Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The West’s Inconsistency On Stereotyping

Tunia via channel A. S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you very much.

Most Pleiadians have political views that from your perspective would be an integrated mix of Earth’s left-wing and right-wing views. Speaking about left-wing values: we care about helping others, we care about nature and animals, we care about culture and arts, we wish to live in peace, we don’t seek to conquer or to impose our way of life on others, we enjoy interacting with people who are different than us, we don’t force people to conform, we care about making sure that everyone has a good life and we care about providing for the less fortunate. We don’t allow people in our society to own means of production. In fact we don’t have money at all and if someone wants something, they can just ask and they will receive it, if it’s within reason. We are also members of the galactic confederation and we consider it important to work together with other races.

Yet we also care about the right-wing values of freedom, about safety, about letting our people do as they please so long as they don’t directly harm others and about having a system that is non-coercive towards people. We don’t want war, but we are willing to fight to protect the innocent, and unfortunately we have become good at war.

That said, our society is not militaristic and the vast majority of our people are not involved in the military.

We don’t want there to be hierarchies based on power or corruption, but we do think it benefits everyone if there are competence hierarchies. After all, some people just work harder and are more talented than other people. We consider equality of outcome to be more or less the opposite of having a competence hierarchy. We care about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome...+

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