These 9 Careers Attract Dark Personalities the Most, Studies FindSherrie Hurd, A.A.+’s something you’ve probably never considered before: dark personalities, such as the psychopath, narcissist, and the Machiavellian, are drawn to certain career paths.
The first thing I would like to stress is that choosing a career type does not automatically place you in the dark triad of personality types. However, these personality types do fare better in particular career fields.
And when you try to understand the differences between the three, you might start adding personality type terms like sociopaths as well. It can get confusing, so let me try to break it down just a bit.
A sociopath is thought to be a subconstruct of the psychopath. Sometimes it’s explained that the psychopath is born that way and the sociopath is created over time.The psychopathic personality is deceptive, superficially charming, antisocial, takes risks, callous, remorseless, and lacks a conscience.
The Machiavellian personality is also deceptive, plus they are cynical, emotionally detached, intelligent, immoral, and driven by selfish aspirations.
The narcissist is not only deceitful but downright duplicitous. They are also arrogant, attention-seeking, hypersensitive to criticism, boastful, uncompromising, controlling, entitled, and prone to exaggeration.
All three can be manipulative and lack empathy.+++
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