Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

When you realize that there is no method, no system, no mantra, no teacher, nothing in the world that is going to help you to be quiet, when you realize the truth that it is only the quiet mind that sees, then the mind becomes extraordinarily quiet. It is like seeing danger and avoiding it. In the same way, seeing that the mind must be completely quiet, it is quiet.

Now, the quality of silence matters. A very small mind can be very quiet, it has its little space in which to be quiet; that little space, with its little quietness, is the deadest thing - you know what it is. But a mind that has limitless space and that quietness, that stillness, has no center as the 'me', the observer, is quite different. In that silence there is no observer at all. That quality of silence has vast space, it is without border and intensely active; the activity of that silence is entirely different from the activity which is self-centered. If the mind has gone that far (and really it is not that far, it is always there if you know how to look), then perhaps that which man has sought throughout the centuries - God, truth, the immeasurable, the nameless, the timeless - is there. Without your invitation, it is there.

The Flight of the Eagle - 42

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Comment by Golden_Angel_K on September 24, 2010 at 10:35pm

Thank so much for sharing Deborah, i agree with you what you create, comes back to you with more strengh that you originally created, so that is important to be always aware of your creations, because this will mold your behaviours and habits, i have to add also, that maybe one may have temporally astrological influences affecting us in a certain time, but regarding this, you are your own creator, and you are always who decide how to play this game of Earth...Choose the better decisions for you, and this will lead to more light to you and the others...Blessed you are.

In lak'ech.
Comment by Deborah Voysey on September 24, 2010 at 9:19pm
Golden Angel...thank you...I loved what you posted esp: ¨patience arts ¨, those include : listening, surrendering, stopping more, through these ones we come to be more aware of our surroundings and connect more with our divine source at a deeper level." YES I so agree! That expresses how it is for me, anyway. Patience is a part of ourselves that no-one can control but our SELF. And then it becomes a reliever of ourselves, our environment which affect others. And isn't it just so weird, that when we're "just about ready to blow our top" - that it is THAT EXACT MOMENT when we need the most to apply the "brakes" -- patience. I think I've just learned that patience can be a "state of mind" and not something we need to "pull out of our hat" only in an extreme situation. It is wise to learn patience with the self, first of course and that's because when you're this way with "self" then it does become 2nd-nature with others. Patience is calm energy and we can give it to ourselves as a "gift"...or to others as a gift.. I also think imagination works best in our "patient mode" and is a valuable tool.. Is imagination the energy of creation? Anyone like to comment?
It's also funny the way we think if we hurry-fast lol there will be "more time" but I've found it doesn't work that way either!: The "hurrier I go, the more behinder" I get LOL
If we make a conscious choice to slow down just ONE ACTION (say our thinking or speaking or our driving, whatever)'s an easy first step and it has to catch on, eventually - people will enjoy living in the moment even more...and the slower pace of life will be so comforting for people .I feel strongly the desire to stop and smell the roses these days and encourage ALL to do the same. Great Post, Golden
Have a Great Day All!
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on September 23, 2010 at 8:52pm
Thank you Simone and Deborah

Love and blessings

In lak'ech
Comment by Golden_Angel_K on September 19, 2010 at 8:29pm
Hi Deborah, thank so much for your insight. Waoo, i really love how you express yourself, your ideas open more branches to new ideas of thinking more than regular thinking does. Yes, is certainly how you had said, We as humanity are accostumed to a culture where all emphasis is on Desperation, confrontation, violence, Unhealthy competition between ourselves, and much more. I agree with you, we have to learn the ¨patience arts ¨, those include : listening, surrendering, stopping more, through these ones we come to be more aware of our surroundings and connect more with our divine source at a deeper level. Great to have you aboard with us.


In lak'ech.
Comment by Deborah Voysey on September 18, 2010 at 10:36am
This is so simple, yet so profound! I was just thinking yesterday and this a.m. about all the chaos in the world...Dr. Phil says to reduce a problem to it's, about.the wars in the Middle East - the leaders haven't done the ONE-THING that will STOP THE WARS - and that is: STOP. Just Stop. This is what bravery and courage are about. It takes a HERO to step-up and STOP what you're thinking/doing. Plain and simple, but oh, so difficult. From my experience, things did not get better for me until I slowed-down, (I wasn't brave enough to STOP completely...took a few years). I remember as children, fighting with each other. My father would yell: "Stop. Just Stop. Go Do Something Constructive" !! Those words were the best words I ever heard, and they remain entrenched in my brain. Funny thing happens when one STOPS....meditation added to it,( like the wonderful article Golden Angel....thank you) one can change their lives AND the world back to peace !! This actually opens up a doorway of TIME for yourself...and those around you. !! It's a miracle, really.
Keepin' On Meditation !!

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