ONCE our souls advance past Level II into the intermediate ranges of development,
group cluster activity is considerably reduced. This does not mean we return to the
kind of isolation we saw with the novice soul. Souls evolving into the middle
development levels have less association with primary groups because they have
acquired the maturity and experience for operating more independently. These
souls are also reducing the number of their incarnations.
Within Levels III and IV we are at last ready for more serious responsibilities. The
relationship we have with our guides now changes from teacher-student to one of
colleagues working together. Since our old guides have acquired new student
groups, it is now our turn to develop teaching skills which will eventually qualify us
for the responsibilities of being a guide to someone else.
I have said the transitional stages of Levels II and IV are particularly difficult for
me in pinpointing a soul's development. For instance, some Level IV souls begin
targeting themselves toward primary cluster teacher training while still in Level III,
while other subjects who are clearly Level IV's find they are unsuited to be effective
Despite their high standards of morality and conduct, entities who have reached the
intermediate levels of maturity are modest about their achievements. Naturally,
each case is different, but I notice more composure with clients in this stage and
above. I see trust rather than suspicion toward the motives of others on both a
conscious and subconscious level. These people demonstrate a forward-looking
attitude of faith and confidence for the future of humanity, which encourages those
around them.
My questions to the more mature soul are directed to esoteric ideas of purpose and
creation. I admit to taking advantage of the higher knowledge possessed by these
souls for the sort of spiritual information others lack. There have been clients who
have told me they felt I pushed them rather hard in drawing out their spiritual
memories and I know they are right. The more advanced souls of this world possess
remarkable comprehension of a universal life plan. I want to learn as much as
possible from them.
My next case falls into the upper portion of Level III development, radiating a
yellow energy devoid of any reddish tones. This client was a small, nondescript man
nearly fifty years old. His demeanor was quietly courteous towards me when we
met, and I thought him a trifle solemn. I felt his unassuming detachment was
somewhat studied, almost as a cover for stronger emotions. The most striking
feature about him was his dark, morose eyes, which grew more intense as he began
to talk about himself in a direct and persuasive manner.
He told me he worked for a charitable organization dispensing food to the homeless,
and that he had once been a journalist. This client had traveled quite some distance
to discuss with me his concern over a decline in enthusiasm for his work. He said he
was tired and wanted to spend the rest of his life quietly alone. His first session
involved a review of the highlights of many past lives so we could better evaluate a
proper course for the remainder of his current life.
I began by regressing the subject rapidly through a series of early lives starting
from his first life as a Cro-Magnon man in a Stone Age culture some 30,000 years
ago. As we moved forward in time, I noted a consistency of lone-wolf behavior
patterns as opposed to normal tribal integration. From about 3,000 BC to 500 BC,
my client lived a number of lives in the Middle East during the rise of the early city
states in Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian cultures. Nevertheless, even in lives as
a woman, this subject often avoided family ties, including having no children. As a
man, he showed a preference for nomadism.
By the time we reached a life in Europe during the Dark Ages, I was becoming
accustomed to a rebellious soul resisting tyrannical societies. During his lives, my
subject worked to uplift people from fear, while remaining non-aligned to opposing
factions. Suffering hardships and many setbacks, he continued as a wanderer with
an obsession for freedom of movement.
Some lives were not too productive, but during the twelfth century I found him in
Central America in the body of an Aztec, organizing a band
of Indians against the oppressions of a high priest. He was killed in this setting as a
virtual outcast, while promoting non-violent relations between tribes who were
traditional enemies.
In the fourteenth century, this soul was a European chronicler, traveling the silk
road to Cathay to gain understanding of the peoples of Asia. Always facile with
languages (as he is today), my client died in Asia as an old man happily living in a
peasant village. In Japan, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, he was a
member of the clan of the Bleeding Crane. These men were respected, independent
Samurai mercenaries. At the end of this life my subject was living in seclusion from
the ruling Tokugawa shoguns, because he had advised their weaker opponents on
battle strategy.
Frequently the outsider, always an explorer searching for truth across many lands,
this soul continued to seek a rational meaning to life while giving aid to those he met
along the way. I was surprised when he popped up as the wife of an American
farmer on the frontier in the nineteenth century. The farmer died soon after their
marriage. I learned my subject had deliberately incarnated to be a widow with
children, tied to a piece of property, as an exercise in the loss of mobility.
