The second American revolution will be a world revolution
Benjamin Fulford's
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
July 4, 2022 second American revolution is underway but this time, it will affect the whole world and not just the United States. On a global level the “rules-based world order” (we rule you obey) is negotiating a surrender to the world freedom alliance, multiple sources agree. This can be confirmed in many different and seemingly unrelated news items.
Let us start with the world’s response to Khazarian Mafia actor Vlodomyr Zelinski’s call to kick Russia out of the UN Security Council. This was the Russian response: “Excluding Russia from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is possible only if the entire organization is disbanded and created anew,” Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said. is exactly what is being negotiated this week as the G20 country representatives gather in Indonesia. Here Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will lay out the case for a complete overhaul of the UN etc. “The fact is that emerging markets are catastrophically underrepresented,” Lavrov points out. move to replace and revamp the Khazarian mafia-controlled UN, World Bank, BIS, IMF etc. is being backed up by an international boycott of the KM-controlled G7 group of countries. The G7 now only controls 31% of world GDP and 11% of the world’s people. This means they will lose the hybrid war now being waged against them...+
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