Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A question I received:

We live our lives in hopes and never achieve pleasure. What will happen when we acquire the desire to bestow? Will we be able to feel pleasure then?

My Answer: When we transform the egoistic intention into the bestowing one, time ceases to exist. The very notion of time disappears because there is no past, present, or future in spirituality. Being in the attribute of
bestowal, we don’t inquire about cause and effect. We delight in the act of bestowal that we find ourselves in, needing nothing else. Having the opportunity to bestow is our reward.

But don’t we care about the results of our actions? An opportunity to bestow is the result. For this reason, the concept of time disappears and everything is at absolute rest.

Egoism promises us the future, while in spirituality, there is no future; everything happens in the present. The future is felt only if I reveal the lack of bestowal in my current state, only if I want to bestow more and aspire to it. It’s as if I desire to go from the small World of Infinity to the big one.

This, too, is possible only through “magic,” through egoistic desires that are helping me. They reveal to me the deficiencies of my state, the impurity of my bestowal.

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Comment by Golden_Angel_K on March 12, 2010 at 12:44pm
BRILLIANT paTricia...just AMAZING your insight...maybe you misunderstood what it said Kabbalah, the Ego is the will to receive they said that as you it with us naturally...God created this within our nature as SOULS,..While being in this corporeal reality, Kabbalah help you to grow up to the maximum your ego and Change its intention from receiving itself to receiving from bestowing to a little confusing how can receive from a kind of magic that happen there...As we are ONE..

Comment by Trudy on March 12, 2010 at 12:30pm
Bravo PaTricia, in one word ... Divine, that is what you are :)))

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