My recent article on the farcical East/West conflict was kindly posted by Jean Haines on her blog, and she asked her readers for their opinions on it. Having looked at the various comments, I realize I’ll have to write several entries to adequately answer them, so I will.
But to start off, I thought I’d address the two ideas that most grabbed my attention:
1) That “a multi-polar world is going to be a far different picture” than what I’m forecasting.
2) That “we’re heading into the Golden Age.”
So to begin with the first point…
The multipolar / multilateral New World Order is the NWO the Globalist Banking Cabal have been planning all along.
But you don’t have to take my word for it. Take theirs:
Here is an article straight from the IMF website…
…So a global crisis that the globalist banksters engineered requires supranational solutions? Quelle surprise! Note that the globalist buzzwords, multipolar and multilateral, are also prominently featured.
And here is an excerpt from the foreword of a World Bank report titled Global Development Horizons 2011 – Multipolarity: The New Global Economy…
…What, multipolar shows up again? How can this be? ![:-)](
And here is a small portion of the results you get when you search for the word “multipolar” on the BIS website…
…This is just part of the first page of results, and there are three other pages of such articles and speeches. Take your pick.
If you comb through the archives of these bankster-run organizations, you will find no plans related to an Anglo-American, “Nazionist” NWO. You will find plans only for the globalized, multipolar NWO that is currently being birthed. They have been actively implementing these plans since the IMF created the SDR back in 1969. There never was going to be an evil Anglo-American New World Order because the globalists are globalists. They want a world empire, and the only way to persuade people to live in such an empire is if you convince them that all nations within it are on equal footing. The multipolar/multilateral model does that.
The evil Nazi/Zionist NWO was never anything more than a public relations golem they conjured up for the dialectic manipulation of the population. As I wrote in an old entry titled David Wilcock and the Real NWO…
“It is really very simple: the Illuminati built a rabbit trap (in the BRICS alliance) that looks like a nice, safe hole to hide from danger. Now they are beating the bushes (with the Western powers) to drive the rabbits toward the trap.”
(If you haven’t read the full article, I recommend you do. This Internet Archive copy still has the pictures I included.)
In another old entry, I laid out what I expect them to do once they determine it’s time to implement the switchover…
“So this is how it will go down (if they are able to pull it off)…
> They will collapse the old system.
> They will launch the new system by handing out lots of money so people will gleefully accept it. (At this initial stage, they’ll probably block financial access to very few people, such as those trying to buy weapons.)
> Once everyone is dependent on the new system, they will start blocking money from more and more people for more and more reasons until all who remain are locked into a very small box of “elite”-approved behavior.
How will they lock out dissidents, you ask? By using RFID readers at cash registers, intersections, roadblocks, cell towers, etc., as well as in smart meters, cell phones, wireless portals, etc., they will track the movement and destination of all currency and goods. And if you are designated a persona non grata, your digital and physical cash, as well as your consumer products, will be seized for whatever reason they choose to invent. You will be unable to buy, sell, or barter in the mainstream economy.
Make no mistake: the new financial system being sold to the undiscerning elements of the awake and aware community is not of the True Light. It is just the new, improved version of Cabal control covered with a candy coating.
So what should one do? When the old system collapses, I sense the need to GO LOCAL, because any global system being offered will be a trap. Back in the early days of the American colonies, they produced their own scrip (cash), and they did just fine. Going back to community self-sufficiency seems the key to freedom. If the System comes after those who do so, we’ll have to cross that bridge when we get there (with God’s help). Resistance might look futile, but it is a requirement.”
All this being said, let’s move on to the second point…
A Golden Age for whom?
There has been a lot of talk in New Age circles about humanity entering a new Golden Age, but very few people have bothered to look into what a “Golden Age” really means to the occultists who established and promoted the New Age mind control system. If you look into the historical accounts of the Dragon Family (also known as the Illuminati, the Order, etc.), you find some surprising information.
Here is an excerpt from a pro-Dragon website that collects and posts Dragon lore…
>>> Their race was known by various names. In Assyria, the Annodoti. In Sumeria, the Annunaki. In Druidic lore, the Tuatha de Danaan. In Judeo-Christian scriptures, they are called the Nephilim, “the Sons of God”, or the Watchers. They are described as having attachments such as wings, horns, and even fish scales, but from the depictions it is clear that these are costumes worn for their symbolic value, for these symbols indicated divine power and royal blood. The gods themselves had their own monarchy, with laws of succession similar to our own, and they built a global empire upon the Earth, with great cities, temples, monuments, and mighty nations established on several continents. Man was separate from the gods, like a domesticated animal, and there was a great cultural taboo amongst the gods against sharing any of their sacred information with humanity, even things such as writing and mathematics. These gods ruled directly over Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley, and their rule is recorded in the histories of all three civilizations.
