The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
The first 30 minutes of today’s Situation Update podcast (see below) reveals an astonishing, powerful secret that you already possess. I will not describe it here in plain text because that makes it too easily spidered and indexed by the enemy (search engines). This secret is truly the most powerful weapon God gave you to defeat evil and free human civilization from the precipice of destruction.
What’s astonishing about this gift is that it works automatically once you “spark” it. From there, the gift kicks in and ripples across the consciousness of the entire globe (and beyond).
This isn’t New Age stuff, either. It’s 100% God-aligned, cosmic truth that God himself built into the fabric of reality.
He gave you a mind, a soul and consciousness. But you probably don’t realize the true power of those gifts because, for most of us, we have lived our lives in a never-ending stream of suppression of those gifts. That’s the role of the mainstream media, Hollywood, engineered “emergencies,” professional sports, substance addictions and other distractions. They all suppress your gifts and prevent you from easily, almost effortlessly defeating evil.
The real secret is that you don’t have to “fight” any battles to win the war. You don’t have to convince anybody of anything, and you don’t have to argue. The spark begins the process, then the laws of nature and the cosmos take over from there.
Learn this secret. You already possess it. You were born with it, and no one can take it from you. The secret even works if you are imprisoned or censored.---->
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