
Sunday, October 25, 2015 Edition #37 Subscription FREE or by Donation
Dismantling the Matrix
by Sananda
Community Corner:
"Sacred Kiss from Heaven"
Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Community Corner:
"Love Is Your Nature and It Will Be Experienced, Personally"
Jesus through John Smallman
Dismantling the Matrix
by Sananda
Dear Brothers and Sisters, they are coming in, by the hundreds of thousands - refugees from the Matrix. Even some of the ones we called "Cabal" are deciding it was better to risk being refugees of the old system rather than to remain in the darkness. We are prepared, with organizations on the ground to welcome them, but it is keeping us all at maximum effort for the time being. We are using every kind of creative solution, including some FEMA camps, with good provisions. We will be accepting help from people who receive their RV blessings soon, so it will more than fill the gap of what is needed. We anticipate that there will be many who are willing to be foster parents and host families for those who were captives, as soon as people are not working long hours. Everything will change. Everything is changing - for the better.
Many have wondered how the necessities of life will continue to be fulfilled once so many people are freed by the Prosperity funds causing many workers to leave their jobs. As our beloved Sheldon Nidle has reported, there will be holographic Light people to fill the important jobs after the RV/GCR. They are prepared now, having shadowed the ones who will be leaving their jobs. These helpers are holographic projections, who will keep everything running smoothly as the incredible transition of surface Earth unfolds.
About the Revaluation of Currencies (RV/GCR): Along side our tireless boots-on-the-ground teams, we are working our way through all the steps needed to make this financial transformation a sure thing. We wish to insure you that it will be safe, easy, and completely what was intended originally: Prosperity for all, distributed in such a way that it cannot be siphoned off by the cabal. It has been a tricky process. Often, as we completed one element of the plan, we found there were five other elements that needed to be completed before all would be secure. For instance, it became clear that the changes in law and the courts that would be provided by NESARA would be required almost immediately, to protect the all who are coming forward with abundant resources. Previously, it was an invitation to the cabal to make trouble for all those acquiring new prosperity, to stop their projects, had we not competed the clearing away of all the leverage and power the old system still provided.
Of course, none of this was a complete surprise to us, but it has taken longer to dismantle the Matrix structure than we had originally projected. The last vestiges of the cabal personnel proved to be more persistent and more determined to cause trouble than we had hoped. We had many back-up and contingency plans, and we have had to employ many of them, but the most effective projects have been the "hand-to-hand combat" carried out by our courageous Boots on the Ground.
These ground troops have used every opportunity to block nefarious actions while providing a loving environment in which to provide a win-win situation for anyone sensible enough to accept it. However, we have seen such levels of irrational denial and belligerence that we are convinced the damage accrued from living long lives in the throes of the dark Matrix have made a segment of humanity deeply irrational. The "leaders" of yesterday are more and more insanely power-hungry and rigidly committed to destroying anyone who stands in the way of their delusional lust for control over the entire planet.
Now I will tell you of our greatest "secret weapon" in the chess game to restore Earth to her pristine glory as elegantly as possible. It is you, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. You are learning how to wield the greatest force available to humanity: your will, and your heart-felt intention to create Peace on Earth. You are learning day by day to use your creativity to Co-create the Paradise we have envisioned together, and it is working, step by step.
I will use the example of our beloved Kathryn and Christine to illustrate what is possible. Like many of you, they have committed themselves utterly to carrying out whatever assignments the Company of Heaven has given them, and it is having an enormous effect. All of you have jumped on board the "Glory Train," adding your cumulative energies to the great wave of Light that will bring it all Home. Your contributions in the forms of your stedfast devotion to uplifting yourselves and all along with your efforts to daily meditation are pushing through the last barriers of dark energies. It is truly historic.
We asked you on our radio show this week (link below) to join with us each day at 3 pm EDT to push higher and higher, creating the energetic portal through to higher dimensions, the Rainbow Bridge that is your pathway to Ascension. The entire Galactic contingent in ships circling your beautiful planet, billions strong, have joined to bring Peace on Earth and to address basic issues as they arise. It creates a lull each day around 3 pm in the "Frequency War" that the cabal has waged these past weeks and months on the entire population of Earth. You must be aware, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, of this diabolical yet ultimatley ineffectual attempt to disorient, confuse and divide the people of Earth. It is one of the most sophisticated programs the cabal has instituted to try to reclaim control.
