Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Heat of Profound Change, Cleansing, and Clearing

By Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, Arcturian High Council
Channel Marie Mohler

Dear Ones,

It is Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, and the Arcturian High Council here, streaming through the Christed Light of The All That Is. You are each and all part of this Universal Christ Consciousness, and thus you are each and all part of Unity Consciousness and the Oneness that All Truly Is. Your world in a 3D Matrix has been stretched, and stretched, and stretched. Yes? To the point where it seems perhaps it can stretch no longer. Or it may burst. From all of the demands placed on your structures, your systems, your beliefs, your religions, and your daily lives. Yes? Does bursting sound like an infinite, expansive universe?

Or an infinite, expansive Divine Creation? We don’t think so. So what is bursting is an intricate web of narratives, and beliefs, that supported false structures, a false imprisonment, a false or illusory world, based on deceptions, corruption, conspiracies, and manipulations to make the illusions appear real like Truth is meant to be. Yet that which is not real, that which is not True, and that which is not Godly and Original Source Creation . . . cannot last forever. For it doesn’t have forever frequencies. ...+

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