Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

My name is David and I am here to assist this planet through its transformation into the Golden Age. My mission is to re-mind the world of the true meaning of the word EDUCATION.

For hundreds of years we have been conditioned into believing that education is synonymous to compulsory schooling. Nothing could be further from the Truth. The word education derives from the Latin root educere, which means “to draw out”. Education is about drawing out what is already within us. Education is about figuring out for ourselves who we really are and who we want to be. Education is about identifying our passions, our interests and the unique gifts that we bring into the world. The answers are not ‘out there’; they are inside us. And unless we make a conscious choice to go within, we go without.

Thus, education may be defined as "a lifelong process of drawing forth from within each person the full potential that lies within them" (Daniel Greenberg, founder of Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts). The ideas of prescribed curricula and teacher-directed learning are now redundant concepts. The traditional meaning of the word 'teacher' is obsolete. In fact, the public school system as it currently stands is entirely obsolete. To borrow the words of Eric Hoffer, "In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." Mark my words, education is about to undergo the greatest and fastest transformation the world has ever witnessed. No amount of reform or restructuring of the current system will be sufficient to meet the needs of children growing up in the Golden Age. All such tinkering might be compared to carrying out repair work on a videocassette recorder with the intention of playing a DVD in it. It is not broken; it is obsolete.

We must move away from FEAR-based paradigms of education into LOVE-based ones. Education on this planet must grant children the freedom to discover the world and their place within it for themselves, without any form of adult coercion. Only then will they grow into fully-functioning, healthy, confident and responsible adults. This does not mean that we abandon children and take no interest in their development. Far from it. As adults, we are ALL teachers. We are ALL role models for our children. We must nurture and protect our children; they are far too precious to be ignored. But we must learn to TRUST them. This is, in many respects, our greatest challenge. To trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves, the problem being that most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted. We all too easily slip into the trap of attempting to guide our children - albeit with the best of intentions - towards tasks we think they 'should' be doing. In reality, no task is more or less important than any other. Inherent in every moment is the opportunity to learn something new.

Learning is an organic process and we need not be so keen to interfere. Many of us have been schooled into believing that learning must follow a prescribed sequence of carefully prepared activities to be considered valid and useful. We must break free of this false programming. There is no need to separate learning from life; they are one and the same. Learning is as natural to a child as breathing. Consider a baby learning to walk or talk. These are the most complex learning process that any human being undergoes and yet the baby masters them without the need for formal teaching from external sources. The baby esentially teachers herself to walk or talk through imitation and role play. The desire to walk or talk is an innate desire, brought about by her observation of the older and more experienced people around her. Notice, too, there is no need for extrinisic motivators in this process. All external 'rewards' (bribes) - tangile, verbal or otherwise - belong to the old paradigms of education. They will have no part to play in the Golden Age. Children will be taught to honour and respect their intrinsic motivations.

A glimpse of education in the Golden Age...

* Whole communities share responsibility for the education of children

* Children and adults are co-learners, with equal participation in a democratic learning environment

* The concepts of Freedom, Trust and Responsibility permeate all appraches to education

* Children are immersed in activities involving movement, music, art, spirituality, storytelling, fun and laughter from an early age

* Children are free to pursue their unique interests and passions, and to take risks – each child follows his own personalised and self-directed curriculum

* Children are encouraged to ask questions, to discover and create answers for themselves

* The development of 'life skills' such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, imagination, intuition, self-motivation, perseverance, teamwork and co-operation are natural by-products of the learning process

* Differences between children are celebrated (rather than labelled) - spiritual and psychic gifts are nurtured and developed

* Children are taught the following messages:
- True happiness is found within
- Fear and failure are illusions
- Love is all there is
- Love knows no condition
- They can have, do or become anything
- There is enough for everyone
- We are all ONE

Love and Light to you all.

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