This global monarchy was the crowning glory of the ages, and the period of their rule came to be called “the Golden Age”, or as the Egyptians called it, “the First Time”, when the gods watched over man directly, like a shepherd does his flock. In fact, they were often called “the Shepherd Kings.” One of the symbols of this world monarchy was an eye hovering over a throne, and this eye now adorns our American dollar bill, presented as the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid of Giza, underneath which are written the words “New World Order.” Clearly this New World Order is the global monarchy that or Founding Fathers (not a Democrat among them) intended for this nation to participate in all along, symbolized by a pyramid as a representation of the ideal and perfectly ordered authoritarian empire. /strong>
Here is a passage from another pro-Dragon site, and it is attributed to Michael Baigent, a notable Freemason writer…
“Furthermore, the world empire of the Atlantean kings who spawned the Merovingians is more complete now than it has ever been since the gods left the earth during the Deluge. The United Nations, a feeble example, will surely give way at some point to a united world government strong enough and glorious enough to be called an empire. The fallen kingdom of the gods is clearly returning, and the new Golden Age is upon us. If this author’s hunch is correct, this is, indeed, a glorious time to be alive.”
Speaking of the Merovingians, one of their symbols, the fleur-de-lis, is prominently featured on the second Dragon webpage. And in this particular section, it is shown along with the Anunnaki flying disc symbol and the “goddess” Isis…
…Can you think of another place you’ve seen the fleur-de-lis recently?…
Make no mistake, the Anunnaki (if they actually exist), the Dragons/Illuminati, the Kabbalist Jews, the Freemasons, etc. are attempting to bring us into a multipolar New World Order and a new “Golden Age.” And through their New Age paradigm and dialectic tactics, they are attempting to program you to believe these are good things. I’d be careful about drinking that Kool Aid.
In closing, I’d like to say that my intention in writing about these things is to give people a chance, not to scare them. For if we follow the siren song of the BRICS propaganda, we will walk right into the trap the globalists have set for us. Since I can’t sit idly by and allow that to happen, I point out facts and offer the most rational and intuitive interpretation I can in order to give people a conscious choice. Will you hide in your comfort zone and let them erect their new slavery system around you, or will you work with your neighbors to self-govern and to stop using their debt money? The choice is now yours.
Offered with love, with more to come…
Here are the bad guys who’ve been causing all our problems…
…Once the heroic politicians and central bankers of the paradise-like BRICS nations defeat them, all will be right again in the world… NOT.
A couple of days ago, I ran across a short essay from globalist spokesman David Wilcock (and left some comments underneath it). His basic point was that he saw two Disney movies that had plot elements kinda similar to the geopolitical narrative he’s been putting out, so that constitutes the “most compelling pieces of physical proof that what we have been talking about is real.” After recovering from the shock of encountering such absurdity, I started wondering…
Is this “blame the Nazis (and Zionists)” propaganda theme something only fringe conmen like Wilcock, Fulford and Keenan are putting out, or do the globalists really intend to roll it out as the mainstream cover story?
To answer this question, I searched BRICS mainstream propaganda outlets RT and PressTV, and I found that they had indeed exposed their readers to the Nazi narrative. To see what they’ve been saying, let’s have a look at RT first.
RT has introduced their readers to the narrative through articles in their Op-Edge section written by Tony Gosling…
Here is the first one I found: From ‘Free’ West to fascist fire-starters in 60 yrs: Where did we g... And here are some relevant excerpts…
“The seeds of the West’s succession of bloodbaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and possibly Syria were sown in the final days of World War II…
…So it was the failure of the post-war Western alliance to deliver justice in the decades after World War II that is behind the West’s obsession with military adventurism. That’s why we struggle to deliver justice and democracy in the West to this day.
Humanity will not shake itself free of the curse of bigger and better guns in the nuclear age until it recognizes that Nazism was not defeated in 1945, but embraced by Western governments, big business and yes, even by the Israeli state.”
