The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
The Secret Covenant of the Illuminati …
— Henry Makow (@HenryMakow) 15 January 2018
"We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers."
evil exists !!!
M said (January 15, 2018):
This sounds pretty much like what the Zionists and their allies are doing. The poisoning is sure going on wholesale, which is easy to discern if you know about the Georgia Guidestones, the Protocols of Zion and you just open your eyes to reality. It explains why we have no 'choice' in health "care", we can't go to a Naturopath, Homeopathic Physician, Herbalist, TCM practitioner or any alternative to allopathic medicine under the 'Obama care" act. No integrative medicine allowed. If you're lucky they'll pay for one or two Chiropractor visits. Then the pharmaceutical poisons like statins and 'anti-depressants' which as side effects are 'violence, suicide and homicidal behavior' even for statins! But of course the FDA is always at the ready to attack natural remedies.
Then, you see the 'research race for the cure' bulldoodie. Notice they have never ever EVER come up with a "cure" for any major disease? The diseases only increase and strike at earlier ages while they try to zombify you with commercials for St. Jude, Shriners "hospital" and Komen for the cure. What drek! Any real cures or treatment for cancer like Essiac, Dr. Johanna Budwig's flax oil and diet cures, Johanna Brandt's grape/fasting cures, Latrile and others were or are routinely persecuted and shut down. And God help you if your child gets cancer, if you dare to try and treat them with a natural cure or homeopathy the state will take them away from you and poison them with chemo!
Look at the federally 'mandated' flame resistant mattresses we all sleep on now. Those chemicals are very toxic, and the only way to get one that isn't soaked in poisonous chemicals is to buy one from a hospital supply store. Even clothing is toxic, all the plastics that kids and adults wear gets absorbed through the skin. And the CFL's that are mercury laced, not to mention that the fluorescent lighting affects brain function and there may be a connection between that and diabetes manifestation.
Take the 'government recommendations' for "nutrition". They're absolutely laughable! C'mon, no 'vegan' is going to survive for many years eating only plant products without getting overweight, tooth decay, anemia and B12 deficiencies to start. If they eat a lot of soy you can toss some tofu on the barbie and add intestinal problems too. It just ain't gonna happen, vegans will get sick. Dr. Weston Price researched this thoroughly all over the world in the early 1900's about what healthy primitive peoples ate, and it sure as heck wasn't kale and soybean oil! Just take the ol' food pyramid and invert it and that's more healthy eating. Then there are the GMO's and glyphosate sprayed grains, and according to the Carotec newsletter I receive, these traces of glyphosate are one of the the real reasons behind kidney disease, so called 'gluten intolerance' and non alcoholic fatty liver disease and multiple cancers.
Then there are the EMR spewing smart meters being forced on us all, plus cell phones, ipads and others, not to mention the man made blue light they emit which destroys photoreceptors in the eyes after so many hours of exposure (I'd recommend buying blue light excluding sunglasses, those brown looking shades). Oh what else, chemtrails of course, which are also helping to kill off a number of trees, weakening them so the insects introduced from China and other parts of Asia can destroy them easier. Add to the food additives and mercury from amalgam fillings, plus root canals and their dangers, then there is the fluoride in the toothpaste and water supplies (ever wonder how they can sell toothpaste to kids and adults with a poison warning label if you swallow more than the amount used for brushing?). Yet, they fight raw milk to the death, they get the fat content of meats down to a horribly sawdust tasting level of 92 percent 'lean', so your body can't digest it properly (God put fat in animals for a reason). Ever wonder one of the reasons for the flawed and erroneous 'low fat' campaign in the late 1940's? Because good animal fats protect against cancer. And, to help hurt meat eaters, they are feeding CAFO animals a large amount of toxic distiller grains (GMO of course) and these toxins are not destroyed by animal digestion or cooking and remain to create problems like eczema, food allergies, cancer, etc.
James C said (January 15, 2018):
This is a very interesting article. It refers to "poisons" nine times. I'm in the process of researching the etymological, historical, and eschatological basis of the New Testament word pharmakeia (Galatians 5:20). Based on what I've seen so far, I believe there has been an unwarranted, or an illegitimate, restriction of this word's semantic range. It has a far greater semantic field, or range, than is commonly believed.
Based on all of the evidence, one of its possible meanings is "poisoners." In fact, the Vulgate translates Galatians 5:20 this way. Forms of the same word are found in Revelation 21:8 and 22:15, and given the facts that these are eschatological verses, and that they must therefore be interpreted eschatologically, and that we are being poisoned in every possible manner, I would submit that a proper translation of those passages would also be "poisoners." There are biblical passages that were closed up and sealed to the "time of the end" (Daniel 12:4). Their correct interpretation could only be after their fulfillment, and I believe these New Testament pharmakeia passages are such.
Allen M said (January 15, 2018):
Just one all it takes...too much evil and apathy beyond measure...
The trees no longer produce GOOD fruit.
If you doubt this, take a very bright flashlight-HUSKY type, and go outside and shine the light into the darkness....anywhere in Hawaii or the United States...
What you will SEE is what IS.....
20 Years of Chemtrails and a Plasma atmosphere...
The "fruit" of all this is readily apparent.
There is no resistance....Like a bad electrical circuit, there is NO resistance.
As Amos said-it is a time if evil, and a time to keep quiet.
This is a very disheartening postscript.
Thank you, Henry, for one more take on obvious truth.
Tony B said (January 15, 2018):
A somewhat clumsily contrived incomplete description of parts of the plot.
Many of those things "we will do," according to the narrative, have been long established. Some more than a century before 2004.
Bob A said (January 15, 2018):
Just a rehash of the Protocols. Nothing new.
"You're not rich until you have something money can't buy"
Robert P said (January 15, 2018):
Do not Doubt it as a hoax. It is not. They have succeeded wholesale. The last obstacle was faith.
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