Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Holy Truth Archangel Michael via Kerstin Eriksson

The Holy Truth
Archangel Michael
via Kerstin Eriksson

I am archangel Michael and today I will speak about what really matters!

Your world is rising and your knowledge, your inner wisdom awakens more and more for every sunrise.

You are truly a flower of wisdom, you have several layers, multiple branches spreading out from you.

You are a rare temple of the holy truth!

How do I mean?

You are a pillar of light and on this pillar many circles form a beautiful pattern. They are all in wonderful colors that are radiant with colors of love.

You are a manifest of love and you carry this with you wherever you go and whatever you do.

All you have to take care of is yourself.

All you have to really tend to is being faithful to yourself and what is the true love for you.

Many times you feel that you have to wait for people around you to awaken to what you are, they don´t understand, yet. But they will. Many are now awakening, and they are now where you where many years back

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