Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Love Joy Comet

by Mike Silver  


By Bob Fickes, 01/17/2015



This year is the year of Peace and Love. To herald in this wonderful energy the universe has brought us a gift: the Love Joy Comet is closer to the Earth than it has been in a very long time. If you look up into the sky, you can see a green dot that is moving slowly through the sky. If you have a pair of binoculars or a telescope you can see it more clearly. Even with binoculars you can see the long tail behind the comet. This month the Love Joy Comet can be seen close to the Pleiades. So when you look into the sky find the cluster of stars that are known as the Pleiades and then look beneath the star cluster for a green star that is shining brighter than the other stars in the sky.


When Comets appear in the sky it is an omen that signals a great transformation on Earth. In this case the Love Joy Comet is a green color. Green is the color of the Healing Flame of Kannon. This Comet will help our Earth to move in equilibrium with the Higher Dimensions and help us all to heal the karma of the past more smoothly.


Sanat Kumara told us that Love and Joy will be rising in our consciousness more and more until 14 February. I didn’t realize at the time that the Love Joy Comet was coming this close to the Earth. It is a miraculous sign that the messages from the Masters are perfectly in tune with what is happening on Earth.


Throughout this month the Love Joy Comet will be close to the Pleiades. The Pleiades are known as the Seven Sisters, a symbol of clearing our Seven Chakras. The Green Flame will heal our Chakras and bring us more Pleiadian creativity and Love. The Pleiadians have always been a friend to the Earth and have often come here to help us. We can rejoice that once again their energy is with us.


The Time of Human Transformation is at hand. We are all a part of it. Look into the sky and see the Comet. Welcome the Green Healing Flame into your heart and feel the blessings! Enjoy the Time of Transformation from karmic difficulties into greater Love and Joy! This year is a special year for all of us! We are truly blessed! Enjoy!

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Comment by Besimi on January 20, 2015 at 3:32pm

The Magic Of Laughter


laughing buddha

RJ Spina, Contributor
Waking Times

Isn’t it amazing how much better everything is when we enjoy a hearty laugh? Our whole outlook changes. Whatever perceived misfortune we were experiencing is gone, even if just for one glorious moment. Sometimes when we find something truly hilarious it lift us up and changes our outlook permanently. The power of laughter can heal old wounds, both literally and figuratively, demonstrably display the ridiculousness of our own behavior, teaching us and transforming us all the while we experience great joy. Laughter can even magically turn sworn enemies into trusting confidants.

A good sense of humor is essential to experiencing the richness of life; the subtle and not so subtle intricacies and nuances that are captured while observing the absurdity of it all. So powerfullaughter can be that our body weeps because it cannot contain the pure joy we are experiencing. It brings a smile to our face  reminiscing about a great laugh we experienced or pondering the next one that’s right around the corner.

We spend far too much time taking ourselves and each other way too seriously. The playfulness of life is always staring us in the face or kicking us in the rear but we are often much too busy or too disenfranchised to play along. Is it because we equate being serious with self-importance and gravitas? Whoever said we had to take anything seriously? There is no more value in being serious than in being playful. When we appreciate a good joke or a funny moment we honor the connectivity we all share.

Humor often allows us to reveal more of our version of the truth than being serious. Great humorists are Artists and they often relate more about the irony and absurdity of the human condition through their insightful observations than some of us see or certainly dare to express. When we connect through the power of laughter we all share in that moment of joy together with no regard to the nonsense we tell ourselves that prevents us from seeing ourselves in each other.

If there is one quality most needed as we traverse upon, around and above our Blue Planet it’s a healthy sense of humor. What could be more important than that? Laughter can tear down cultural and racial walls, enlighten us, move us, show us things we didn’t see and remind us that life is hilarious nearly all of the time and certainly some of the time when we stop taking ourselves and each other so seriously.

Great humorists take our guard down whether we like it or not and remind us what a great experience it is to be here if we would only just laugh a little more… or a lot more.

This essay is dedicated to my friend, Taylor Negron. 1957 – 2015

Peace, Love and Compassion,
RJ Spina

About the Author

RJ Spina – “I am a vegetarian/vegan, a meditator and an explorer of consciousness. I have always felt a deep connection to the non-physical world and as a child would tell my Mother the plans I made before being born into this life. My goals are simple: Continue to explore my consciousness, help raise the frequency and awareness of mankind and cultivate as much joy as possible. Reach out to me @



Views: 16


Comment by Besimi on January 18, 2015 at 1:49pm

Many of you may have been using baking soda around your home for years without ever even knowing what it is. We did a little digging to uncover the mystery. 

