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The Guardian Churns Out Embarrassingly Awful Empire Propaganda Caitlin Johnstone

The Guardian Churns Out Embarrassingly Awful Empire Propaganda
Caitlin Johnstone
Posted on June 19, 2022

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The Guardian Churns Out Embarrassingly Awful Empire Propaganda by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

The Guardian has put out a smear piece on critics of the imperial Syria narrative that reads like propaganda made by seven year-olds without adult supervision.

The article was initially released under the headline "Russia-backed network of Syria conspiracy theorists identified," which was then hastily edited to "Network of Syria conspiracy theorists identified," because the article does not even make an attempt to argue that all of the so-called "conspiracy theorists" it smears are backed by the Russian government. It claims only that the Russian government has at times cited and amplified information about Syria which is inconvenient for the US empire, which, you know, duh. Obviously it's going to do that.

Your first clue that you are reading brazen empire smut is the feature image The Guardian uses for the article: a cinematic shot of a member of the "White Helmets" heroically carrying a child in front of a destroyed building. The photo is credited to Sameer Al-Doumy, whose own website describes him as an anti-Assad activist since childhood. Even if you knew nothing about the Syrian conflict or the White Helmets narrative control operation, if you knew anything at all about propaganda and how it's used you would still instantly recognize that photo for what it is.++++

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