Like Benjamin Fulford, Gosling pegs the beginning of the West’s troubles to “the final days of World War II,” and through his narrative, he seems to imply that the Western Establishment was all about “justice and democracy” before the Nazis were embraced by them and corrupted them. Any rational person should know better than this.
But let’s go on to the second: A betrayal too far: Only brutal honesty will do at Arnhem’s 70th an.... Here are some salient points…
>>>Bilderberg is where the transatlantic banking, royal, media and corporate elite give our politicians their orders, and has been meeting annually in Europe or North America from 1954 to this day. Its connection to NATO is umbilical, yet often overlooked, as all Bilderberg steering group members and important attendees are from the NATO countries.
NATO’s Nazi ties go right back to the supposedly defensive alliance’s first meetings. Quoted in AJ Barker’s “Waffen SS at War”, HIAG, the SS veterans association’s chief after the war, former Eastern front Panzer corps General Paul Hausser, “claimed that the foreign units of the SS were really the precursors of the NATO army.”
Critics point out that, through politically motivated state terror campaigns such as Operation Gladio, which left hundreds of innocent European civilians dead, right through to liaison with Ukraine’s far right paramilitaries UNA/UNSO, NATO’s covert operations with fascist groups have been continuous since the end of World War II. As Italian “gladiator” Vincenzo Vinciguerra put it in a BBC Timewatch documentary: “In 1945 World War Two ended, and World War Three began.”/strong>
So Bilderberg = NATO = Nazi fascists, and that is what ruined the West, according to Tony. Although he does mention the “banking, royal, media and corporate elite,” this time, he fails to point out that Nazism, just like Communism and a dozen other ideological “isms,” is driven by the banksters and their agenda, not the other way around.
The truth is that the “elite” don’t give a rat’s ass about ideologies like Nazism; what matters to them is centralization of wealth and power into their hands. Ideologies, like religions, are mere tools they use for socioeconomic experimentation and global geopolitical engineering. The central banking families are no more Nazis than they are Islamists, but they do support both movements (and many more) to move the global population in the directions they want them to go.
Moving on to PressTV, they have introduced their readers to the Nazi narrative through another UK Zone columnist, Finian Cunningham (this is starting to smell like MI5/6)…
..and through an Operation Paperclip book review.
The book review was titled US gave immunity to war criminals, and here are some highlights…
“After World War II, the U.S. military hired sixteen hundred former Nazi scientists and doctors, including some of Adolf Hitler’s closest collaborators…
The U.S. military shifted in numerous ways when former Nazis were put into prominent positions…
Permanent war thinking, limitless war thinking, and creative war thinking in which science and technology overshadowed death and suffering, all went mainstream…
In 1947 Operation Paperclip, still rather small, was in danger of being terminated. Instead, Truman transformed the U.S. military with the National Security Act, and created the best ally that Operation Paperclip could want: the CIA.”
The overall impression created by this article is that the transplanted Nazis were the force that drove America’s aggression after WW2 (not the globalist agenda, which is never mentioned).
And Finians article was titled US driven by Nazi war machine. Here is a key passage…
“The absorption of Nazi military practice and intelligence into the CIA and other Western organizations at the end of the Second World War had fateful and far-reaching pernicious consequences – consequences that are becoming more and more manifest today, as US-led wars of aggression rage around the world.
If we want to understand why US-led wars of aggression, covert and overt, are plaguing the planet, from Iraq, Afghanistan, to Libya, Syria and Iran, we can gain much insight into today’s problems by going back to events at the end of the Second World War.”
Again we detect the characteristic propaganda pattern: the Paperclip/Rat Line Nazis ruined poor little innocent America.
It’s amazing that the Pentagon figured out how to firebomb and nuke entire cities before the evil Nazis came along.
Finian goes on from there to make a mistake. He claims that Nazi intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen was close with OSS chief “John Foster Dulles,” but it was John Foster’s brother Allen who was in the OSS. Allen Dulles went on to become the first civilian Director of the Central Intelligence agency, and John Foster went on to become US Secretary of State. And looking at the two Dulles brothers is quite informative in discovering who was really in the driver’s seat of the West’s pre-and-post-WW2 behavior.
Here are some key points of information about the Dulles brothers and their connections:
John Foster Dulles
> was a US Secretary of State
> was a Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1935 to 1952 (and served as its Chairman from 1950-1952).
> was “an early member, along with future First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, of the League of Free Nations Association, founded in 1918 and after 1923 known as the Foreign Policy Association, which supported American membership in the League of Nations.”
