The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
The mainstream media's version of the tragic end of the last Russian Tsar is one of the biggest and most important historical lies in existence. The truth is finally coming out.
A murder of Russian Imperial family members on July 18, 1918, in Alapayevsk in the Urals, the day after the shooting at Yekaterinburg of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family.
A taboo topic in the shamed West, Russia today marks the centenary of the heartless butchery of the wider Imperial Russian family committed by Wall Street financed, mostly non-Russian mercenaries during the greatest nation heist in the history of humankind.
One hundred years ago the czar and his family were brutally murdered by the non-Christian Bolsheviks. Yet it wasn’t only the immediate family which was butchered—but also many more Romanov relatives as well. Martyrs to their faith, they are now recognized as saints . . .
July 2018 the centenary of a catastrophic event is widely commemorated throughout the Federation of Russia. Indeed, the entire nation remembers and revisits the terrible fate of the immediate Imperial family and the blood-dynasty of one of Europe’s oldest and most revered royal families.
Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, their daughters and Grand Duchess Elisabeth Feodorovna, an older sister of Alexandra, the last Russian Empress. The royal blood of Europe was spilled but by whom and for what purpose.
On March 15, 1917, the lights first flickered and then went out in Imperial Russia. When Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate a satanic darkness descended on the world’s largest and richest nation. The candles spluttered into flame only with the assassination of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin on March 5, 1953. During 36 years of demonic Bolshevik butchery, their barbarities were censored, justified and even praised by Western journalists and politicians.
Aided covertly by the United States, France, and Britain the Bolsheviks had consolidated their grip on Imperial Russia by 1922. The Bolsheviks in 1917, far from being a significant force were almost caught off guard when anarchic conditions enabled them to seize the initiative.
Lenin afterwards remarked that “if only a handful of people in St. Petersburg had known what we were about to do we would never have achieved victory.”
On the centenary of the massacre of the Tsar, the Tsarina, their children and servants media is subdued. In December 2017 the Daily Mail criticised a Russian initiative aimed at discovering if there had been a racist ritualistic agenda to the bloodletting that stunned the world.
When Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev signed a decree to build the ‘Museum of the Victims of Stalinist Repression’, Russia’s Prime Minister ran the risk of being charged by Israel with anti-Semitism.
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchesses Olga Nikolaevna and Tatiana Nikolaevna appear in the group posing with the medical staff of the infirmary. During WWI (1914-1918) there was hardly a Russian serviceman who didn’t directly or indirectly benefit from the compassion of members of Russia’s imperial family.
Emperor Nicholas II refused to eat anything until he visited the Great War’s wounded arriving at the hospital.
Painting by Pavel Ryzhenko
The best medical experts worked at the monastery hospital provided by the personal stipend of Elisaveta Feodorovna. Operations were free of charge and unfortunates refused by commercial doctors were healed. On leaving the Marfo-Mariinsky Hospital patients cried out, ‘Great Mother’, as they called the abbess.
Elisaveta Feodorovna assisted in operations, made dressings, consoled the sick and tried to alleviate suffering. Patients said the Grand Duchess had a curative power that helped them to endure pain and approve serious operations.
Day and night the sisters watched over the patients and the abbess was constantly to hand. She herself bandaged the wounds and often sat all night at a patient’s bedside.
For the purpose of diluting sympathy, media perpetuates myths such as the Russia’s royals being out of touch with the peoples of Russia. In fact, Russia’s pious royals got their hands dirty much more than did their extended family elsewhere in Europe.
Russia was depicted as being of little significance yet the Romanov Dynasty (1613-1917) was a family made up of Europe’s royal houses. Theirs was the blood of England, Denmark, Greece, Germany, Romania, Habsburg Dynasty, Russia, and Serbia, then a powerful state.
Queen Victoria and her family
The direct male line of the Romanov family came to an end when Empress Elizabeth died in 1762. The House of Holstein-Gottorp, a branch of the House of Oldenburg, ascended the throne in 1762 with Peter III, a grandson of Peter the Great. Hence, all Russian monarchs from the mid-18th century to the Russian Revolution descended from that branch. Though officially known as the House of Romanov, these descendants of the Romanov and Oldenburg dynasties are sometimes referred to as Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov.
