Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Family That Preys Together...Stays Together

From Ken Adachi <Editor>
August 24, 2007

Study these two photos very closely. Take your time and look at them carefully. The photo on the left is a cropped and enlarged section of a group photo taken around 1938 in a mountain lodge somewhere in Germany. The boy seen in the sailor suit is 14 or 15 years old. The photo on the right was taken on March 7, 1949 in Midland, Texas showing the family of Prescott Bush standing in front of a prop driven passenger airplane. George Herbert Walker Bush is 25 years old in this photo. Now, ask yourself : are the same people posing in both photographs?

Geroreg Scherff Family 1938Prescott Bush Family ca. 1948

If your answer is "yes", then the photo on the left is the most incriminating and explosive photograph to have surfaced in the history of the United States, for reasons that will soon become apparent (I used PhotoShop to erase or 'white out' the faces of three other people in the cropped photo on the left so you could concentrate on the three individuals of interest). The full sized photo from which I made this cropped section is seen below.

Otto Skorzeny in Nazi uniform ca 1942I first saw this photo in early May of 2007. Someone had sent me a link to an eye-opening article written by Don Nicoloff and posted in April by the Idaho Observer. Don reviewed the amazing story of Eric Bermen and how he came to possess a shoebox full of photos given to him by Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's bodyguard, super commando, intelligence agent, assassin, and co-organizer - with Allen Dulles, George HW Bush, Bill Donovan, and Reinhard Gehlen- of the United States Central Intelligence Agency.

I first alluded to the Otto Skorzeny photographs in a photo essay that I posted on May 20, 2007 called "Mystery 'Person' from a September 1, 1944 Wartime Photograph (May 2... ." Since posting that article, I've had a chance to talk with Don Nicoloff on 4 or 5 occasions, and Mama Mia, can that guy dig up information! I've never met a person who has such an uncanny ability to ferret out widely divergent, yet incriminating and corroborative truckloads of evidence to buttress his contentions. You'd think he had access to the data banks of the NSA, CIA, and ONI combined! Don tells me that he's led by "intuitive hunches". If that's the case, then Don Nicoloff 's intuition is running on high octane-and in a Ferrari (Don Nicoloff is also now hosting his own internet radio show )

I overviewed the Eric Bermen/Otto Skorzeny story in greater detail in an article I titled, The Revelations of Otto Skorzeny, Part 1: Martin Bormann, Reichslei... and posted last month. I included 24 cropped 'head shots' of Martin Borman, some of them taken from official Nazi era photos, but the majority taken from Skorzeny's photos.

The original circa 1938 "lodge group photo" (seen immediately below) made available by Skorzeny is somewhat washed out in color and contrast, so I enhanced (and slightly enlarged) the image in PhotoShop for greater clarity and contrast in the second copy. I then used arrows in the third copy to point out the individuals identified by Bermen.


Scherff family and friends ca. 1938 Germany


Scherff family and friends ca. 1938 color adjusted


Scherff family & friends ca. 1938 with arrows and text

Otto Skorzeny told Eric Bermen that George Scherff Jr, identified in the above photo, and George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President of the United States, are one and the same person. After reading Don Nicoloff's article, I was initailly under the impression that George Scherff Sr. and Prescott Bush were two different men, but as I look at these photos, it seems to me that Prescott Sheldon Bush and George Scherff Sr. may be the same person. And I think it's beyond conincidence that the woman sitting in front of George Scherff Sr. in the above photo, looks astonishingly similar to Dorothy Wear Walker Bush (about 37 years old in this photo) , who eleven years later, is photographed standing in front of an airplane with her husband Prescott S. Bush, and her son, George HW Bush (or is it George H. Scherff Jr.?).

What do you think?

Ken Adachi

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