L.Webre, who fathered the term, as well as this new paradigm for the 21st century; exopolitics is the study of government and political processes in an interstellar society.

This summit will, on one side, present the evidence of the extraterrestrial presence through vast intelligence and military testimonies compiled by such authorities in the field as Dr. Steven Greer, Nick Pope, Dr. Michael Salla, Alfred L. Webre, Paola Harris, Klaus Dona, Stephen Bassett, Robert Dean (etc.).

On another, the new paradigm proposed by exopolitics will be presented as well. The implications this new paradigm has will be discussed: new technologies, free energy, amongst other concepts, that are essential for humanity's development; with the participation of exopolitics' various european members.

An event which aspires to pave over outdated ways and help build an alternative to the present model of socioeconomic development, a model currently undergoing a profound crisis, a model that does not offer viable solutions."

This is the real deal man go to this site and see for yourself spread this everywhere tell everyone- (copy&paste in web bar) Namaste.

Views: 61


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Comment by mlp on July 26, 2009 at 11:39am
Hi Connor, thanks for this!! So much seems to be happening! cheers, mlp
Comment by Kihanyaking on June 30, 2009 at 12:21am
Am beginning to dislike this word 'soon'. Really.
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on June 29, 2009 at 9:33pm
Can't wait to stop paying this companies money for utilities. Maybe have extra to enjoy life and the family...
Comment by Besimi on June 29, 2009 at 1:07pm
..thanx Connor
Comment by erv on June 29, 2009 at 3:40am
the magic words here is "SOON" ....
Comment by Peregrine Swift on June 29, 2009 at 2:44am
WE'RE ALMOST THERE GUISE! So close...I can almost taste it!

Comment by jose v on June 29, 2009 at 12:53am
Comment by jose v on June 29, 2009 at 12:52am
what fills your heart of joy ?, knowledge we are not alone in space scientifically without refuting of doubt. or to discover that the humans scientifically have a soul without refuting of doubt. and you are eternal .
Comment by Bishop on June 28, 2009 at 11:42pm
Hey guys i agree, but the world is bad like this because of those in power in corruption. they hav always held us people back from really helping those in need. Their time is finally coming to an end, and i sure believe that all will have a sufficient standard of life real soon. i wish it could be faster! there is no reason for anyone to suffer.
I will continue to wait anxiously each day for disclosure! this will be the first step to a better tomorrow.
Comment by Nightfable on June 28, 2009 at 11:37pm
I agree, it's been going on for too long! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!

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