When this part of his session ended I knew I was working with a more advanced,
older soul, even though he had a great many lives we did not review. Since this soul
is approaching Level IV, I would not have been surprised if his first appearance on
Earth had gone back 70,000 years rather than half that amount of time. However, as
I have mentioned, it is not an absolute prerequisite that souls have hundreds of
physical lives in order to advance. I once had a client who entered into a Level III
state of awareness after only 4,000 years-an outstanding performance.
I talked to my client about his current life and his customary methods of learning in
previous lives. He explained he had never been married, and that social nonalignments
worked best for him. I suggested a few alternatives for his consideration.
Primarily, I felt his lack of intimacy with people in too many lives was obstructing
his progress. When this session ended, he was anxious that we explore his mind
further for perceptions about the spirit world in another session. Upon his arrival
the next day, I placed him in a superconscious state and we went back to work.
Case 22
Dr. N: By what name are you called in the spirit world?
S: I am called Nenthum.
Dr. N: Nenthum, do you have spirits around you right now or are you alone?
S: (pause) I am with two of my long-time companions.
Dr. N: What are their names?
S: Raoul and Senji.
Dr. N: And are the three of you part of a larger spiritual group of souls working
S: We were ... but now the three of us work... more by ourselves.
Dr. N: What are the three of you doing at this moment?
S: We are discussing the best ways to help each other during our incarnations.
Dr. N: Tell me what you do for each other.
S: I help Senji to forgive herself for mistakes and appreciate her own worth. She
needs to stop being a mother-figure all the time on Earth.
Dr. N: How does she assist you?
S: To... see my lack of a sense of belonging.
Dr. N: Give me an example of Senji's actions to assist you with this issue.
S: Well, she was my wife in Japan after my days as a warrior were over. (something
is troubling Nenthum, and after a pause he adds the following) Raoul likes to pair
with Senji and I am usually alone.
Dr. N: What about Raoul, how do you two help each other?
S: I help him with patience and he helps me with my tendency to avoid community
Dr. N: Are you always two males and a female in your incarnations on Earth?
S: No, we can change-and do-but this is comfortable for us.
Dr. N: Why are the three of you working independently from the rest of your
spiritual group?
S: (pause) Oh, we see them here... some have not gone forward with us ... a few
others are further ahead of us in their tasks.
Dr. N: Do you have a guide or teacher?
S: (in a soft tone) She is Idis.
Dr. N: It sounds to me as if you have a high regard for her. Do you communicate
well with Idis?
S: Yes I do-not that we don't have our disagreements.
Dr. N: What is the main area of conflict between the two of you?
S: She doesn't reincarnate much, and I tell her she should have more direct
exposure to current conditions on Earth.
Dr. N: Are you mentally in tune with Idis to such an extent that you know all about
her background training as a guide?
S: (shakes head while pondering) It isn't that we can't ask questions ... but we can
only question what we know. Idis reveals to me what she thinks is relevant to my
own experience.
Dr. N: Are guides able to screen their thoughts so you can't read their minds
S: Yes, the older ones get proficient at that-knowing how to filter things we don't
need to know because this knowledge would confuse us.
Dr. N: Will you learn to filter images?
S: I already have ... a little.
Dr. N: This must be why I have had many people tell me they have not been given
definitive answers by their guides to all their questions.
S: Yes, and the intent of the question is important ... when it was asked and why.
Perhaps it was not in their best interests to be given certain information which
might disrupt them.
Dr. N: Aside from her teaching techniques, are you fond of Idis in terms of her
S: Yes ... I just wish she would agree to come with me... once.
Dr. N: Oh, you would like to actually have an Earth incarnation with her?
S: (grins mischievously) I have told her we might relate better here if she would
consent to come to Earth sometime and mate with me.
Dr. N: And what does Idis say to that suggestion?
S: She laughs and says she will think about it-if I can prove to her that it would be
At this junction I ask Nenthum how long Idis has been associated with him and
learn she was assigned these three entities when they moved into Level III.
Nenthum, Raoul, and Senji are also under the tutelage of a beloved older master
guide who has been with them since the beginning of their existence. It would be
inaccurate to assume that more advanced spirits lead lonely spiritual lives. This
subject told me he was in contact with many souls. Raoul and Senji were simply his
closest friends.
Levels III and IV are significant stages for souls in their development because now
they are given increased responsibilities for younger souls. The status of a guide is
not given to us all at once, however. As with many other aspects of soul life, we are
carefully tested. The intermediate levels are trial periods for potential teachers.
While our aura is still yellow, our mentors assign us a soul to look after, and then
evaluate our leadership performance both in and out of physical incarnations.