Those who worked for the cabal, many in conditions of abject slavery, have created designer frequencies to attack individual Lightworkers, using their "advanced" psychological understandings of each of you to stop you in your tracks. They send out the frequencies of doubt, insecurity, guilt, fear, exhaustion, despair, even nausea, or any of the negative emotions they can find that might reproduce an echo to your individual past emotional difficulties. It is an attempt to literally bring back the darkest hours for each of you, reprising the worst moments of your childhood, or the deepest despair of your adult lives.
Do not fall into the trap, Dearest Ones. Call on your Higher Selves, your Twin Flame, and your connection to me or to Mother and Father God or to your closest Ascended Master, to remind you to shore up your Faith, your inner strength and your absolute commitment to truth. You are the brilliant Masters on the ground, our counterparts in every way. Together we are a formidable team.
Each day, as the frequencies rise to an excruciating pitch for Christine, our point person in this "Project All-y All-y In Free," she and Kathryn communicate with the cabal members who are listening to every word they say and monitoring their every move. They speak openly to the operators assigned to attack them and who send frequencies which would cause heart attacks or organ failure if it were not for the protection of the Galactic Federation and the Arcturian Medical Teams. This is true for all of you, Dear Lightworkers. You are all under the protection of your angelic teams and the Ashtar Command, whether you realize it or not.
As we monitor and modulate the incoming frequencies, we carefully document the conversations that vary day by day, but always address the fact that Kathryn, Christine and the family of Lightworkers across the globe are volunteers, offering their loving intentions to bring all the souls - every one who has come to incarnate on Terra at this time - to their rightful Home, within the embrace of Mother and Father God.
Unlike those who have been initiated into the cabal network, they have not been viciously tortured and enslaved. They express their own free will when they wish for their Brothers and Sisters who have been damaged by their lifetimes in the dark Matrix to be restored to the Light. Christine tells of her ability to see them even as they send their attacks, and her genuine love and compassion for them, who but for Grace, would have joined as a programmed minion like them. Kathryn speaks to them directly of the torture they have endured, the disillusionment they must feel at learning it was all based on lies, and the hope that they will simply walk away, leave it all behind in favor of Freedom and an invitation to come with everyone else to the "afterparty" - St. Germain's glorious gala celebration.
The operators and their bosses are reminded that no assault can stop Kathryn and Christine because they, unlike the cabal, are truly inspired by and protected by Mother and Father God (and of course by Archangel Michael, Ashtar, the Arcturians and me). In the same way, each of you are now directly under the protection of your Twin Flame and your Higher Self, in conjunction with the Company of Heaven.
The cabal operators on duty are told by Christine and Kathryn, as each new shift comes on, that they too could be protected in this same way if they only do one thing: Put their hands on their heart, and say inwardly, silently, (no one has to know), "I don't know if it is real, but if there is a Mother and Father God, I want to come Home. I want to come to the Light." At that moment, they are instantly provided the protection of their standby angelic teams, who arrange with the Ashtar Command and the teams on the ground to give them safe passage out of the underground chambers and secret hiding places, into the protection of loving beings who will bring them to safety.
Conversations alternate from challenges from Kathryn to reassurances from Christine. They remind the operators to read their instruments and see that the "kill" frequencies do not kill them because they are protected. They often speak to the operators in deeply empathic tones about the dilemma of the "privileged" cabal leaders. Their refusal to stop the violent attacks - most intensely felt by sensitive Lightworkers - are proof of the dangerous and deadly programs that must never again be allowed to fester on any planet, in any system. We are constantly reminded in these days that only someone who had been tortured mercilessly themselves would believe it was a good idea to torture others. Their deepest feelings are rage and vindictiveness, because of their own pain and history. They cannot believe in Mother and Father God's Love because they have never experienced unconditional Love in their own lives for a very long time.
Since Christine, with her thin veil, can follow the frequencies back to the individuals and groups sending them, she reminds them that names, places, dates and all events transpiring now are being documented as part of the record, the history of what the end of the Matrix really looked like. This will stand for all time as the clear evidence of the kind of irreparable damage to humans that has been caused by the evil programs that were instituted under the long reign of the Anunnaki and their minions. Although the Anunnaki, the Reptilians and others who perpetrated darkness on Earth are gone from the planet, and mostly have returned to the Light, the cabal humans who remain are evidence of how vulnerable humankind really is to damage by torture and mind control. No one comes away from a lifetime of systematic abuse without their sense of self being splintered into shards; they are a collection of attitudes and beliefs without access to the smoldering ember of God's flame deep in their hearts.