Another myth is that the massacre of the martyred was confined to the Tsar and his family whilst the fate of the dynasty’s extended family remains a taboo topic.
When in early 1917 Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, the extended Romanov family had 65 members, 18 of whom were slaughtered by the bankrolled Bolsheviks between June 13, 1918, and July 18, 1918.
Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich (40), youngest brother of Czar Nicholas II, was arrested along with his last personal Russian secretary and friend Nikolay Nikolaevich Zhonson (Johnson) and taken to Perm in Siberia, on the order of the Council of the People’s Commissars, which included both Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin.
Mikhail Alexandrovich Romanov
On the night of June 12-13, 1918, the two (Michael Romanov and Nikolay Johnson) were taken to the woods outside Perm and killed; their bodies have never been discovered.
Tsar Nicholas II and his immediate family were murdered by their Bolshevik guards on the night of July16-17, 1918.
On July 18, 1918, the following Romanovs were bound and taken to an abandoned mine shaft outside of Alapayevsk, Siberia. There, each was blindfolded and forced to walk across a log placed over a 20-metres (66 feet) deep mine shaft. Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich refused and was shot.
The others in the party were roughly pushed into the mine shaft. The Cheka beat all the prisoners before throwing their victims into this pit, Elisabeth being the first. The victims included Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich (59), Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (54), three brothers, who were the great-grandchildren of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia, Prince Ioann Constantinovich (32), Prince Constantine Constantinovich (28), Prince Igor Constantinovich (24), and Russian aristocrat and poet Prince Vladimir Pavlovich Paley (21); also Grand Duke Sergei’s secretary, Fyodor Remez and a Russian Orthodox nun Varvara Yakovleva, a sister from the Grand Duchess’s convent. Hand grenades were then hurled down the shaft, but only one victim, Fyodor Remez, died as a result of the explosion.
Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich (59), his brother Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich (56), and also their cousins Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich (58) and Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich (59) were shot outside the St. Peter and St. Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg.
Grand Duke Nicholas Michailovich, grandson of Tsar Nicholas I, 60.
Grand Duke George Michailovich, grandson of Tsar Nicholas I and brother of Nicholas Michailovich, 56.
Grand Duke Dmitry Constantinovich, grandson of Tsar Nicholas I, 59.
Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, son of Tsar Alexander II, 59.
Wall Street bankers financed the coup in which few ethnic Russians played a leading part. Primarily, the purpose of the regime change was to seize Russia´s natural resources and imperial wealth. Thirdly, the purpose was to turn Russia into a vast slave plantation to serve the interests of Western banking and industrial conglomerates.
A reward for the slaughter of the Romanov dynasty and on-going investment in the six-year-long Civil War was provided by Wall Street banker Jacob Schiff (1847~1920). This German-born American Jew publicly celebrated the slaughter of the Romanovs and boasted that his support for the Bolsheviks had led to the seizure of Imperial Russia.
“Will you say for me to those present at tonight’s meeting how deeply I regret my inability to celebrate with the Friends of Russian Freedom the actual reward of what we hoped for and striven for these long years.” ~ Jacob Schiff, New York bankers, ‘Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Quote: New York Times, March 24. 1917.
US President Theodore Roosevelt (1858 – 1910). Behind his left shoulder is bearded, Jacob Schiff.
The greatest coup in history is estimated to have directly or indirectly led to the martyrdom of between 70 and 100 million mostly Christians. Jacob Schiff appears to have achieved the dubious distinction of being the biggest killer in the history of humankind yet he is unheard of in the West.
Throughout the six-year insurrection, the Bolshevik hold on Russia was tenuous whilst the presence of the Imperial Russian family posed a constant threat. The Russian historian, V. M. Khrustalev believes the Bolsheviks had drawn up a plan to gather together the entire Romanov family and remove the dynasty’s immediate and distant family members to a place beyond the Ural Mountains where for the time being at least the Bolsheviks held control. As the conflict’s front was rapidly changing opportunity was sought to destroy the family before a rescue could take place.
In 1918 the Bolsheviks were primarily made up of Vladimir Lenin (born Goldman, his mother’s maiden surname Blank), Yakov Sverdlov, Moisey Uritsky, Grigory Zinoviev (born Hirsch Apfelbaum, known also under the name Ovsei-Gershon Aronovich Radomyslsky), Sergey Gusev (Yakov Davidovich Drabkin), and Felix Dzerzhinsky: All were Jewish and spoke fluent Yiddish.
