There is no separation!P'taah e-NewsThrough Jani King.August 29, 2022 is no separation, you are all connected, one to another. And not only one to another, but also you are in connectedness, for instance, with your abode, with where you live, with your possessions, with nature that surrounds you – there is no separation.
In terms of consciousness everything, no matter inanimate objects, all have consciousness. Energy is consciousness. Everything in your physical reality is a whirling pattern of atoms and molecules – every atom, every molecule has consciousness.
So every blade of grass has consciousness, the chair that you sit in has consciousness – of a certain kind, it is not likened unto your consciousness, but everything is a manifestation of consciousness. Energy and consciousness, it is one and the same thing.
And energy and consciousness is Source-ness. And so you have, if you like, universes of whirling atoms and molecules of consciousness that group together to form what appear to you very often as solid manifestations...+
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