Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Seven Rays of Divine Manifestation

The Seven Rays of Divine Manifestation

By William Meader

Posted on 03/28/2022 by EraOfLight

Who am I? Strangely, this powerful question is one that seems difficult to fully answer. It is a question that is asked by each of us (consciously or unconsciously) every day of our lives. Indeed, it is not an exaggeration to say that all aspects of life are arenas wherein we seek answers to this question. Though sometimes difficult to recognize, our personal relationships, the career path we follow and the beliefs we hold are all unconscious attempts at answering this perplexing question.
When looked at from a spiritual perspective, it is the search for the soul that is our quest. But how do we recognize the soul within? And, is the nature of the soul the same for everyone? The tendency is to believe that every human soul expresses the same essential qualities. Such assumptions, however, are only partially true. Though all souls are inherently conditioned by love, beyond this commonality significant variation exists. The purpose of this article is to introduce the seven fundamental types of souls in the world today...


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