Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Thresher From 3D To 4D And 5D By Lev

The Thresher
From 3D To 4D And 5D
By Lev

By the powerful Solar storms, high-pitched and more frequent, Galacom continues to destroy the Archons’ infrastructure on the Subtle and physical plane. From the Darks’ satellites in orbit and the protection system in the Earth’s magnetic field to the thinning and culling of the ruling elite, who are no longer able to understand anything and make adequate decisions.

Starting from June 29, the Sol’s thresher is active daily. Strong outbreaks are replaced by weak ones every 3-4 days.

On July 6, 2022, a 5-point Solar tsunami kicked off, which continued the next day, slowly weakening to a 3-point one. From July 9 to July 25, intense radiation will continue. Its peaks (up to 4 points and higher) are expected on July 14-16 and 21-23. On the remaining days of this period, the general background is forecasted to be 3-point.

On such days, on a Subtle Plane, one can see how the Southern Hemisphere is covered by a crimson fire, and the Northern Hemisphere is enveloped in splash, as if pour the fire with water. After a short time, the planet is covered with yellow foam. So it is washed and cleaned, like a sponge, from negative low-frequency dark red radiation...+

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