Much of our conscious expansion depends upon our ability to trust ourselves. In order to be truly open to higher vibrations, we need to be able to stay aligned with the energy of our heart in every moment. Only by being able to do this can we trust ourselves to stay positive and unencumbered emotionally.
This is a challenge, because we have deep attachments to limiting beliefs and cravings that need resolution. We can accomplish this by facing our doubts and fears with compassion and inner knowing. Practicing just being present awareness can be a way to expand our consciousness, because we become able to align with our intuition.
If we trust ourselves, having faced our fears, can we be open to higher consciousness. We can resolve our fears through opening our awareness to the conscious life force coming to us through the heart of our Being.
It is beyond time and space, but we can be aware of its presence by how it feels, when we are just present awareness. It is our connection to all conscious beings and has the vibration of unconditional love and joy. This is the creative consciousness of our true Being, and it is life-enhancing in every way...>>>
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