The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Elva Thompson
“There is nothing worse for the lying soul than the mirror of reality.” Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: reflections on life and the Human Experience
Encyclopedia Britannica defines distraction as: something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention.
Something that amuses or entertains you so that you do not think about problems, work, etc.
A state in which you are very annoyed or upset.
Distraction…it’s everywhere in our materialistic culture. It shouts at us through friends and relatives, cell phones, TV, computers, facebook, twitter, comment sections, politics, fake news and the entertainment or should I say, the distraction industry. We live in constant fear of a dozen kinds of holocausts; climate change, solar shot, methane, pole shift, ice age, pollution, nuclear war, terrorism, disease, poverty, poisonous food and water. The list of nebulous terrors waiting to engulf us is endless and many spend their lives distracting themselves to cover up there fear and apprehension of what might lie ahead.
There is so much information, disinformation and distraction in the media and our every day lives, it’s enough to make our heads spin…and spin they do. It’s no wonder we live in a state of confusion/distraction and information overload.
The busy mind
The mind of Impostor Consciousness [see my article] cannot be quiet and has to be constantly distracted. It has no inner being, cannot observe itself, and can only live through our emotions: our loves, intrigues and entanglements, our disappointments, fear and woes. It is a shell of desire, and when not tempered with spiritual understanding creates conflict within and without, for physical reality is nothing more than a mirror of human thinking.
Many people are busy prisoners of their beliefs, and often try to force their dogma on others. They are blinkered and blinded by the narrow spectrum of awareness about what is true or false, and many question nothing, they just accept what is dictated to them by their peers and absorb the lies as if they were the truth. The idea that we have been hoodwinked by deceptive information and blatant lies from ‘those in charge’ is often met with dismay and denial by our frail ego’s. Many of us can’t accept the challenge of information contrary to our programming and are quick to jump on the bandwagon of scorn and ridicule. In our self conceit, we can’t be bothered to be our own investigators, find out for ourselves whether the dogma we carry is true or even belongs to us! We allow our minds to be invaded and distracted with other people’s theories and conjecture, and if we can make it fit our beliefs we tend to look no further. We don’t realise that our minds no longer belong to us, and that from the cradle to the grave, we are sleeping slaves of a matrix of control.
The distraction of intellectual bullshit
Intellectual bullshit is a billion dollar industry; a self important salve for the busy mind that cannot face itself. Billions of dollars are wasted in re-hashing outdated paradigms and tweaking the results to keep the boat of bullshit steady, and when the truth is presented, it’s immediately dismissed by the experts because they all want to stay at number one in their respective fields. One example of this intellectual blindness is genetic modification.
The distraction of playing god
The materialistic mind of Impostor Consciousness believes in a mechanical reality where everything can be reduced to numbers and equations, but lacks the intuitive capabilities and spiritual understanding exemplified by Pythagoras and Plato. Most ‘accepted’ scientists and experts are blind to the fact that there is an underlying energetic connection between every organism on the planet.They do not realise that any interference with the ‘original blueprint’ of an animal or plant will cause stress and energetic discord within the vibratory pattern of the whole.
Genetic modification
“Human kind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” Chief Seattle.
Our reality is dual and the Law of Nature is predator and prey, and just as lions pick off the sick and weak, so do the bugs. A sick plant like a sick person attracts the undertaker. Any organism giving off a negative field will attract a predator to destroy it.
Nature’s undertakers
Genetically modified crops give off bad vibes, and the reason they are failing worldwide is because they no longer resonate in harmony with the natural world, the resonant web of life…and how does nature deal with them…she destroys them. It doesn’t matter how much poison is sprayed to control pests whether they be insect or viral, they dance to a different drummer. In line with the matrix programme and the Cosmic Law of Balance, it is frequency that calls the tune.
So called pests are nature’s undertakers and they have a job to do. If crops give off a sick energetic field they will be called upon by the matrix to destroy them no matter what we do. Poisoned insects transmit information about the toxins to their eggs and the next wave is immune, we call them super pests. And so it goes on: the pesticides become stronger and the super pests mutate into super super pests.
The upshot is that the intellectual bullshit of so called experts will lead to mass starvation.
The ultimate distraction
Impostor Consciousness and its reality is the ultimate distraction. It is the love affair with the ego self that wants to be king or queen of whatever jungle; to be a winner, to be on top in the world of glamour, sensation and self gratification. And, the third dimension is its geometric fractal backdrop for self congratulatory consciousness and the sensory driven game of ‘us and them.’
Mindset of the game
This materialistic mindset of ‘me versus you’ and ‘us versus them’ has soaked every inch of grass on this planet in the blood of mankind. Age after age its the same bloody story of conquest and greed, and the harvesting of human emotion takes place on every level of our being. It’s called the Loosh Rote.[see my article Meet the Firm]
For more information on the sacrificial nature of our reality:
The who dunnit distraction
There are all kinds of theories [and they are just that] about what has created the sacrificial dual world of which we are part; we want to know who the villain is, the creator of the human farm, and there are many faerie tales to fill in all the details, and vast amounts of money made printing bullshit to further distract our minds. Does it matter who built the fractal geometric matrix? Does it matter who or what enslaved mankind and chained us in a narrow band of frequency, a prison for the mind? Whether it be an archon; a reptilian frequency pattern; a parasite that changes our reality to fit its needs; it really doesn’t matter.