Only if this preliminary training is successful are we allowed to function even at the
level of a junior guide. Not everyone is suited for teaching, but this does not keep us
from becoming an advanced soul in the blue section. Guides, like everyone else, have
different abilities and talents, as well as shortcomings. By the time we reach Level V,
our soul aptitudes are well known in the spirit world. We are given occupational
duties commensurate with our abilities, which I will go into later in this chapter.
Different avenues of approach to learning eventually bring all of us to the same end
in acquiring spiritual wholeness. The richness of diversity is part of a master plan
for the advancement of every soul, and I am interested in how Case 22 is
progressing in Level III.
Dr. N: Nenthum, can you tell me if Idis is preparing you to be a guide, assuming you
have an interest in that activity?
S: (quick response) I do have an interest.
Dr. N: Oh, then are you developing as a guide yourself?
S: (modestly) Don't make too much of it. I'm really no more than a caretaker ...
helping Idis and taking directions.
Dr. N: Do you try and imitate her teaching style?
S: No, we are different. As an apprentice-a caretaker-I couldn't do what she is able
to accomplish, anyway.
Dr. N: When did you know you were ready to be a caretaker and begin assisting
others spiritually?
S: It's an ... awareness which comes over you after a great number of lives ... that
you are more in balance with yourself than previously, and are able to aid people as
a spirit and in the flesh.
Dr. N: Are you operating in or out of the spirit world as a caretaker at this time?
S: (has difficulty in forming a response) I'm out ... in two lives.
Dr. N: Are you living in two parallel lives now?
S: Yes, I am.
Dr. N: Where are you living in this other life?
S: Canada.
Dr. N: Is geography important to your Canadian assignment?
S: Yes, I picked a poor family in a rural community where I would be more
indispensable. I'm in a small mountain town.
Dr. N: Give me the details of this Canadian life and your responsibilities.
S: (slowly) I'm ... taking care of my brother Billy. His face and hands were horribly
burned by a flash fire from a kitchen stove when he was four years old. I was ten
when it happened.
Dr. N: Are you the same age in the Canadian life as you are now in your American
S: About the same.
Dr. N: And your prime assignment in the Canadian life?
S: To care for Billy. To help him see the world past his pain. He is almost blind and
his facial disfigurement causes him to be rejected by the community. I try to open
him to an acceptance of life and to know who he really is from the inside. I read to
him and go for walks in the forest holding his arm. I don't hold his hands because
they are so damaged.
Dr. N: What about your Canadian parents?
S: (without boasting) I am the parent. My father left after the fire and never came
back. He was a weak man who was not kind to the family even before the fire. My
mother's soul is not very... capable in her body. They need someone with seasoning.
Dr. N: Someone physically strong?
S: (laughing) No, I'm a woman in Canada. I'm Billy's sister. My mother and brother
require someone mentally tough to hold the family together and give them a course
to follow.
Dr. N: How do you provide for the family?
S: I am a baker and I'll never marry, because I can't leave them.
Dr. N: What is your brother's major lesson?
S: To acquire humility without being crushed by a life of little self-gratification.
Dr. N: Why didn't you take the role of your burned brother? Wouldn't that
scenario provide you with the more difficult challenge?
S: (grimacing) Hmm-I've already been through that one!
Note: This subject has been physically injured in a number of past lives.
Dr. N: Yes, I suppose you have. I wonder if Billy's soul was ever involved with
physically hurting you in one of your past lives?
S: As a matter of fact, he did in one of them. When I was the sufferer another
caretaker stayed with me and I was a grateful receiver. Now it is Billy's turn and I
am here for him.
Dr. N: Did you know in advance your brother was going to be incapacitated before
you came into the Canadian life?
S: Sure, Idis and I discussed the whole situation. She said Billy's soul would require
a caretaker, and since I had negative contact with this soul before in another life, I
welcomed the job.
Dr. N: Besides the karmic lesson for Billy's soul, there are some for you too, in terms
of your being in the role of a woman who is tied down. You can't just take off and
roam around as you often do in your lives.
S: That's true. The degree of difficulty in a life is measured by how challenging the
situation is for you, not others. For me, being Billy's caretaker is harder than when I
was on the receiving end with another soul as my caretaker.
Dr. N: Give me the most difficult factor of this assignment for you as a caretaker.
S: To sustain a child ... through their helplessness ... to adulthood ... to teach a child
to confront torment with courage.
Dr. N: Billy's life is an extreme example, but it does seem Earth's children have
much physical and emotional pain to go through.
S: Without addressing and overcoming pain you can never really connect with who
you are and build on that. I must tell you, the more pain and adversity which come
to you as a child, the more opportunity to expand your potential.
