Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The People of the Interior ~

The People of the Interior

The people of the interior were very free with showing me around, very articulate in showing you what is exactly going on - they do not hold anything back.

They always ask permission when working with Nature,

they ask the plants for permission before consuming them or cutting them down,

they ask the Mother Earth before they build on it, and do so build with the lay of the land which best suits their environment, a practice similar to the American Indians;

therefore seeking to preserve a harmonious state at all times;

wanting to be one with Nature at all times; they are more spiritually advanced than surface dwellers and greatly respect Mother Earth.

The atmosphere is crystal clear, as a rule there are at times clouds, but nothing like rain clouds.

The temperature is a constant 73 degrees.

The people in the interior speak directly with the animals, and the animals speak directly to the people of the interior.

There is no need for hoarding, for everything is free, no need to create in abundance as everything is ample. A process of bartering is more common than trade in money.

This is basically a utopian culture with no depression leading into violence.

No parties seeking to make war and gain dominance over each other. There are none richer nor poorer.

There are aero-ships (we term on the surface as flying saucers) in which a part of themselves, a part of their personality goes into the creation of the aero-ship through the process of thought, due to their very powerful minds.

This makes the aero-ships perfect in design and execution in motion.

Only a few persons of the surface have these similar abilities to create, due to the repression of these abilities in childhood by religion, education, and family fears.

The people of the interior are allowed to enter the space of their imagination, if you will, and there they create. Disease will not enter their bodies - for it is not allowed.

As surface Humanity enters into the coming 4th dimensional phase, the Inner Earth people will come forward and more deeply work with us on the surface.

People on the surface are presently so involved with the sense of "me" that they can not live together harmoniously.

People of the surface who seek to reach the Inner Earth inhabitants through meditation, will receive it.

Children who are being born now are becoming more capable of using the wholeness of their brain, which is in common practice in the Interior.

One of the first things they showed us in the interior was their capability of interplanetary travel and time travel. The basis of time travel is likened to bending space, which comes through the power of meditation and by the acceptance of being an unlimited being. If you train your mind at a subconscious level that you are an unlimited being all things are possible.

On the surface, capabilities to experience this infinite power are more easily awakened at such Portals as Mt. Shasta which serves as a Space Time Portal directly to the Inner Earth. Once in the surroundings of Mt. Shasta you are drawn into the 'harmonious state'. In my experiences at Mt. Shasta the Telosians in their civilisation underground in that area are projecting an aura of great harmony in a lovely atmosphere.

Colonel Bill Faye Woodard

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Comment by ian on March 21, 2011 at 5:23am
Ya i love inner earth stuff, so cool and makes sense thanks
Comment by RichardtheRaelian on March 21, 2011 at 4:26am
Thanks for sharing this message and for posting it here.
Comment by Trudy on March 21, 2011 at 3:05am
This is one of my favorite topics, Inner Earth...
Thank You CHRISTINA XXX You are wonderful :)))

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