It turns out that sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a chemical salt that, in its natural form, is the mineral nahcolite. Baking soda can react as both an acid and a base, although in an aqueous solution it is a bit on the alkaline side. 

Pure nahcolite is found in abundance in the Green River Basin, which cuts through several states in the central part of our country. 

Sodium bicarbonate helps to regulate pH and keep it steady – a process known as buffering. It keeps substances from being too acidic or too alkaline. Its ability to neutralize the pH of any substance it comes in contact with makes it highly effective for so many things. 

Now, you may know about all the amazing ways you can use baking soda around your home such as:

  • Cleaning coffee makers
  • Cleaning drains
  • Ridding hair of buildup
  • Polishing silver
  • Septic care
  • Making toothpaste
  • Making deodorant
  • Cleaning brushes and combs
  • Refreshing your fridge
  • Easing itching and swelling
  • Putting out a grease fire
  • Breaking down ice on a sidewalk or driveway

But… did you know that drinking baking soda can be very healthy for you? Yes, it’s true, drinking something as simple as baking soda can drastically improve your health. What is even more amazing is that when you combine baking soda with other powerful ingredients, the healing powers are supercharged. 

The only caution we have is that you stick to an aluminum-free brand of baking soda whenever possible. 

Here are three of our favorite healthy baking soda tonics:

Ultimate energy booster and electrolyte replacer 

Do you know that nagging, dragging feeling you get when you are about halfway through your 5-run, or partway through that spin class? The feeling like you can’t push your body one bit more? 

Well, we have great news for you: this ultimate energy booster tonic will not only help motivate you to get moving, it will also help you go harder for longer no matter what physical activity you are doing. 

This is because strenuous exercise leads to a buildup of lactic acid – which can cause muscle pain and fatigue. Baking soda has been found to boost performance in athletes due to its ability to neutralize lactic acid buildup. 


  • ½ teaspoon unprocessed sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • 7 cups coconut water
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • ¼ cup raw honey


  1. Heat the coconut water on low and mix in baking soda until it is dissolved.
  2. Add other ingredients and pour mixture into glass jar.
  3. Shake well before use.
  4. This will keep for a week in the refrigerator.

Coconut water: Although coconut water has a deceptively light consistency, it has higher levels of minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium and zinc than many fruits, including the famously healthy orange. Additionally, coconut water has high amounts of B-vitamins, such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine. 

One of the best benefits of coconut water is that it is extremely high in potassium. As your body sweats during exercise or vigorous physical activity, your level of potassium drops. Coconut water has approximately 250 milligrams of potassium and 105 milligrams of sodium in every 100 milliliter serving. 

Raw honey: One of the substantial benefits of choosing raw organic honey from your area is that it contains immune stimulating properties from the area where the bees collected pollen. This means that it can actually help to desensitize you to local allergens, potentially lessening your allergy symptoms. 

The supercharged acid reflux reliever 

Because acid reflux typically results from having too little acid in your stomach, you can help improve this by mixing 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar into a 6 to 8 ounce glass of water. 

Adding ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to this mixture will further help neutralize your internal fire. Be prepared, however: this mixture will foam – so wait for it to slow down before you drink it. 

Green tea and baking soda metabolism booster 

A recent study out of Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences found that drinking green tea regularly can boost the effects of exercise to aid weight loss efforts. The study was conducted on mice that were fed a diet with high amounts of fat, exercised regularly, and given green tea extract. The mice showed an average body mass reduction of 27.1 percent and an average abdominal mass reduction of 36.6 percent. 

There are three compounds in green tea that are thought to help promote weight loss: catechins, theanine and caffeine. These substances work together to block enzymes that are responsible for fat storage in the body. 

When you combine the super-metabolizing powers of green tea with baking soda, you rev up your fat burning power while encouraging optimal pH ( 7.2) in the body. This is necessary for balance. 

A pH factor that is not optimal will cause excess acid to be stored in fat cells. An acidic person can’t burn fat well, because doing so would release the acid that is stored in body fat – and this would throw the blood pH out of whack. If your pH is not balanced, you may also feel fatigued and ill. 

Choose organic green tea and add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda to an 8 ounce cup before drinking. Enjoy daily.

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