In order to recover from the unspeakable abuse they have suffered, these damaged beings must be convinced to reach deeply into themselves to find that small spark that remains, take hold of it and reconnect to their lifeforce which is Love. Throughout the days and weeks of negotiations and coaching from us (whom they initially ignored) and through our Lightworkers on the ground calling out for them to come Home, more and more of them are turning toward the Light, asking for safe passage to come to Mother and Father God. They continue to stream out of the underground cities, the brothels and the "training" nurseries, and few complete their transition without tears of gratitude and relief.
It is the first time since the Fall into lower consciousness that humans on the ground have been able to work in such conscious harmony with us in higher dimensions on such a grand scale, creating the pathways moment by moment that will bring all to the Light. It is truly a miracle of synchrony, shared intentions, and deep Love for each other and for the Mission we have volunteered to sponsor. It is working, Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are moving the mountain, together. Each day as Mother and Father increase the bright energies flooding the planet, it becomes easier and more fulfilling to maintain the full-out charge into the Light, hand in hand, working as One mind, One heart and One soul.
Beloved Lightworkers, as I have said before, you have no idea how powerful your energies are now. Some of you are still wondering what your Mission is, and how you will carry it through. Well, I am here to tell you, you already have. Every time you smile, every time you raise your eyes to Mother and Father God and speak the truth of your hearts, every time you feel the Love flowing from your heart to another being, you are lifting all of us. Remember, Dearest Ones, that genuine laughter and playfulness are balm to tired souls - yours and others'.
It is truly a New Day, Brothers and Sisters. Our momentum is unstoppable. Our Love is unbounded. We have overcome the darkness and inertia of thousands of years of control and programming. You, by overcoming these forces within yourselves, have created the Miracle of Light that was needed to bring us to this glorious tipping point.
I speak for Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven when I say we are with you every moment, every step, and we are carrying the banner of Freedom for all on our beloved Terra.
I am you Sananda.
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, October 4, 2015
"Sacred Kiss fromHeaven"
by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik
Selamat Balik! This reality is being swiftly disassembled by the various decisions of a new group of the ancient families and the new royalty of Europe. Their decisions are making it possible to speedily take down the many-headed monster that is the cabal. Those who are involved in the legal aspects of this operation are quite pleased that these vital decisions are finally being made. Our liaisons report that the new financial system and its many parts are in fact completed. We expect these newly finished parts to take on the US Federal Reserve and its numerous central bank allies. The many precedents set up by our legal division promises to make these strikes quick and easy. These banks lack the precious metal support offered to the world by the new financial system. Hence, we feel that this new system can be in charge of a new financial reality before this 10th Gregorian month ends. These events can clearly signal that the many currency revaluations and the grand global currency reset can be finished and put in operation. This is to be the time when a whole slew of new governance is to be operating. These new governments are to finally end the decades-long UFO cover up!
When this cover-up is lifted globally, we can start to broadcast a number of programs that are to inform you of who we are and to explain your off-planet origins. What the Atlanteans did to their political dissidents was a growing sign of their obedience to the dark. This policy was fully demonstrated again by the dark deeds of their successors, the Anunnaki. You have been treated since this time to a series of lies and misinformation. We, in the Light, intend to explain this history to you and especially the many manipulative stories recorded in your history books. Since childhood, you have gleefully swallowed what the authorities told you. This set of false core perceptions was repeated again and again. War is a psychopathic activity. The same can be said for hatred and the resulting false sense of a prejudicial superiority over those you are taught to hate. The rise of your consciousness is a process, which is beginning to fracture the set of lies concerning hatred and other similar feelings given to you. You are now starting to question what is told to you. We wish to use our technology to show you what has really been happening since the start of the last century!
This world of yours is changing for the better. First, it is done surreptitiously. Then,at the right time, these changes can become public. This process for societal change is taking place under high security as was decided on long ago. At present, the preliminaries are under way. These operations now cover the Americas, Europe and Asia. A new series of policies are emanating from the ancient families as a new generation of members of their various councils has come on board. These new policies are speeding up those operations, which were agreed upon several weeks ago. Hence, you are very close to seeing new governance, your abundance and a new financial system bloom before you! Our liaisons are quite overjoyed with what is presently occurring. This manifesting new reality requires you to see it in a new light. These new governments are to be transparent and need your close watchdog observations. Your participation is truly needed. The strong relationship between governance and yourselves is more than ever both needed and required!