Dr. N: And how are things working out for you as a caretaker in Canada?
S: There is a more difficult set of choices to be made in the Canadian family-unlike
my American life. But, I have confidence in myself ... to put my comprehension to
practical use.
Dr. N: Did Idis encourage or discourage your wanting to accelerate development by
living parallel lives?
S: She is always open about this ... I haven't done it too much in the past.
Dr. N: Why not?
S: Life combinations can be tiring and divisive. The effort may become counterproductive
with diminished returns for both lives.
Dr. N: Well, I see that you are helping people in both your lives today, but have you
ever lived contrasting lives where you did poorly in one life and better in another at
the same time?
S: Yes, although that was a long time ago on Earth. This is one of the advantages of
life combinations. One life can offset the other. Still, doing this can be rough going.
Dr. N: Then why do the guides permit parallel lives?
S: (scowling at me) Souls are not in a rigid bureaucratic environment. We are
allowed to make mistakes in judgement and learn from them.
Dr. N: I have the impression you think the average soul is better off living one life at
a time.
S: I would say yes, in most instances, but there are other motivations to cause us to
speed up incarnations.
Dr. N: Such as ... ?
S: (amused) The rewards for bunching up lives can allow for more reflection out of
Dr. N: You mean the rest periods between lives might last longer for us after
concurrent lives?
S: (smiles) Sure, it takes longer to reflect on two lives than one.
Dr. N: Nenthum, I just have a couple more questions on the mechanics of soulsplitting.
How do you see the manner in which you divide your soul energy into
various parts?
S: We are ... as particles ... of energized units. We originated out of one unit.
Dr. N: What was the original unit.
S: The maker.
Dr. N: Does each part of your soul remain intact, complete within itself?
S: Yes, it does.
Dr. N: Do all parts of our soul energy go out of the spirit world
when we incarnate?
S: Part of us never leaves, since we do not totally separate from the maker.
Dr. N: What does the part that remains in the spirit world do while we are on Earth
in one or more bodies?
S: It is ... more dormant ... waiting to be rejoined to the rest of our energy.
Most of my colleagues who work with past life clients have listened to overlapping
time chronologies from people living on Earth in two places at once. Occasionally,
there are three or more parallel lives. Souls in almost any stage of development are
capable of living multiple physical lives, but I really don't see much of this in my
Many people feel the idea of souls having the capacity to divide in the spirit world
and then attaching to two or more human bodies is against all their preconceptions
of a singular, individualized spirit. I confess that I too felt uncomfortable the first
time a client told me about having parallel lives. I can understand why some people
find the concept of soul duality perplexing, especially when faced with the further
proposition that one soul may even be capable of living in different dimensions
during the same relative time. What we must appreciate is, if our souls are all part
of one great oversoul energy force which divides, or extends itself to create our
souls, then why shouldn't the offspring of this intelligent soul energy have the same
capacity to detach and then recombine?
Collecting information about spiritual activity from souls who are in the higher
stages of development is sometimes frustrating. This is because the complex nature
of memory and knowledge at these levels can make it difficult to sift out what these
people recognize and won't tell me, from what they really don't know. Case 22 was
both knowledgeable and open to my questions. This case is compatible with other
accounts in my files about the diversity of soul training in the spirit world.
Dr. N: Nenthum, I want to turn now to your activities in the spirit world when you
are not so busy with Earth incarnations, interacting in souls groups and learning to
be a guide. Can you tell me of other spiritual areas in which you are occupied?
S: (long pause) Yes, there are other areas ... I know of them
Dr. N: How many?
S: (cautiously) I can think of four.
Dr. N: What would you call these areas of activity?
S: The World Without Ego, the World of All Knowing, the World of Creation and
Non-creation, and the World of Altered Time.
Dr. N: Are they worlds which exist in our physical universe?
S: One does, the rest are non-dimensional spheres of attention.
Dr. N: All right, let's start with the non-dimensional spheres. Are these three areas
in the spirit world for the use of souls?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: Why do you call all these spiritual areas worlds?
S: I see them as ... habitations for spiritual life.
Dr. N: So, three of them are mental worlds?
S: Yes, that's what they are.
Dr. N: What is the World Without Ego?
S: It's the place of learning to be.
Dr. N: I have heard of it, expressed in different ways. Doesn't it involve the
S: Yes, the newly created soul is there to learn who they are. It's the place of origin.
Dr. N: Are the ego-identities passed out at random, or is there a choice for beginner
S: The new soul is not capable of choice. You acquire your character based upon the
way your energy is ... combined ... put together for you.
