The War Part 3
From 3D To 4D And 5D
By Lev, a moment away from the topic of the previous post, what will the space weather be like in the coming weeks and how will it affect events on the physical and Subtle Plane of Earth?
In general, the intense energies of May, which have radically changed a lot in 3D, are being replaced by calmer planets’ vibrations.
It does not mean that the energies of June will be lighter. The upcoming stelliums still carry a lot of unstable and conflicting dynamics.
But at all levels, the time of turning decisions is behind us. Earth began to live in a new scenario. And the energies of the planets will help to adjust the focus of efforts taking into account the experience gained, which is updated every second, to strengthen the 5D roots.
High energy tension will continue to be maintained by the tense tau square of Saturn and the Lunar Nodes on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. It will aggravate events on the physical and Subtle Plane; will force us to re-evaluate our ideas, life models and goals; how much do they correspond to the Aquarius’ era.
Everything that is happening now on the Astral and Mental Planes will complicate the situation on the surface – in global and national politics, finance, social and other spheres.+++
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