Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Peace that Surpasses all Understanding The Scribe Is the Teacher Through Chris Maurus

The Peace that Surpasses all Understanding
The Scribe
Is the Teacher
Through Chris Maurus

The Scribe: “Today, let us pause and reflect on what it means to live in spiritual peace. Peace is a conscious state of tranquil surety and knowing that you are safe and that all is well in the current moment and in your outlook on the immediate future. It is a knowing that no harm shall befall you and that you hold no ill will for any other person or group. When I speak of spiritual peace, it is an inherent peace that is the embodiment of the Indwelling Spirit, the Thought Adjuster. This is the root of all peace because life in time and eternity is fostered on the creative principal of completion of perfection in time, and so all the creative forces and administrative beings of the universes work together to promote the safe passage of all souls that they may attain eternal life and become partners with the Creator. There is peace in knowing this and faithfully believing it...
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