Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Ways of a Consecrated Heart Thought Adjuster Is The Teacher Message received by Anyas

The Ways of a Consecrated Heart
Thought Adjuster
Is The Teacher
Message received by Anyas

Oregon, USA, February 14, 2021.

“In the kingdom, being righteous, by faith, must precede doing righteousness in the daily life of the mortals of earth.” [UB, 140:10.1]

Thought Adjuster: “The stern Jewish religious system imposed the dutiful performance of specific rituals as the means of attaining salvation. Therefore, Jesus had a tough time imparting his audience with the liberating truth that the fellowship of God's sons is joyous and freely attainable by simple and sincere faith. Jesus unceremoniously reduced the 613 commandments of the Jewish religion to the single heart-prompted admonition of the Golden Rule.

Many are those who fool themselves into believing they are made righteous through ostentatious devotional stances. Their doing is hypocritical, and their abidance to strict rituals contributes nothing to their soul growth. It impairs it by the psychological backlash of spiritual smugness. Their actions may have the veneer of charitable deeds but do not surge from opened hearts. They are motivated by enslaved minds, conditioned to fear a loving God. Since they are not m... ...+

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