Dr. N: Is there some sort of spiritual inventory of characteristics that are assigned to
souls-so much of one type, so much of another?
S: (long pause) I think many factors are considered in the allocations of that which
makes us who we are. What I do know is, once given, ego becomes a covenant
between oneself and the givers.
Dr. N: What does that mean?
S: To do the best I can with who I am.
Dr. N: So, the purpose of this world is the distribution of soul identity by advanced
S: Yes, the new soul is pure energy with no real Self yet. The World Without Ego
provides you with a signature.
Dr. N: Then why do you call it the World Without Ego?
S: Because the newly created souls arrive with no ego. The idea of Self has not come
into the new soul's consciousness. It is here where the soul is offered meaning to its
Dr. N: And does the creation of souls with personhood go on continually?
S: As far as I know, yes.
Dr. N: I want you to answer this next question carefully for me. When you acquired
your particular identity as a soul, did that automatically mean you were slated for
Earth incarnations in human form?
S: Not specifically, no. Planets don't last forever.
Dr. N: I wondered if certain types of souls have an affinity for specific forms of
physical life in the universe?
S: (pause) I won't argue against that.
Dr. N: In your beginnings, Nenthum, were you given the opportunity to choose
other planetary hosts besides humans on Earth?
S: Ah ... as a new soul ... the guides assist in those selections. I was drawn to human
Dr. N: Were you given other choices?
S: (long pause) Yes ... but it's not very clear at the moment. They usually start you
on an easy world or two, without much to do. Then I was offered service on this
severe planet.
Dr. N: Earth is considered severe?
S: Yes. On some worlds you must overcome physical discomforts-even suffering.
Others lean toward mental contests. Earth has both. We get kudos for doing well on the hard worlds. (smiling) We are called the adventurous ones by those who don't travel much.
Dr. N: What really appeals to you about Earth?
S: The kinship humans have for each other while they struggle against one another
... competing and collaborating at the same time.
Dr. N: Isn't that a contradiction?
S: (laughs) That's what appeals to me-mediating quarrels of a fallible race which
has so much pride and need of self-respect. The human brain is rather unique, you
Dr. N: How?
S: Humans are egocentric but vulnerable. They can make their character mean and
yet have a great capacity for kindness. There is weak and courageous behavior on
Earth. It's always a push-me pull-you tug-of-war going on with human values. This
diversity suits my soul.
Dr. N: What are some of the other things about human hosts which might appeal to
the souls who are sent to Earth?
S: Hmm... those of us developing on Earth have ... a sanction to help humans know
of the infinite beyond their life and to assist them in expressing true benevolence
through their passion. Having a passion to fight for life-that's what is so worthwhile
about humanity.
Dr. N: Humans also have a great capacity for malevolence.
S: That's part of the passion. But it's evolving too, and when humans experience
trouble, they can be at their best and are ... quite noble.
Dr. N: Perhaps it is the soul which fosters the positive characteristics you suggested?
S: We try to enhance what is already there.
Dr. N: Does any soul ever go back to the World Without Ego after they have once
been there and acquired identity?
S: (uncomfortable) Yes ... but I don't want to get into that
Dr. N: Well, then we won't, but I have been told some souls do return if their
conduct during physical assignments is consistently irregular. I have the impression
they are considered defective and are returned to the factory for a kind of spiritual
prefrontal lobotomy?
S: (subject shakes his head with annoyance) I am offended by that description.
Where did you get such a notion? Those souls who have developed severe obstacles
to improvement are mended by the restoration of positive energy.
Dr. N: Is this procedure just for Earth souls?
S: No, young souls from everywhere may require restoration as a last resort.
Dr. N: Are these restored spirits then allowed to return to their respective groups
and eventually go back to incarnating on physical worlds?
S: (sighs deeply) Yes.
Dr. N: How would you compare the World Without Ego to the World of All
S: They are opposites. This world is not for young souls.
Dr. N: Have you been to the World of All Knowing?
S: No, I'm not ready. I am only aware of it as a place we strive for.
Dr. N: What do you know about this spiritual area?
S: (long pause) It is a place of contemplation ... the ultimate mental world of
planning and design. I can tell you little about this sphere except it is the final
destination of all thought. The senses of all living things are coordinated here.
Dr. N: Then the World of All Knowing is abstract in the highest form?
S: Yes, it's about blending content with form-the rational with ideals. It is a
dimension where the realization of all our hopes and dreams is possible.
Dr. N: Well, if you can't go there yet, how come you know about it?
S: We get ... glimpses ... as an incentive to encourage us to make that final effort to
finish our work and join the masters.