Yakov Sverdlov
In the spring of 1918, the Romanov family was arrested and sent to the Urals from Petrograd. Judging by surviving documents, the elaborate transfers took place under the close supervision of the Ural Bolsheviks based in Yekaterinburg.
Yakov Sverdlov with a group of Bolsheviks in the Turukhansk exile, the third on the left is I.V. Dzhugashvili (J.Stalin), July 1915
Yakov Sverdlov (Yankel-Aaron Movshevich Solomon) was one of the most feared and mysterious figures in Russian history. The role of this outlaw and his gang of marauders appear to be a taboo topic in western media.
Such was Sverdlov’s omnipotent role that a huge region and the largest city in Siberia has been named in his honour; likewise a plaza in central Moscow. The name Sverdlov has been attached to tens of settlements, railway stations, and collective farms. It has been awarded many Soviet institutions, military units, schools, hospitals, pioneer camps, and factories. The mystery is precisely for what reason and even experts are perplexed by the question.
The most heinous crimes committed by the Bolsheviks were those committed by Sverdlov and his brigands. The outlaw was an author of countless bloody atrocities committed across large swathes of Russia. The pre-planned Red Terror had as it midwife Yakov Sverdlov.
During the ‘revolutionary’ period his name was far better known than the names of Trotsky and Josef Stalin. It was only after the death of Sverdlov that Trotsky’s name achieved similar prominence. Such was the omnipotence of the Jewish firebrand that he had the power to destroy V I. Lenin and Felix Dzerzhinsky chairman of the Cheka.
As Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Sverdlov was the pivotal persona of the assembly’s organisers who inspired, initiated and carried out the genocide of Russians, Ukrainians, Cossacks and other ethnic groups.
Bolshevistsky writer Maxim Gorky with Sverdlov family.
During the revolutionary period, Sverdlov was instrumental in managing the numerically irrelevant Bolsheviks. At the fall of the government, Sverdlov established relations between rival parties and created the governing organisation of the interaction of party structures. Sverdlov then welded together a formidable unit that included the brothers, Zinovy Peshkov, godson of Bolshevik writer Maxim Gorky. Also included was Benjamin Sverdlov, an American based banker, whose counting house was located in the same building as that of ‘Kuhn, Loeb & Co, the bank of Jacob Schiff.
Yakov Sverdlov pictured with his wife Klaudia and their son Andrei Sverdlov. According to Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Klaudia “kept a big diamond fund for the Bolshevik-Communist party at her home, loot garnered when the Bolsheviks had plundered what was needed to fund the revolution: a gang of the Politburo prepared this stock in the event of a power failure.” In 1931-1944 Klaudia Sverdlova worked in the administration of Soviet censorship. She was an author of books and speeches about her husband Y. Sverdlov.
Yekaterinburg from 1924 to 1991 was named Sverdlovsk. In 1991 the city’s name Sverdlovsk was changed back to Yekaterinburg. However, the vast Ural region of Russia still bears the name of the murderous bandit gang leader, Yakov Sverdlov.
Holy Martyr Grand Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna was the second daughter in the family of Ludwig IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine and Princess Alice, a daughter of England’s Queen Victoria. Princess Elisabeth was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria and an older sister of Alexandra, the last Russian Empress.
Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine, later Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia was a German princess of the House of Hesse-Darmstadt, and the wife of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia. She was also maternal great-aunt of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and consort of Queen Elizabeth II. A granddaughter of Queen Victoria and an older sister of Alexandra, the last Russian Empress, Elisabeth Feodorovna became famous in Russian society for her beauty and charitable works among the poor.
After the Socialist Revolutionary Party’s Combat Organization assassinated her husband in 1905, Elisabeth publicly forgave Sergei’s murderer, Ivan Kalyayev. She then departed the Imperial Court and became a nun, founding the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent dedicated to helping the poor of Moscow. In 1918 she was arrested and ultimately executed by the Bolsheviks. In 1981 Elisabeth was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and in 1992 by the Moscow Patriarchate...... READ MORE>>>>>>
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