Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

THE PARADIGM SHIFT! A Tele-Gathering With Judith and the celestial team on 12.22.2015

THE PARADIGM SHIFT! A Tele-Gathering With Judith and the celestial team on 12.22.2015

Our Judith has posted an important announcement below. We wish to gather with You 
to support You in using the solstice energies to begin your very important year of 2016 fully  prepared to enter your NEW PARADIGM OF BEING. The very reason we began to transmit our messages to You at the end of your year 2010 was to begin to prepare You to acclimate into recognizing that You are a Sovereign Being of Frequency with the power to create your own “reality.” As You enter 2016, what “reality”  You choose to live in will be entirely in your hands.
Here are the Frequency Technicians.

Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius, instruments within the grand cosmic orchestra of the celestial team.
We wish You to know that You are not children. You are not dependent on anyone or anything to “give” you wisdom, nor to “bring you” your heart’s desire. It is important that you realize that NOW. You are sovereign. Y
ou are an emanation of Source. Nothing can interfere with the frequencies you pulse out. Nothing can interfere with what you create with them. In your year of 2016, you will find the truth of that becoming evident very fast. That is why we have offered to gather with you on the day after your solstice energies have delivered into you a cosmic upgrade the likes of which you have never received before. With SO much power, we wish to help you align with it, and know how to focus it as YOU wish it to be. We assure you, there is nothing more important in this moment of your linear time than to assist you in doing so.
We are the Frequency Technicians. We are at your service.

 This is Judith.
THE PARADIGM SHIFT. That is indeed what we are all dealing with NOW, no matter how you are personally experiencing it. That is also what we are experiencing globally. A Paradigm Shift can be violently resisted, or entered with ease. It all depends on what one focuses on, and so chooses to experience.

On December 22nd from 3:00 p.m. pstd until 4:30 p.m. pstd, the celestial team and I will be offering a Tele-Gathering that is focused on HOW to shift into the NEW PARADIGM of 2016 as a Sovereign Reality-Creator with the intention of living your heart’s desire.

To register for THE PARADIGM SHIFT Tele-Gathering–
Offer your reciprocal energy exchange of $15.00 via Paypal to

There is a “donate” tab in the right sidebar that you can use to register if you wish or you can simply do so through your paypal account

To attend–
Wherever in the world you are, all you need is a phone.
You can also use Skype via your computer.

To prepare–
 Bring whatever you most desire to transform or begin with you into the tele-gathering as your focal point.
If you apply the information you receive to what you most desire, many other undesired patterns will transform along with it.

That’s it!
The phone number to use from your country will be sent to you, along with the access code to the tele-gathering.

This is a BIG one. This IS Paradigm Shift.
I look forward to having YOU with us.

We love you. Always and in All Ways– the celestial team.

<3 <3 <3

Copyright(c)2015, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.




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