The regimen for ALL cancer patients comes at the cancer from six different "directions.
" Six different theories about how to deal with cancer cells.
All of these six forms of treatment are gentle (no dangerous, too-rapid "die off"),
non-toxic and they all work together.
They are, in fact, synergistic. They help each other.
They Address The Four Characteristics Of Every Cancer.
These four conditions must be corrected before anyone can get over cancer:
1) A weak immune system;
2) A lack of oxygen to the cells;
3) Excessive toxins;
4) Acidity. Conventional cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radiation and surgery)
makes all of these conditions worse.
In fact, it is responsible for almost all the deaths attributed to "cancer."
That's right. The "treatment" causes the deaths -- not the cancer.
Why? The conventional cancer treatments are approaching the cancer tumor
(or its existence in your blood,
lymph system or bone marrow) as if it were the "enemy." Kill the cancer cells at all costs!
Those costs may be your heart, your liver, your kidneys -- or your life.
Why do they do these things?
There are several effective ways to treat cancer.
All of them are non-toxic and harmless to your other organs.
Why doesn't your cancer doctor tell you about these options? Can you spell M-O-N-E-Y?
The average cancer patient (like you) generates $1.3 million in revenue for the cancer "industry."
Do you think they want you to be healed by something that costs pennies a day?
Starseed Claude
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