Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The wealth is enormous. Far more than anyone would believe

Also if actual figures are off such as 7.5 million metric tones (11 is also a number that has been mentioned) and you are not in a position to divulge the correct ones maybe such specifics are best kept out of the presentation? In respect of the actual MT volume of Gold held within the Collateral Accounts. You are low with your figures and you should be working on an absolute minimum of 20 million MT of Gold alone. In addition, you have thousands of tonnes of Platinum, Silver, Thousands of boxes of precious gems, plus Sovereign Certificates which are collateralised by other mineral wealth such as Oil, Copper, Bauxite, Uranium, Nickel Babbit, Ancient Treasures, Works of Art, Sovereign Monarch Treasures, etc, etc, etc.

The wealth is enormous. Far more than anyone would believe, and at least 100 quinrillion USD more than what is required to put the world to right.

We understand it is a very "dangerous & murky" world out there. This side is very traumatized. Last time they stuck their necks out and came to the bank with all the necessary documents and signatories was back in 1984. An Asian group showed up at UBS with all the right papers including "The 3 roses" box. That lead to Robert Palmer (I believe it was) issuing an order for 7 T to be transferred from the FED to Europe within 24 hours. That transfer order was picked up by CIA hardliners who sent a hit squad to eliminate the people and confiscate all the documents. That CIA order was again picked up by MI5 who responded by sending their "Zulu" group to protect them. The CIA group had support from 7 of the Swiss Kantons so the rescue was a mayor undertaking. Supposedly 20 people died but the key people and documents were sent back to Asia secure. You should be able verify some of this. A mayor gunfight in and around UBS headquarters should be hard to cover up completely I would think? “Dangerous and murky World out there” is an understatement if I may respectfully say so. So dangerous that even the banks have their own assassination squads, and these people would go to all lengths to stop the world gaining from the benefits of the Collateral Accounts.

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Comment by Kihanyaking on May 19, 2009 at 4:17am
Whooooooooooo that's wak man. I so am ready to bring the truth out to the world about wht this CIA thing has been upto. I mean, they would rather kill than see me free. I wonder, what am I worth in a free world? Am probably more potent than a nuclear weapon otherwise why would they go that length to make sure am not free. Huh?

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