Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Think Big and Think Great Ophelius Is the Teacher Through Chris Maurus

Think Big and Think Great
Is the Teacher
Through Chris Maurus

Teacher Ophelius: “Dear Students on the Path,
Today, we have a question for you: What is it that you most want in your life? If you could achieve one important goal that would give you the most sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and would be the crowning achievement of your life for which others and perhaps future generations would see as truly great, what would that be? Many of you have never considered this and even more of you believe these things to be impossible for you to attain. Nothing, my dear friends, is impossible in life — for the whole universe shares in your success and accomplishments and therefore do all things work for the good of those who strive for greatness — the extraordinary — the ‘impossible.’

“Let us leave the ‘mundaneness’ of your life for a moment. The universe gets a lot of ‘mundaneness’ from all the creatures that mill about back and forth over the same ground, day after day, and so not much assistance from the universe is required to get you up for work in the morning and drive the kids to school. That you do very well on your own, but for those who know and understand that they are, in this moment, participating in the Father’s Great Plan, and have the desire to contribute to some great cause or idea, it is they who draw to them the assistance of the universe to bring all the needed pieces together.+++

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