Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The World is Opening Now The Grandmothers Speak

The World is Opening Now
The Grandmothers Speak

“Because you said ‘Yes’ to us,” the Grandmothers said, “The world is opening now.

Because you have allowed love to live in and flow through you, the Divine is infusing you with ever more love. This opening within creates and encourages the opening that’s now taking place on Earth, in the cosmos, in all the worlds. As above, so below,” they said, smiling happily. “As within, so without.

“As you’ve worked with us, you’ve allowed yourself to become a vessel of love so that now you are ever filling, ever pouring forth love. Each time you call on us or any form of the Divine, more love fills you. Each time you think of the Net of Light, more love fills the Universe. Over and over again we have reminded you that, ‘You are the light switch. Light is broadcasting through you/from you, and this is now in full operation!” the Grandmothers crowed. “You are fully lit! And because you are, all life everywhere is being affected.

Then the Grandmothers began to laugh. “We realize that we are telling you this while your world is in utter turmoil and we hear how ridiculous this must sound to you. And yet it is true! Evil, hatred and blockages of every kind on Earth are now surfacing from the subterranean depths to be purified by the light,” they explained. “We are happy to

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