The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
To be enlightened is to be in knowledge of the good, bad and in between, the dark and the light, not just half the coin or story.
Is it not the path of a bodhisattva to aid in the awakening and healing process to work towards ending pain and suffering?
- James Gilliland
people in fear are easily mind controlled
Where is the love now?
Did it stop wars?
Did it stop evil men ruling the world?
Did it stop genocide?
Did it stop mutilation of animals?
Michael Tsarion on the sick philosophies of our society
and where is the love now?
still nothing
"energy flows where attention goes......"...... really?
ask the lottery group on this ning-site if they ever hit the jackpot after focusing their energy on winning after so many years....
the new age movement was founded by the rockefellers as another religion in 1965.
religion is mind control.
it has worked out really well on its followers.
it never made sense to me to focus solely on the positive.
how can all the issues here in this world be resolved if people do not look into the negative as well?
and anything in between.
followers of the new age movement who solely pay attention to the good are definitely NOT the ones we have been waiting for.
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