The Problem With “This Resonates”Hakann through A. S. dearest brothers and sisters,
This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.
A lot of people use the following as a rule of thumb: if something feels good or resonates with them, then that should be listened to. If something does not feel good or does not resonate with them, then it should not be listened to.
In some situations, this rule of thumb gives good results. For example, if you read a hateful message, then typically that will not make you feel good. And indeed, hateful messages typically should not be listened to.
However, in a lot of other situations, this rule of thumb can mislead people.
For example, suppose that Anna has trauma about sex. She then reads a sex-positive message. This triggers her trauma, and so she feels bad and this sex-positive message does not resonate with her. However, this message might be exactly what she needs.
Or suppose that John feels like he is not good enough. Then he reads a message that states that he is good enough. This might give him cognitive dissonance, because now he has two opposite messages in his head: he both is good enough and is also not good enough. This makes him feel bad, so he concludes that this you-are-good-enough message must be wrong. But perhaps he really is good enough and it would be better if he discarded his old programming that he was not good enough....+@
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