The foundation of the spirit world is a place of knowing and has been alluded to
under different names by clients. I am given only bare references to this universal
absolute, because even my advanced subjects have no direct experience there. All
souls are anxious to reach and be absorbed by this nucleus, especially as they draw
closer and are enticed by what little they can see. I'm afraid the World of All
Knowing can only be fully understood by a non-reincarnating soul above Level V.
Dr. N: If the World Without Ego and the World of All Knowing are at opposite ends
of a soul's experience, then where does the World of Altered Time fall?
S: This sphere is available to all souls because it represents their own physical
world. In my case, it is Earth.
Dr. N: Oh, this must be the physical dimension you told me about?
S: No, the sphere of Earth is only simulated for my use.
Dr. N: Then all souls in the spirit world wouldn't study the same simulated world?
S: No, each of us studies our own geographical planet, where we incarnate. They are
physically real ... temporarily.
Dr. N: And you don't physically live on this simulated world which appears as
Earth-you only use it?
S: Yes, that's right-for training purposes.
Dr. N: Why do you call this third sphere the World of Altered Time?
S: Because we can change time sequences to study specific events.
Dr. N: What is the basic purpose of doing this?
S: To improve my decisions for life. This study makes me more discriminating and
prepares me for the World of All Knowing.
Note: Subjects frequently use the term "world" to describe non-physical spatial
work areas. These regions can be tiny or indescribably large in relation to the soul
and may involve different dimensions. I believe there are separate realities for
different learning experiences outside the restrictions of time. The coexistence of
past, present, and future time in spiritual settings suggested by this case will be
explored further in the next two chapters with Cases 23 and 25.
Dr. N: We haven't talked about the World of Creation and Non-creation. This must
be the three-dimensional physical world you spoke of earlier.
S: Yes, and we enjoy using it as well.
Dr. N: Is this world intended for the use of all souls?
S: No, it is not. I'm just starting to apply myself there. I am considered a newcomer.
Dr. N: Well, before we get into that, I want to ask if this physical world is the same
as Earth.
S: No, it is a little different. It's larger and somewhat colder. There is less waterfewer
oceans, but similar.
Dr. N: Is this planet further from its sun than Earth is from our sun?
S: Yes.
Dr. N: If I could call this physical world Earth II, since it seems to be geographically
similar to the Earth we know, would it be near Earth I in the sky?
S: No.
Dr. N: Where is Earth II in relation to Earth I?
S: (pause) I can't tell you.
Dr. N: Is Earth II in our Milky Way galaxy?
S: (long pause) No, I think it's further away.
Dr. N: Could I see the galaxy Earth II is located in with a telescope from my
S: I... would think so.
Dr. N: Would you say the galaxy containing this physical world is shaped like a
spiral as our galaxy, or is it elliptical? How would it look in a telescope from a long
way off?
S: ... as a great extended ... chain ... (with a troubled expression) I can't tell you
Note: As an amateur stargazer who uses a large reflector telescope designed for
deep sky objects, I am always inquisitive when a session takes an
astronomical turn. Client responses to these kinds of questions usually fall short of
my expectations. I am never sure if this is due to blocking by guides or the subject's
lack of a physical frame of reference between Earth and the rest of our universe.
Dr. N: (I throw out a leading question) I suppose you go to Earth II to reincarnate
with some sort of intelligent being?
S: (loudly) No! That's just what we don't want to do there.
Dr. N: When do you go to Earth II?
S: Between my lives on this Earth.
Dr. N: Why do you go to Earth II?
S: We go there to create and just enjoy ourselves as free spirits.
Dr. N: And you don't bother the inhabitants of Earth II?
S: (enthusiastically) There are no people ... it's so peaceful ... we roam among the
forests, the deserts, and over oceans with no responsibilities.
Dr. N: What is the highest form of life on Earth II?
S: (evasive) Oh ... small animals ... without much intelligence.
Dr. N: Do animals have souls?
S: Yes, all living things do-but they have very simple fragments of mind energy.
Dr. N: Has your soul, and that of your friends, evolved from using lower forms of
physical life on Earth I after your creation?
S: We don't know for sure, but none of us thinks so.
Dr. N: Why not?
S: Because intelligent energy is arranged by ... a precedence of life. Plants, insects,
reptiles-each is in a family of souls.
Dr. N: And all categories of living things are separated from each other?
S: No. The maker's energy joins the units of every living thing in existence.
Dr. N: Are you involved with this element of creation?
S: (startled) Oh, no!
Dr. N: Well, who is selected to visit Earth II?
