Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The universe did not arise from the Big Bang by chance

The universe did not arise from the Big Bang by chance.

Saul (Paul) via John Smallman

Posted April 7, 2022

Life is an ongoing creative explosion of Love!  In the physical realms at present the explosive nature is readily apparent, but the Presence of Love is not as clearly visible, felt, or experienced.  However, this is changing.  Many who have been unsure, in doubt about Love, Its Presence, and Its meaning are growing in awareness that It is the only sane way with which to engage with life and with ‘others,’ in so far as there truly are no ‘others,’ there is only One.
It is becoming clear to many millions that the physical environment in which you live your human lives is not, and never could be disconnected from even one of you, and that your complete interdependence needs to be recognized, welcomed, and honored.  What you have perceived, in this modern age since the industrial revolution, as resources to be mined, harvested, tamed, and controlled solely for the benefit of humanity, or of certain ‘more valuable’ groups of humans is finally being widely recognized as insatiable greed.  And many are now building organizations to honor the planet, treat her with the respect that she deserves, and to avail of the abundant harvests that she offers you, and has offered you for as long as you have been on Earth, in a manner that honors all life fully, so that the abundance of Earth’s various resources may be wisely and generously availed of for the benefit of all.
The lack of general awareness of your Onenessis the reason that conflicts arise so easily and frequently, not only with other nations but also within social, political, or religious communities and within families.  Where people are aware that there is only and always Oneness peace prevails.  When you engage or interact with others lovingly peace and harmony result, even though differing opinions and viewpoints are present.  The non-existent state of separation – the dream or illusory state of physicality – in which you experience your human lives is a wonderful opportunity for you all to evolve spiritually.  And those of you presently incarnate chose to be on Earth now in order to evolve and progress spiritually and (very important point!) to assist all of humanity to do likewise, leading inevitably to the grand collective awakening...>>>

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