Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Truth Behind the Tsunami of 2004

Soltec: Dear ones, It is I Soltec, and the purpose of my little missive here is that it has finally become approved by others that I might tell you what happened during the Earthquakes and resultant Tsunami on December 26, 2004. Many on the Internet put out that they feared it may have been man generated, meaning something deliberately caused in some sort of warring for any of several causes that people conjured up and this is valid, because quite a few of your earthquakes are the result of man intentional cause.

This one however, while caused by man, was “accidental.” But do not take that lightly, for man is still highly to blame in his ignorance of his planet. Before I reveal the cause, do understand that this area of the world sits on many fault lines and this will not be the first major earthquake in that area.

That area is being or better said, was because the production is not going well now either, pumped for natural gas. It is a huge natural gas field worth a great deal of money. It had experienced some settling during many minor quakes in the region and was no longer producing the quantity of flow it had once produced. And in fact, dear ones, all pumping puts any area of earth at increased risk of quakes from settlement after material, be it solid as in coal, or liquid as in gas and oil, will cause some loss of structure and quakes and cave ins may well result. So goes also with the pumping of water out of aquifers also, and many areas over aquifers are experiencing sink holes and quakes.

So, some bigheaded thugs decided to see if they could make some changes to open up the obstructed flows and placed detonations in an attempt to do that. Being that the area was greatly destabilized already from the excess pumping and inflowing water into empty gas reservoirs, plus the natural response to the remodeling of the globe at this time, they created that catastrophe. And hundreds of thousands paid with their lives. So be it, Many make the dollar more important than lives.

You are overpopulated dear ones, well beyond now what your planet can support in all ways. In the USA you want to pump more of this natural gas for auto use, you want to strip more coal, for auto use, and the like, and no matter the stated clean technologies on coal to gas conversion it is NOT clean and you will do ever more harm to your environment.


It is too late. You did not develop the technologies brought by many to this planet, including the more known Nicola Tesla. You have too many people with too many needs to fix this now and you will pay the piper. China is in really dire shape, regards coal pollution for electricity generation. A whole war in Viet Nam was fought not over “communism” and not so much over oil as suggested, but over the huge natural gas resources in that corner of the world.

Natural gas in particular tends to form in areas where the crust is thinner and in areas of great cavernous formation and so it is around the Pacific Rim, and in fact under many parts of your US of A. This is NO solution dear ones, even though natural gas burns cleaner and is thus more suited for lighting, heating and stoves. Even if you start today, right now, and put trillions of dollars into what others such as Tesla brought to you, it is TOO LATE. You have signed your demise as of this current civilization and there is naught to be done, except cleanse and start over.

By this I am not saying there will be a pole reversal cleanse, but there must be substantial cleansing never the less. Your population must be brought down, and that is the purpose of stasis, on planets that are not going to experience pole reversal as the method of choice for cleansing. And then nature and all the other mistakes and errors of mankind will also contribute over the many years until you learn to control your growth and become sustainable.

Natures depopulation will continue, probably several times, until man can foresee the future of not only his children (which he still doesn’t do very well) but unto the 7th generation AT LEAST. That is the meaning behind that statement in the bible. Man’s decisions affect unto at least the 7th generation, and in the case of planets with shortened lives such as this one, longer than that. You must learn to plan 100’s of years in advance! What have you left for your children, your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren? Many problems for many years. So be it.

Those of you who are awake and are joining in this effort by AbundantHope are the blessed ones. Many are awakening to some degree in other countries now too. Russia is being heavily taught by the masters now, as they have become more receptive. Actually the people there were always more receptive to the ideas of God, even when under the Bolsheviks, who are now out of Russia. We now can work there without that influence and we are. Russia, under Putin, even though he has “moved aside” a bit, is doing much to protect the world from the Zionists, having known them so personally and realizing their methods.

You in American that serve AbundantHope are needing to become stronger, and you must better study the issues and begin your thinking of how you will serve within a people who refuse to look. There is question as to whether the American citizen, following the still being set into process of the attacks, will even wake up then. The media has such control.

It will be for you to stand strongly in your KNOWING and not your beliefs. There is such a difference and you will be told repeatedly that “ I believe such and such” and you must say, I KNOW such and such. Inform yourselves well my beloveds, because the fear that will envelop America will be far greater than 911, which was a surprise. Your government has prepared as usual the pack of lies to blame it on others, and we are not sure until it manifests whether it will be Islam and Iran, or the Russians. Either scenario is possible.

Your “beloved Obama”, is busy right now in the Middle Eastern countries carrying out his orders from his Zionist controllers. He is riling up in Afghanistan against Pakistan. Your black ops folks have been very busy again lately, creating instability there and Obama has told you many times you must get the soldiers out of Iraq and send them right on to Afghanistan again, because the plan is to carry war into Pakistan, from Afghanistan. You have in the “new age” community, one Matthew Ward through Suzy his mother, and who has said Obama is a gifted star seed. In that, you know not to trust Suzy or Matthew for your spiritual growth. Dear ones, stop following all of this, and look at the evidence if you are accepting Matthew’s version. Obama, by his fruits, is not a lighted man. Enough said. Namaste, I wish you all well. Anthonius Soltec.

Candace: Soltec feels deeply, deeply saddened to me as I work with him today. Regards the comments about Russia being taught by the Ascended Masters, there is a new channel there who has been working since spring 2005, Tatyana. I placed a couple of pieces through her on our website. Those of you who followed the Prophets of Summit Lighthouse will be pleased to know that Mark Prophet, who passed long ago, is teaching in Russia, under his name Lanello.

Just go the site and start with the first period of dictations and you will see him. He has a few up and you will find the first one quite interesting, because Summit Lighthouse is no longer the organization it was. Interestingly, on their current website, they are not being honest as near as I can tell anyway, about Elizabeth Prophet. On a blog I found there is a separate family site that is raising money for the care of Elizabeth who has become disabled from Alzheimer’s disease and I find no mention of this on the main site.

So many of the masters have a lot of material on this Russian site. It is translated into fairly good English on the English version above but I noticed the more recent translations are not as good as the first ones. Take that into mind as you read them. I don't know if the area that shows what languages are available are actual sites in other languages, or this is just translation software.

I have a piece going with Christ Michael, hopefully we will get it finalized today. Actually this Soltec piece was to be part of that one but I decided to go ahead and publish it separately. Take care, Candace

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Comment by Martin on April 7, 2009 at 2:52am
The ruler of this world are to blame not us they are the corrupt one who pump everything for their wallets, blame all these big damn corporation companies and wealthy rich assholes billionaire who xploit us and and raped the earth and if this was not enough they pump pump more money raise taxe and empty our pocket coz when we had pay the goddamn gaz electricity bills they raise the cost of energy! no i dont think its the fault of man in this situation! yeah the world is over populated by too mutch greedy evil peoples ,they are the ones who are over populated, if this world will be fair it would be nice too saw good and honnest human being to show us some new clean energy that everyone on this planet could afford! yeah i know the earth spare no one in a natural catastrophe but its always the honnest poor and defenceless peoples who pay the price at the end, and this is not fare soo please enough of this over populated BS yeah there is over populated peoples on this planet but they are all rich evil greedy and filthy.. enough said

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