As you can see, a quiet revolution is starting to manifest. Each of you is the true reason for this most dramatic change. You need to see the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) as just the first step in a global event that is to end debt slavery and bring you a growing prosperity. Your deepest dreams are shortly to be met. In addition, the UFO cover-up is to be transformed into one where you can meet us. We see this moment as a true watershed in your history. The nearly 13 millennia of a global quarantine are to end. Your mentors are to initially take the time to introduce themselves and explain in detail who you really are. This is just the start of a grand adventure, which is to conclude with your divine time in your own personalized Crystal Light Chamber. Then you are to become fully conscious and reunite with the Agarthans, and with us. Your communications to Heaven are to be fully restored. A new star nation is to be born! You are to complete your grand destiny! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Blessings! We are you Ascended Masters! At the present time, you are being bombarded with extra dimensional energies. These are blessedly boosting the many updates to your physical and non-physical bodies. All of this is about integration. The new physical components need to have their many spiritual parts merge with your physical and mental parts. This is how Heaven is rapidly permitting you to move successfully to higher and higher levels of consciousness. This divine process is happening in union with our allies and associates. You are as well being gently changed in your perceptions and your ways of dealing with this realm.. This is how we were prepared for our transformations. See these precious alterations as a sacred kiss from Heaven. You are truly blessed and cared for. Long ago, we progressed through these same types of changes. These took a number of lifetimes to achieve. The outcome was a marvelous state of grace and divine service.
As you start to move through the final stages, which return you to the realm of physical Angels know deep in your heart the wondrous joys awaiting you. You are a most special group of humans. You have suffered unbelievable sorrows and been placed in numerous lifetimes that have truly tested you. You have seen death, pestilence and the ill effects of unfettered tyranny. Despite this, you have not fallen from the sacred support of the Light. This is a long testing, which deserves proper recognition. We are a part of these grand lives of challenges to the heart and to the ways of Heaven. Through all these lifetimes, you have survived. Now there comes the final defeat of the dark and the grand triumph of the Light! We have watched and seen the horrors of life amidst these lies and a grand tyranny. You are blessed and given a sacred dispensation for full consciousness and a divine return to physical Angelhood!
You are to be saved from any further lifetimes in this dark horror. We are awaiting you when you come in joy from the Crystal Light Chambers. This transition has taken longer since the dark cast a deep net of sorrow about this realm. This is removed! The next task is to fill this land with joy, freedom and prosperity. Already, our associates are preparing the way for things to manifest, which are to astound you. Hence, know in your heart that a new realm is forming. It is One in which the minions of the dark are formally removed. Those who favor that truth and transparency govern you are to need your full participation. Hence, be ready to exercise your new attainment of Light and Love. Be ever grateful and thank Heaven for this most sacred act of mercy. The Earth is to be transformed and you are to rejoin with your ancient spiritual and space families in the lands of Agartha. Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we carried on with our weekly reports. You are very near to the time when this marvelous land is to be reborn. The dark is at last readying to relent and surrender. We are as well near to the landing of those who have long protected us. A truly grand moment is at hand! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
More from Sheldan Nidle and PAO: HERE
Community Corner
"Love Is Your Nature and It Will Be Seen and Experienced, Personally"
Jesus through John Smallman
You, every sentient life form, are eternally One with God. There is no separation, even though your everyday experience enclosed within human bodies strongly indicates the opposite. There is only God, as we in the spiritual realms keep on reminding you, as we keep on drawing your attention to this unalterable truth, and He is our divine Source, Who is Love, the energy field in which all that exists is eternally present. What you experience as humans are dreams and nightmares, but due to your choice to awaken you are moving away from nightmares towards pleasant dreams, and it is from these that you will awaken into the bliss that God's eternal Presence constantly provides.
There is nowhere apart from the Presence of God. You just chose to imagine an utterly different form of existence, an impossible state in which Love was lacking. Therefore you closed your minds to the Love that envelops and embraces you in every moment by drawing an imaginary cloak or veil over your awareness, much as a small child on putting its hands in front of its face believes that all that it could see has now been removed.