A being of frequency
What does matter is the fact that the architect of the matrix, the bane of mankind and all living things is a being of frequency, it has an energetic signature…the signature of the matrix. And, as long as we resonate within the parameters of its energy we are caught like flies in a spiders web where every negative thought and deed is calculated in the balance sheet of karma and drags us back life after life into the matrix reality of predator and prey.
Who needs prison bars when we exist in a self determined electronic prison!
The other side of the coin and the quiet mind
‘My young men shall never work. Men who work cannot dream, and wisdom comes in dreams.’ Smohalla.
Holographic reality
Quantum physics has proven that energetic fields create our ‘solid world’ and suggests that we live inside a computor simulated virtual reality, a synthetic world of fractal geometry, that because of our body sensors and mental conditioning, we think is real…solid matter, and for the intent and purpose of the game of ‘us and them’, it is. We are a physical being in a physical world and many of us are so absorbed in the ‘real life’ we have no idea about our secret energetic reality. We are so busy with the fast game of work, family, the matrix game of opposites, and the drama of existence that engulfs us everyday, that for many, spiritual reality does not exist. We have lost contact with our inner being and have no time for the quiet mind, no space to hear the small voice of our souls.
The reset
We soon will enter the final year of the reset: Dec 21 2012 to Dec 21 2016 and everything, including our survival as a species is up for grabs. The devil dogs of war are barking at our feet; electromagnetic smog tries to block our evolution, our food and water is being poisoned and distraction beckons from every door.
The owners of the farm will do anything to stop the ascension timeline engulfing and uplifting humanity, and they are adepts of deceit. They have cast the spell of divide et impere for generations, the game of distraction: ‘me versus you’ and ‘us versus them’.
Evolution of the life waves
We have a unique opportunity to leave the fake world of the matrix, and this opportunity occurs once in twenty six thousand years. It’s called the evolution of the life waves and it is happening Now. This is the shift in conscious awareness we are witnessing, but it needs us, the input of the quiet focussed mind to add to the power of awakening.
We are in the last thirteen months of the reset when the electro magnetic blocking system of our multi dimensional consciousness is at its weakest, and we need to take advantage of it.
The tool kit
Ascending the vibration of this violent and contradictory world is about frequency…not ego; getting for self; or holding onto the anchor weight of dogma and one’s self importance. It is about liberation of the mind; shaking free from the Impostor Consciousness of materialism and exploitation, and re-connecting to the planet and its creatures.
For those who are interested in speeding up the vibratory rate of their consciousness there are several tools that help.
Flesh free diet…live and let live
Vegetarianism versus carnivorism is another playing field for the battle of ‘me versus you’ and many ‘spiritual’ people will defend their right to eat the dead flesh of animals and think they are still spiritual.[now there’s a distraction for you] What they don’t realise is that the flesh of murdered animals contain fear fields, a slow and poisonous vibration that is an anchor weight and death knell for ascending consciousness. There can be no ascension into higher moving fields of energy for a ghoul.
Sonic re-patterning
Birth into this reality is in itself a trauma and the attack on our divine nature never stops until the ‘box beckons’. Is it possible to re-pattern the trauma of the past, neutralise the energy of our pain? The answer is yes. Sonic re-patterning of the chakra fields using Pythagorean intervals is a great tool to lighten our energetic load, clear our minds of fear and the noise of distraction. See my article Symphony of Self.
Profiling of the Atlas bone
The atlas is the first cervical vertebra, and is named after the mythological giant who carries the world on his shoulders. Many people have the atlas bone in a position of malrotation with a tilt to the left. This can be atlasbe rectified by the profiling of the atlas bone.
This picture shows a misaligned Atlas to the left side. The rotation causes a reduction in the diameter of the aperture at the base of the skull and vertebral canal. This disrupts the normal flow of information between the brain and body through the vertebral and carotid arteries, and the lymphatic system, the cerebrospinal fluid, the meningeal system and the spinal cord.
Get your head on straight!
Tai Chi, meditation,yoga and martial arts
Yoga and martial arts help tone our bodies and discipline our minds.
Sun gazing
Entrainment by the sun allows us to shut off the internal chatter of our ego and experience the quiet mind. See my article The Occult Sun.
These tools help to give greater clarity to our thinking, speed up our rate of vibration and bring us into harmony with all life on the planet.
The choice is ours….
“Come to the edge of the cliff,” he said.
“No! We are afraid,” the children answered.
“Come to the edge of the cliff,” he said again.
They came. He pushed them and they flew.
Who is he?
Our divine core… the living truth of Love.
Free your mind from the matrix: Divide et impera: the game of ‘us and them.’
Join the fourth dimensional rebellion. Begin the journey. The ‘Key made of Air’ is the first step on the path of mystical understanding.
Self Distraction by Saqib Hussain
Distractions are so many
And when they seem to decrease
We constantly search for more
As if trying to shut out
That persistent guiding voice
Sounding from our truest core
And to describe this further
Please think of the following
Useful metaphor:The sound of raindrops on your window –
The brief, intermittent, short pauses between them
Are the brief pauses of thought you sometimes have
Of your deepening loss and struggling way
Before you so quickly flood your mind with other thoughts
And keep busy with other, less important
(What is more important than saving the soul?) Thoughts and actions.
Constant self-distraction
Is constant self-delusion
And constant self-harm.
Taken from Saqib Hussain’s book “Contemplate” available for free here
• Posted in Joy To The World BE THE CHANGE, Consciousness, Zen Gardner • Tagged Be The Change, consciousness,Zen Gardner
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