Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Virtue of Impatience
By Catherine Viel
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Patience must be the charm
To heal me of my woe:
Patience without offence
Is a painful patience.
~Thomas Wyatt, Patience, Though I Have Not

I recently become interested again in homeopathy. I researched it ten or fifteen years ago, but haven’t paid much attention since.

But a friend’s talking about it over the last couple of months prompted me to get out the slender introductory book I bought from my homeopathic veterinarian perhaps a dozen years ago. Alas, she retired, but luckily, books never retire.

I remember that I was confused reading that book a dozen years ago. Back then, I was only tangentially familiar with alternative therapies and energy work such as Reiki. I’m better versed now in what I’m pleased to imagine is how the universe really works. This time around, the book makes more sense…even its disclaimer that long-standing diseases or conditions may take (gulp) years to heal with homeopathy.

People in straits more dire than mine must be foaming at the mouth (not literally, one hopes). How many of us have declined existing healing protocols because we’re sure “med beds are just around the corner“?....+

The Virtue of Impatience
The Virtue of Impatience
Search for Truth ... And the Truth Shall Set You Free! Believe In Yourself! There is only LOVE! We are all ONE! TRUST IN INTERNAL INTUITION!

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