Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


By Vital Frosi

Translated on 04/20/13 from Portuguese

When we understand the power and the support that was entrusted to us by the designs from above, life here on the physical plane becomes much more pleasant. Everything that we understand as problems, difficulties, and uncomfortable situations, are actually obstacles that teach us to become winners.
Each soul in a physical body comes with a certain incarnational plan in order to evolve, experience, and take the learning to its higher versions.
Many times, we say and even understand that a soul in its higher versions, knows everything. This is not true. It has the potential to know everything, and to understand everything, but what it really needs is to experience every situation in the lower worlds, because the higher worlds do not offer such opportunities.
The consciousness of souls in higher worlds is very broadened, and perception also corresponds to the degree of frequency prevailing there. But it is not a fertile field where souls can go through the harshest experiences, as here on Earth for example.
This is the reason that enables higher souls to send fractals to Third Dimension worlds. Those incarnated on Earth are fractals of souls that each form their own Monad, and therefore all have their Oversoul Self.

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