Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

the system is falling down, cracks are everywhere John F. Kennedy Channeled by Erena Velazquez

the system is falling down, cracks are everywhere John F. Kennedy Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy, the president of United States, happy to connect to my fellow Americans and the World. I was assassinated in 1963. I had a plan to disclose the truth to public about Secret Space Program and other hidden truths.

You are living in important historical times for planet Earth. It’s on the way to becoming free from worldwide control, which was imposed by Elite a long time ago. Every step of your existence has been based on lies and limitations. It was created a fake and dishonest world for humankind, where everyone lost their independence as human being.

The system is falling down, as it has cracks everywhere....+@

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