Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

By Christine Day

The ‘winds of change’ begin to accelerate at the time of the full moon. This specific frequency of the full moon carries a sacred frequency of light rarely ever seen within the history of the Universe. This unique pure frequency will begin to interact electrically with your Earth’s core setting in motion the sacred prophecy that is to bring Earth into a direct alignment to what is referred as a Scahndahlah Event. This phenomenon is a rare event within the Universal planes where a profound re-alignment occurs altering the multidimensional reality of a planetary cycle. Earth’s destined path will shift completely at that juncture.

This extraordinary happening will herald in the next phase of the ‘New Dawning’ for Earth. Templates of light will be released from the higher realms and will assist with the reforming of the magnetic core of your planet. These Templates will create imprints of light that will descend and transform the ability of the sacred sites to interact with the magnetic core creating a more complete stable opening of a series of multidimensional alternate reality spaces throughout your earth plane. This imprinting light from the Templates will play a role of awakening and highlighting these multidimensional alternate reality spaces. These alternate realities are sacred arena’s where aspects of your Higher Self exist, they are pathways leading you back Home...+

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