S: Those of us who are connected with Earth come here. This is a vacation spot
compared to Earth.
Dr. N: Why?
S: There is no fighting, bickering, or striving for supremacy. There is a pristine
atmosphere and all life is ... quiet. This place gives us an incentive to return to Earth
and make it more peaceful, too.
Dr. N: Well, I do see how this Garden of Eden would allow you to rest and be
carefree, but you also said you come here to create.
S: Yes, we do.
Dr. N: It is no accident then that souls from Earth come to a world that is so similar
S: That's right.
Dr. N: Do other souls, who are not earthbound, go to physical worlds which
resemble those planets where they incarnate?
S: Yes ... younger worlds with simpler organisms ... to learn to create without any
intelligent life around.
Dr. N: Go on.
S: We can experiment with creation and see it developing here. It's as if you were in
a lab where you can form physical things from your energy.
Dr. N: Do these physical things resemble what you might see on Earth I?
S: Yes, only on Earth. That's why I am here.
Dr. N: Start with your arrival on Earth II and explain to me what your soul does
S: (balks at my question and then finally says) I'm ... not very good.
Note: Since this subject is experiencing resistance, I take a few minutes for
reconditioning and end with the following: "On the count of three you will feel more
relaxed about telling me what you and Idis consider appropriate for my knowledge.
One, two, three!" I repeat my question.
S: I look to see what I am supposed to make on the ground in front of me. Then I
mold the object in my mind and try and create the same thing with small doses of
energy. The teachers assist us with ... control. I'm supposed to see my mistakes and
make corrections.
Dr. N: Who are the teachers?
S: Idis and Mulcafgil (subject's highly advanced guide) ... and there are other
instructors around ... I don't know them very well.
Dr. N: Try to be as clear as possible. What exactly are you doing?
S: We... form things...
Dr. N: Living things?
S: I'm not ready for that yet. I experiment with the basic elements-you know,
hydrogen and oxygen-to create planetary substance ... rocks, air, water ... keeping
everything very small.
Dr. N: Do you actually create the basic elements of our universe?
S: No, I just use the elements available.
Dr. N: In what way?
S: I take the basic elements and charge them with impulses from my energy ... and
they can change.
Dr. N: Change into what?
S: (simply) I'm good with rocks ...
Dr. N: How do you form rocks with your energy?
S: Oh ... by learning to heat and cool ... dust ... to make it hard.
Dr. N: Do you make the minerals in the dust?
S: They do that for you ... the teachers give us that stuff ... gas vapors for water
making ... and so on ...
Dr. N: I want to understand this clearly. Your work consists of learning to create by
causing heat, pressure, and cooling from your energy flow?
S: That's about right-by alternating our currents of energy radiation.
Dr. N: So, you don't actually produce the substance of rock and water in some
chemical way?
S: No, like I told you, my job is to transform things by ... mixing what I am given. I
play with the frequency and dosages of my energy-it's tricky, but not too
complicated ...
Dr. N: Not complicated! I thought nature did those things?
S: (laughs) Who do you think nature is?
Dr. N: Well, who creates the basic elements of your experiments-the primary
substances of physical matter?
S: The maker ... and those creating on a grander scale than me.
Dr. N: Well, in a sense you are creating inanimate objects such as rocks.
S: Hmm... it's more our trying to copy what we see in front of us what we know. (as
an afterthought) I'm getting into plants but I can't do them yet.
Dr. N: And you start small, experimenting until you get better?
S: That's it. We copy things and compare them against the original so we can make
larger models.
Dr. N: This all sounds like souls playing as children in a sandbox with toys.
S: (smiles) We are children. Directing an energy flow resembles the sculpturing of
Dr. N: Are the other members of this creative training class from your original
cluster group?
S: Some are. Most come from all over (the spirit world), but they have all
incarnated on Earth.
Dr. N: Does everyone make the same things as you do?
S: Well, of course, some of us are better with certain things, but we help each other.
The teachers come around and give us tips and advice on how to improve ... but ...
Dr. N: But, what?
S: (sheepishly) If I am clumsy and do a bad job, I disassemble some creations
without showing them to Idis.
Dr. N: Give me an example.
S: Plants ... I don't apply my energy delicately enough to produce the proper
chemical conversions.
Dr. N: You are not good with the formation of plant life?
S: No, so I undo my abominations.
Dr. N: Is this what you mean by uncreation? You can destroy energy?
S: Energy can't be destroyed. We reassemble it and start over using different
Dr. N: I don't see why the creator needs your help in creating.
