Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Increasing Source Light By Dr Schavi

The Increasing Source Light
By Dr Schavi

As conditions in any planetary realm become more chaotic, SOURCE increases “ITS” spiritual electromagnetic frequency of SACRED LIGHT.

This is happening, and has been happening on Earth/Gaia for many ages as human collective consciousness has spiraled downwards and has manifested dire situations.

Just as turning on a light switch in a room shows what may need to be polished or cleansed, so too, does SOURCE LIGHT allow to be revealed what needs to be removed from a planetary realm.

Therefore, during this space/time continuum, various lower vibratory levels of consciousness that manifest as political turmoil and sociological confusion will be allowed to be witnessed, and agendas that were once secret will be known by the planetary populace.

These “secrets” will involve supposed economic crises due to foreign warfare, manipulation of the human brain processes so as to cause particular reactions, engineering of artificial non-nutritious foods, attempts to interfere with incoming regenerative Sunlight, and much more....+at

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