Your awakening is a withdrawing of your "collective hands" from in front of your faces to let in the Light that is eternally present. You have already decided, collectively, to do that, and so your awakening is assured. You have to remember that you are free. That means that God will not interfere with or override any choices that you make, even if those choices bring you intense suffering. That may sound as though He does not care about your well-being, but of course your well-being has been assured and taken care of since the moment of your creation.
As you know so well, anything that is not in total alignment with Love is unreal. However, when you chose to experience separation from Love by entering into the illusion, you closed your awareness and experienced what appeared to be abandonment in a strange and frequently hostile environment. It was an environment in which there were a multitude of life forms some of which threatened and attacked you, sometimes causing you great pain as they killed you. It was indeed a terrifying place in which you found yourselves. Sometimes you formed groups for mutual support and protection, and when you felt strong enough you would attack other groups to steal from them - their land, their food, their possessions - or to totally subjugate them. And as your history shows you that is still occurring.
Nevertheless, you have made the collective decision to awaken, and the signs of that momentous decision can be seen all across the world as ever increasing numbers of you realize that the old ways do not work, never have worked, and that the only way forwards is by being the Love and the Peace that you want to see in the world. You cannot make others loving and peaceful however forcefully you attempt to do so - free will not only operates between you and God, but also between each one of you. It is a divine gift that each and every one of you possess, and although you can intimidate and subjugate another by force of arms, you cannot override their free will.
Peace can only occur when all cooperate in loving harmony to achieve the most favorable results for all involved. That realization has now dawned on so many who are now living it that it will come to pass. There is no one on Earth who does not want a loving and peaceful life.
Before now the fear of pain and suffering that others might inflict on you - barbarians or savages, and in the present age, terrorists - led you to build defenses and armaments to protect yourselves. But because your distrust of one another was so great, you then used your weapons for preemptive strikes to destroy or subjugate the others before they did it to you.
Your increasing general awareness that this can never work is leading you forwards towards a moment when you all, one by one as individuals, will formally resolve never again to take up arms against anyone for any reason. At present that idea still seems insane to many because history has also shown you that when groups did that they were inevitably overrun by those who would steal their territory and subjugate them.
However, the Tsunami of Love that envelops and embraces the planet is changing that. Many who have fought in wars, and many who are doing so presently are becoming acutely aware of the absolute insanity of believing that by destroying others peace can be established on Earth! You have never had peace on Earth. But now it is to come about.
Those who live in fear, and there are many of them, will be most vociferously opposed to any laying down of arms, but the vast majority on the planet truly want just that to happen. Consequently most of the fearful ones will be overwhelmed by the Love that is invading their personal energy fields from so many directions and they will release their emotional hold on fear. Those who choose to hold on to their fears may well become even louder in their objections, producing all kinds of unloving and violent arguments to persuade you that to go down the path of Love is insane and will be catastrophic for humanity.
I can assure you that this will not be the case. You are, each and everyone of you, inseparable aspects of the divine energy field of Love in which all exists. Love is your nature and It will be seen and experienced, personally. Those who, despite all the Love invading their individual energy fields, continue their resistance will find themselves in an environment that suits their beliefs and fears until they too are ready to accept the Love that is offered to them ceaselessly in every moment of their lives. No one has been abandoned, and no on will remain forever asleep.
Humanity is to awaken. It is God's Will, and the will of humanity that you do so, and as you can see, if you pay attention and choose to see, the affects of the Tsunami of Love are evident all across the world dissolving barriers and enmities everywhere. So, keep holding your Light on high and bring it on!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
More from John Smallman: HERE
Quote of the Day
Update GaiaPortal
"Fires are ignited.
Patterns of freedom come to the fore.
Higher Consciousness fully awakens in all of Gaia inhabitants.
Grievances are addressed and transformed.
Gaia metamorphosis nears completion."
~ ÉirePort 10/24/15
More from GaiaPortal: HERE
From the Editor's Desk...
~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~
Live Radio Show "Channel Panel"
Has Resumed!
Friends and Family across Earth, We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to begin anew their weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age!
Every Wednesday @
8:00 PM EST
Our Latest Show...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth
By Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015
A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features.
The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.
Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.
Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!
I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share.
Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age.
I am your brother,
Archangel Michael
Namaste All.
Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015
Photo Credit: Griffith Observatory
Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE
Website: whoneedslight.org
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Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family.
Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.
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