S: For our benefit. We participate in these exercises so that when our work is judged
to be of quality, hopefully we can make real contributions to life.
Dr. N: If we are all working up the ladder of development as souls, Nenthum, I am
left with the impression the spirit world is one huge organizational pyramid with a
supreme authority of power at the top.
S: (sighs) No, you are wrong. It is not a pyramid. We are all threads in the same
long piece of fabric. We are all woven into it.
Dr. N: It's hard for me to visualize fabric when there are so many levels of
competency for souls.
S: Think of it as a moving continuum rather than souls being in brackets of highs
and lows.
Dr. N: I always think of souls moving up in their existence.
S: I know you do, but consider us moving across
Dr. N: Give me something I can picture in my mind.
S: It's as if we are all part of a universal train on a flat track of existence. Most of
the souls on Earth are in one car moving along the track.
Dr. N: Are all other souls in different cars?
S: Yes, but all on the same track.
Dr. N: Where are the conductors such as Idis?
S: They move back and forth between the connected cars, but sit closer to the
Dr. N: Where is the engine?
S: The maker? Up front, naturally.
Dr. N: Can you see the engine from your car?
S: (laughs at me) No, but I can smell the smoke. I can feel the engine rumbling along
and I can hear the motor.
Dr. N: It would be nice if all of us were closer to the engine.
S: Ultimately, we will be.
I have found it is not necessary for souls to go to physical worlds when they begin
using their energy in life creation training. Apparently, these exercises begin in
group settings where souls find it easier to pool their energy with each other and
their instructor. A subject explained the process this way. "When I started, my
group formed a circle around Senwa (guide). Collectively, we had to practice so
hard to harmonize our thoughts and fine-tune our ability to all focus on one thing
with the same intensity. One time we were working on a tree leaf after Senwa
demonstrated how it should appear in front of us. As we directed our beams of
energy for texture, color, and shape we kept messing up. We weren't unified, so a
small part of the leaf did not have the proper veining and pigmentation. I am very
serious and kind of a perfectionist in my studies, but Nemi (the group jokester) was
deliberately alternating his energy the wrong way to screw up the experiment for
laughs and because he was tired of the lesson. We finally got him to behave and
completed the assignment."
From what I am able to determine, souls are expected to individually work with the
forces of creation by the time they are solidly established in Level III. Exposure to
plant photosynthesis takes place before student souls work up the organic scale of
life. I am told that early creation training consists of souls learning relationships
between substances to develop the ability of unifying their energy with different
values in the elements. The formation of inanimate to animate objects from the
simple to the complex is a long, slow process. Students are encouraged to create
miniature planetary microhabitats for a given set of organisms which can adapt to
certain environmental conditions. With practice comes improvement, but not until
they approach Level V do my clients begin to feel they might actually contribute to
the development of living things. We will hear more about this with Case 23.
Some souls seem to have a natural gift for working with energy in their creation
classes. My cases indicate ability in creation assignments does not mean a soul is at
the same level of advancement in all other areas of the spiritual curricula. A soul
may be a good technician in harnessing the forces of creation, but lack the subtle
techniques of a competent guide. Perhaps this is why I have been given the
impression that the highly advanced soul is allowed to specialize.
In the previous chapter, I explained some benefits of soul solitude and the last case
gave us another example. Spiritual experience is not easily translated into human
language. Case 22 talks about the World of Altered Time as a means of transient
planetary study. To someone in trance, it is the timeless mental world that is true
reality while all else is an illusion created for various benefits. Other subjects at
about the same level call this sphere "the space of transformation" or simply
"rooms of recreation." Here, I'm told, souls are able to meld their energy into
animate and inanimate objects created for learning and pleasure. One subject said
to me, "I think of what I want and it happens. I know I'm being assisted. We can be
anything familiar to our past experiences.
For instance, souls can become rocks to capture the essence of density, trees for
serenity, water for a flowing cohesiveness, butterflies for freedom and beauty and
whales for power and immensity. People deny these actions represent former
earthly transmigrations. I have also learned souls may become amorphous without
substance or texture and totally integrate into a particular feeling, such as
compassion, to sharpen their sensitivity.
Some subjects tell of being mystical spirits of nature including figures I associate
with folklore, such as elves, giants and mermaids. Personal contact with strange
mythological beasts are mentioned as well. Theses accounts are so vivid it is hard for
me to simply label them as metaphoric. Are the old folk tales of many races pure
superstition, or manifestations of shared soul experience? I have the sense that
many of our legends are the sympathetic memories of souls carried from other
places to Earth long ago.
Taken from Michael Newton's book 'Journey of Souls'
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