> “participated in the San Francisco Conference as an adviser to Arthur H. Vandenberg and helped draft the preamble to the United Nations Charter.”
> was a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations
> and had a son, Avery, who went on to become a Jesuit Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church…
Allen Dulles
> was the first civilian Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
> “became a director of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1927″
> and “served as legal adviser to the delegations on arms limitation at the League of Nations”
In addition to these points, it’s worth noting a passage from David Rockefeller’s bio…
“Rockefeller also reportedly has connections to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As well as knowing Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles—who was an in-law of the family since his college years, it was in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his WWII operational center after Pearl Harbor, liaising closely with MI6 which also had their principal U.S. operation in the Center.”
So both Allen Dulles and MI6 had their bases of operation in Rockefeller Center, and both Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles had strong personal connections to the Rockefeller bankster family, the Jesuits, and many top globalist organizations. Given all this, was it their love of Nazism that led them to support Hitler’s rise and aggression, or was it the globalist bankster agenda that guided their actions? A simple application of common sense should provide the answer (Hitler’s war was a nice setup for the United Nations, the seed of global governance).
If we boil the “blame the Nazis and Zionists (Nazionist)” propaganda paradigm down to its bare bones…
…this is the lie:
The problem is confined to the West and is caused by the Nazionists.
Therefore, once the Nazionists are taken down, the problem is solved.
…and this is the truth:
The problem is worldwide and is caused by the globalist banksters.
Therefore, once the Nazionists are taken down, the problem will still be left standing.
The first step to stopping them is to stop falling for their BS.
In closing, allow me to say this to our globalist bankster buddies…
By all means, go ahead and set out your Nazionist punch bowl. I’m gonna crap in it. Let’s see if anyone notices. ![😉](
Much love to all….
Exit the evil-looking scapegoat…
Enter the smiley-faced “hero”…
![Pope Francis](
I came across another article yesterday that does a good job of summarizing the true nature of “Judaism”: The Jews are not Israelites. While it offers good information, it is important to keep in mind that attacks upon Zionist Jews and Israel are actually part of the globalist transition narrative. Ziojews/Israel represent the Left Hand Path in the scripted global drama, and the Left Hand is in the process of being publicly scapegoated as the Right Hand Path “heroes” come forth to save the day.
A passage from a recent Benjamin Fulford propaganda piece offers a nice overview of who the scripted goats and heroes are…
“What we are witnessing is clearly the end game for the nazionists. Let us recap some of the big changes that have taken place in the campaign to oust these psychopathic killers from the top levels of world power. The Queen of the Netherlands plus the Kings of Spain and Belgium have resigned, the top Warburg family member committed suicide, Richard Rockefeller died, Senator J. Rockefeller resigned, pope malevolent resigned, 200 nazi US military officers have been fired, former French President Sarkozy was arrested and now, last week 660 pedophiles were arrested in the UK. The Vatican has also fired over 400 pedophiles and is continuing a major purge of the Catholic church. The Vatican bank, which was used by the cabal to bribe world leaders, has shut down over 3000 corrupt accounts.”
So let’s take stock of what this little passage (along with the propaganda coming from other such sources) is telling us…
1) The scripted villains/fall guys are the Western Bloodline (“royal”) Families.
The scripted heroes are the Eastern Bloodline (“Dragon”) Families.
2) The scripted villains/fall guys are the Fed banksters and their Dark Hat agency/Pentagon associates.
The scripted heroes are the BRICS banksters and their White Hat agency/Pentagon associates.
3) The scripted villain/fall guy is Pope “Malevolent” (Benedict).
The scripted hero is Pope Francis.
4) The scripted villains/fall guys are the Zionist Jews, the Neocon Christians, and the Jihadist Muslims (all “religious fundamentalists”).
The scripted heroes are the New Age Judeochrislamists…
Once all the troubles of the world have been laid upon the scapegoats, they will be run out of town and the heroes will take their place. But with what would that leave us?
We would be ruled by the same groups and institutions that we are now, but with smiley new faces and a fresh coat of white paint. We would still be controlled by Bloodline Families, BRICS-oriented central bankers, and the Vatican with its new version of Catholic doctrine (an all-encompassing doctrine that blends all existing religions into the new global state religion).
With all this in mind, allow me to say this to the “elite” script writers: sorry, fellas, but this sh*t ain’t gonna fly. The only way you’ll survive what’s ahead is to come clean, surrender, and let us forgive you.
Much love to all….
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