Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Law of One

by Tanaath on 05/03/16

This one is a particularly contentious one. Like a lot of popular New Age concepts, it’s a rebranding and twisting of something very real. The Law of One states that at some level we are all one, all the same being. This is technically true, in that we are all part of Source – in this universe, we all issue from the same being and that is our Source. In other universes, we issue from other beings – the Sources of those universes. Ultimately, we, as consciousnesses, transcend universes – we exist in and of ourselves as eternal beings, created by none, beholden to none, and belonging to none but ourselves – but we do all our experiencing within universes in which we all stem from one Source while we are part of that universe. When our vessels of experiencing cease to be (in other words, we die, or whatever process that halting might take at whatever particular expression we’re in), we return to being a part of the Source Consciousness, before spinning out again to experience again. We continue this process until we tire of it and stop doing it, or the universe perishes, whichever comes first. But we are all equal expressions of the same Source. That’s what the Law of One truly is – we are all part of One Source and all of us are connected to the Tree of Life, and are part of Existence. That’s it. 

However, of course, this concept has filtered down to us with a heck of a lot of nasty, disempowering baggage, and some really horrible stuff passed off as natural, normal stuff ‘the way things should be’. There are a lot of people quoting various suppositions about the Law of One, and a lot of these things are very harmful. For instance, the notion that we are all One is often used to excuse the behaviour of abusive entities – tying in with the notion that we co-create our experience, the actions of these beings are excused as something we agreed upon or chose and that we should endure without complaint or attempting to change what we don’t like, because since we are ‘One’, the bad guys are as much us as we are. Suffering for the pleasure of nasty entities gets reframed as assisting our own selves, when anyone with a brain can see that it’s anything but. Absolutely nowhere is it demanded of us that we cater to the whims of abusive beings, just because we all come from the same Source. What they choose to do is their choice – we are free to oppose those choices and demonstrate the consequence portion of choices. No one is ever obligated to suffer at the hands of another simply because at some point we were all part of the same being. Period. 

Another inaccurate tenet that is often passed around as part of the ‘Law of One’ is that the experiential creation is an illusion. This may simply be a mistranslation – the experiential universe is a fractal hologram (which might be translated fast and loose as an ‘illusion’ by the ill-informed), but it is very, very real. It is a creation, it is a projection, and it is a hologram, but it is not ‘artificial’. The part of the universe that can be lived in and experienced is the whole point of making a universe. Being able to provide experience, or being able to have experiences, is what this is all about. To suggest that this is an illusion is to suggest that existence isn’t real or doesn’t matter. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

The Law of One is also popularly held to mean that we all return to Oneness. This is kind of true. Every time we need to take a break from experiential existence – or are forced out through death or what have you – we return to Oneness with Source. It’s part of the normal rest period that consciousnesses take before going off to have more experiences. That’s it. It’s great – without a Source to return to, the consciousness and soul matter (some call it energimata) that make up our individual selves degrade with each death if not refreshed in Source… that’s part of why we really don’t want to end up eaten by Alternate’s dead universe, because there’s no real Source to rest within, and over time any being within that dead universe will end up either annihilated due to attrition (at least as that particular expression – that person’s expression in other universes that are not affected will go on just fine, but that means nothing to the consciousness part in that dead universe), or completely batshit insane. In order to restore lost energimata, beings in a dead universe often turn to cannibalism – not literal corpse eating, but devouring the energimata of other beings in order to sustain their own existence. Life in a dead universe is vicious, cruel, intensely unpleasant, and involves doing a lot of unpleasant things just to sustain existence. That is why we need a Source, and that is why we want that Source to be connected to the Tree of Life – because otherwise we as consciousnesses are doomed to either dissolution or an interminable string of hideous experiences. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the purpose of existence is to exist, not to find a way to dissolve your consciousness as quickly as possible. When returning to Oneness, our individual consciousnesses – that part of consciousness that is our individual selves with an identity and self-awareness – are dissolved. Our individual consciousnesses – as many as possible, doing as many things as possible – is the only way for Source to complete its objective – which is to experience itself to the greatest extent possible. It can’t do that if we’re all too busy trying to be One. At some point this Source will decide it knows all it can and we will all move into Oneness (and if even oneof us isn’t in agreement and still wants to ‘play’, then we don’t do it, because clearly Source isn’t done yet in that case) – and then those of us who want to be experience providers will branch outwards as new universes while those of us who want to be experiencers will go into those new universes – and our Source here will probably tag along as a helper god for some of those new universes. And this universe will be over as a specific, singular universe and will now be a branch upon the tree. That would be the ultimate conclusion of the Law of One for a particular universe. But as long as anyone wants to continue to exist, it is not yet time for that. Nor is it a race to get to that as quickly as possible. Universes aren’t intended to be ‘speed runs’. 

With the specific ‘Law of One’ channeled material, they speak of the ‘Harvest’. This is passed along as a great returning to Oneness, and a wonderful thing and the whole point of this planet. If you look past the pretty phrasing and all the hype, what is actually being pushed here is a mass murder and a literal ‘harvest’ of energimata, and the destruction of millions or even billions of souls who are currently on Terra. The channeled ones are talking about killing us and harvesting our soul energy and framing this as some kind of positive return to Source. The ‘Harvest’ is not a natural thing, nor is it a positive thing, nor is it what we’re here for. It is simply opportunistic ET/ED beings attempting to frame their intended atrocities upon us in ways that make them seem like they’re doing something good for us. This 3D life that we have might not be working as it was intended to be, but that’s not how to fix it. It’s like burning the house down because the paint isn’t the right colour. As long as I or any of the Silver Legion exist, we will work to stop any of the rogues’ gallery of beings here slavering to participate in a harvesting of humanity. 

Of course I couldn’t go without talking about Karma… 


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